Al Meezan Mutual Fund (AMMF): High Risk, High Reward


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Al Meezan investment is one of the best financial market in my country which allows with investment in several products depending upon the need of investors.

Among one of them which I tried myself is AMMF (Al Meezan Mutual Fund) which is among high risk investment.

There are options such as low, medium and high risk investment. It again depends upon the investors what kind of risk they want to bear.

One thing to keep in mind is that high risk high reward and low risk low reward.

When you invest in AMMF means you have invested in whole stock market index. If incase the whole index goes upside you will be in profit and in case the index is down your wallet is also down.

The advantage for AMMF investment is that it pays yearly dividend which is equal to 12% APR.

But there is also a disadvantage with this investment. let suppose you converted your fund to AMMF, then you will not be able to withdraw for the whole day until the market is closed on that specific day.

Which means you have to wisely decided about conversion. If you think that market will go up then go and convert otherwise wait for the better opportunity.

Overall, investing for long term will be a win win situation for every investos.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha
