Good bye my friend

Hello Hello Silver Bloggers and everyone else hello!

This has been an eventful week in so many ways.

But it was something that I received in the post this morning that made me decide to write about friendships and in particular the end of a friendship.

What really is a friend

That is a good question which I think has become more fluid with time, both in terms of the year and our age.

I know I had lots more friends when I was younger but were they really friends.

I think the friends and best friends have got intertwined or mixed, people we like to hang out with regularly are best friends but in reality I think they are friends, and friends we don't really have alot of.

You know, the friend who would drop everything and come running if you need help.

The sort who would beg borrow oe steal to help you financially if you were in a jam.

The ones who share their projects and ambitions and want you on their journey.

The sort who thinks of you and not their self self self all the time.

Those friends we only have a handful of and they are what I class as my friends.

The rest are people, colleagues, acquaintances even people we meet online or in Hive for example.

Good people for sure, but for me never in that best friend category.

My eureka friendship evaluation moment today

At the end of July Mrs T's sister who lives in America lost her husband who passed away unexpectedly, to say it was a shock is an understatement.

As some of you may know it was my birthday almost two weeks ago.

So today I received a birthday card in the mail (post) from her.

It cut me to pieces.

To think she is grieving her husband but yet she went out and not only bought a card, went to the post office and mailed it.

What a selfless act, not only was I speechless but I was close to tears, which for me is fluffing unusual.

How many of our friends would actually do that?

Not many, hence my definition of friends / best friends.

The end of a friendship

Going to boarding school you got to develop friendships very quickly. It was also a case of survival of the fittest!

It was where I had my first taste of death when one of our Gang of Six in our dorm was killed whilst on a holiday back home in Africa.

At that age friends come and go and I guess all through our teens they do the same.

I studied Chemical Engineering in Wales but after the first year I transferred to Edinburgh for the last two years.

It was there I met a wonderful friend. He was studying Computer Science. He was a nutter to my nuttiness in other ways.

We shared a flat together for a term, and then when the landlord sold we had to move again.

He found a flat share in Elm Row off Leith Walk in Edinbugh.

This was when Edinburgh was the junkie (heroin) capital of the world.

Our flatmates were heroin addicts. Fluff me was it hard passing uni that term. I like to party far too much and if it was not for him pulling me back by the coattails I would have been there with them at nine in the morning drink pints of neat vodka before they injected themselves in the afternoon.

We moved to gentile Morningside where JK Rowling lived. We partied, I was Uncle Ed and sorted his love life. He taught me karate and what a gym was!

I was a team sports player so all this individual stuff was well odd!

For those two years we were besties I guess you could say!

Ironically his parents lived in a street only five minutes from where I live now in a different town to where we went to uni.

We graduated and went oour separate ways. Me via London and then Africa, him into the Navy and then as a North Sea Oil platform helicopter pilot.

One year Scotland had qualified for a World Cup. That was massive and I was going and had gone him tickets too.

Unlike me the massive football fan he could not give a shit about footy but he was Scottish and wanted to go.

I got time off, his was refused.

So when we were watching Scotland get humped by some team. he was piloting a helicopter to a North Sea platform, a big Shell one I think.

Long story short it was foggy weather and the crane had not been stowed properly so a boom was over the helideck.

Neither Chris my friend or the pilot realised what happened the net result was the helicopter crashed and fell into the sea with all lives lost.

How cruel a way to end a friendship.

What was worse for his parents was the media trying to accuse him as he was a copilot and was flying.

The inquest exonerated him but try telling that to any families who lost relatives.

I leave this as it is the front garden of his parents old house.

RIP Chris and yes an end to a special friendship that I will never forget.


Thanks for visiting

This was written for Memoir Monday #25 (8/26-9/1) - Have you ever lost a friendship that meant a lot to you? from @ericvancewalton and his excellent Memoir Monday initiative that has me opening up like never before.


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo. Photos taken with my smartphone.
@tengolotodo 29th August 2024 (21 Premium 6 VR)


### Haste Ye Back!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I am so sorry for the loss of your friend and the loss of a Son, my condolences to his parents. This was so sad, I had tears reading the last part. When you lose a good friend like this, it is a hurt that never heals, I lost my best friend from my childhood to cancer and did not find this out until after her death, I have so much guilt for not staying in touch with her.


Thank you and yes it was so sad. Such a waste of life and it get worse, his parents were teachers and were in Kenya when his sister was born, the mum contracted German measles and his sister was born mentally handicapped and needed 24/7 care. Then this happened to their other child. Really life can be so unfair.
The guilt though, I totally feel you and I am so sorry about your childhood friend.


That made it sadder.

Thank you but I am sorry you understand my grief, it is something I wish no one felt.


I'm really sorry for your family's loss. We had a close scare with my wife's friend's husband who is like a sister to her. We got lucky and it's so sad that others do not.


Thanks bozz it really was a shock, and am so so glad the husband of mrs bozz's friend was okay. At times it feels like a lottery as to who will be okay or not.


It really does. It's sad getting to that age when you start to lose more people like this.


We usually use the word friendship for everything: work friends, social network friends, sports friends, when they are really colleagues, acquaintances, sometimes even passing people. Real friends are very hard to find. they are like getting a gold nugget, if you have one it's because you are lucky. Beautiful photos, I loved the sunflowers.


A gold nugget, yes I like that, it sums it up perfectly. Thank you, the flowers I love and I loved the sunflowers too 🌻


Gosh, you've had a time of it. I'm glad you balance the sadness with some good memories 💖


Life is full of ups and downs, you just have to keep on smiling and celebrate the wins when they come along!
And yes, remember the good memories 💙


So sorry about the loss of your sister-in-law's husband's, it must have come as a shock to the family. She's a very beautiful soul to have taken the pains, even in her own pain, to send you a birthday card.
For Chris's demise, I can feel the devastation too, because I have been there. It's such a tragic way to end a wonderful friendship!


Yeah my sister-in-law really is a wonderful soul, I could not believe she actually did that really. Yeah when I was reading your post Edith and hearing of your friend from uni I knew you would know.


So sad that your friendship end that way. But Still great memories to look back 😐


Thank you Asia and yes you are right, celebrate those memories 💙


Good friends are not many, and they are those who are with us through thick and thin. And if we lose them, they always leave a great void in our soul. I am sorry for your losses, and of course they are irreplaceable. Your garden is beautiful and you take care of it with care. My greetings @tengolotodo good weekend.🤗


Hello @mamani thank you and I hope you are enjoying your weekend. You are right, when we lose them there is a great void in our soul. Thank you for thoughtful comment🤗


I agree with you. A friend is not just anyone, there are acquaintances, colleagues, kind strangers that you meet on Hive... Here I am in this category and I came to congratulate you belatedly on your birthday.
I am very sorry for the death of your friend and I know that it has marked you a lot, as well as the action of your sister-in-law who did not want to overlook the fact that you completed another year in the challenge that is living this life.


Wow, you have had some terrible losses in your life with the sudden deaths of people close to you. Your first story makes me think of a good friend. Her husband died suddenly last year at just 57. The irony is that she was the one battling stage 4 cancer and he was supposed to be the healthy one. It's been nearly a year and a half, but it still feels so recent.


Yeah some sudden losses right enough. Oh dear that is sad about your friend and her late husband. There is always someone who is worse off than ourselves.


Sorry to hear about your brother-in-law and your friend Ed. That is very sweet of your sister-in-law to think of you in her time of grief. You are correct in that it does show how selfless she is.


Friendship is hard-earned and when it's time to go, it's hard to depart from it. Saying goodbye is hurting too. You've travelled a lot and experienced what the outside world means and you managed to pull yourself before it turns to turmoil. When you have a goal to prove your worth is the best shield to tackle everything. At this point in time, as we grow older, it's expected that our life's candle will start to waver. I would say we have traversed this planet long enough and it's time to sit on our porch as we watch the flock or birds flying from the horizon to rest their weary wings. And you're right, the memories of yesteryears and the special friends we held close in our hearts are cherished forever. Hmm I just turned 67 last 13th of August so it's hard to imagine myself 30 years after as stated in the other memoirmonday's caption. I would be long gone by then and my kids in their senior years already. That's the law of nature no one can stop. Goodday my friend.
