Education: Social Media Influence


The age of communication was redefined by the introduction of social media. Largely, it was able to break communication and distance barriers that earlier modes of communication still could not deter. Social media has become a world of its own, existing alongside the physical world where information reaches everywhere and everyone in real-time. Due to social, users all over the world have allowed unintentional access in their respective lives.

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The Rise of An Influencer

A social media influencer is simply a user who can control and influence the decisions of some people through his activities through a social media account. Apart from the innate function of social media being used as a communication tool, there are loads of different things that go on the internet every day through this medium. An average user who posts content and begins to have lots of people (and maybe followers) views and comments is perhaps on the way to becoming a social media influencer. So, this is largely dependent on the reach - the number of followers.

What Would I Influence?

I regard myself as an advocate of Quality Education - United Nations SDG 4. I am an advocate of Education, I might wine and dine with it soon. If I were to be a social media influencer, it would have to be through and for brands in the Education sector.

As a subset, I believe that every individual by virtue of being a student or not should be able to get access to education regardless of the lack of resources that may pose a hindrance. This is possible through educational opportunities such as scholarships, grants, fellowships and so on. In Nigeria, apart from the ones organised by the federal government, private entities put out scholarships through their corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects.

However, lots of students never know that these opportunities exist at all. Only the few who know about it go on to win multiples and some do not share such updates with people around them. Those who take the pain to ensure they share the info are still spread too thin. So, utilising the privilege of being a social media influencer, I will ensure that I share timely opportunities as they come by as well as bring previous beneficiaries on board to put people through. Although I do this on a small scale, I use my WhatsApp platform to spread the news about opportunities. Yesterday, we had a webinar where the speaker was a beneficiary of the SNEPCO scholarship to talk to the participants about the application.

A screenshot of the webinar

A Step Further

Furthermore, I will leverage the rise of EdTech platforms like ULesson which are committed to revolutionizing the education sector in Nigeria. I have been seeing certain innovative approaches that these startups introduce. I believe it will go a long way. But I think they are not getting the honour they deserve yet - or as much as it should be. Now, that is where a social media influencer who is passionate about education can come in and blow the trumpet for more visibility.


Truly there will be a paradigm shift in the educational system because of you. I like your sphere of influence.


There has to be a shift for the better, in order to sustain a better modern world in Nigeria. Our education system needs a lot of work!

Thanks for coming through.


You just said it all... With your notion of influence this will change lives positively especially to the less privilege. Nice piece!


Changing lives via education is one thing I will do no matter how or where I am, God willing. God help us all!🤲

Thank you.


This will definitely change the lives of people positively and will help them to pursue their academic aspirations


Edtech platforms have a lot of potentials and something as good as that needs a lot of promotion but that is not easily the case because so many people especially those that need it the most are still in the dark about it.

The educational sector needs special attention and it is very important that they get that attention because the students of today are people that will enter important positions in the future and if their educational foundation is not right, a lot of things will be messed up.


True enough, there is still a lot that needs to be done to bring the innovative solutions to those who truly need them. But we have to always strive for the better too.

Thanks for your input, @kenechukwu97. You made a valid point.
