The Winter Wonderland In A Mazda! (Out Of Practice But Enjoying Every Second!)
Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
Spitting Up Tar!
YEAHP, It's that time again! However I am out of practice real bad! Ey playing this game only once a week can take its toll on the skills!
But fear not for the holiday season is on the way and taking a break is something I am really keen for! However I will be down at the seaside but I'll be racing a lot more while I'm down there!
Now I know I've missed out on so many cars that I could have won, perhaps I should take a long brake and make a return to the world of tar spitting with a bang!
Heck there use to be a time where I just played Forza! Good times!
The Winter Wonderland!
Well I saw this nice little event that was going on! I decided to pitch in to that oned and hit the streets racing!
The moment I went inside the stadium I couldn't stop I couldn't speed up either.
It was by far the worst feeling ever! Almost felt like I was in a real life car crash! Until I realized I was driving on ice! Scary shit!
For those who in-fact have driven on ice please do share your experience about it! Please do!
I felt a lot more at ease knowing why I couldn't stop!
Not A Win But A Fun One!
I didn't win this one nope! I did kind of expect that because I am out of practice right! Now the problem is that I was hitting ice patches here and there and so far we all know how well the ice patches went right!
With that said it was beyond fun driving around on something so wildly different! To top it off nicely I only had a selection between a bunch of Mazda's to choose! Oh but I love Mazda! I just wished they could bring in a few more modern Mazda's! Sure I know it's nothing iconic but heck I wont mind seeing a nice CX-5 in the room for a change!
Well let's enjoy the run!
Winning Didn't Matter Anymore!
Well heck it hasn't for quite a long time now! I just simply enjoy the racing but what makes the racing even MORE FUN is the fact that they give you these weird and cool looking maps every now and then!
This was one of those times! A Christmas themed map! Oh hell yeah! I was fixated on all the trees the entire time and didn't pay much attention to the roads at all! What a thing ey!
Almost like driving in traffic and spotting one of those cars you like so much! Pay no heed to the road then right! LAUGHS!
I Was Hoping On This!
If you were wondering I wasn't planning on doing this... I just came into the corner way too fast and braked way too late on the icy road!
But all the while driving around here I was wondering if the game would allow me to ddo a flip if I went real fast!
I didn't try it on purpose but it did allow me to go as high as I could! That was fun!!
It would have been a great deal cooler if I was able to be in first place when this happened! Oh that would have been a balling situation!
Well until the next rubber burning session stay good my peeps!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!
_Dated _
Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive
It was a bit strange for me to come to read you and not be able to enjoy your usual gameplays at the end of the post (You owe me). Still it was entertaining to read you. Believe me I can relate to your words when you say about playing a game once a week. That ends up being very fucked up bro, it happens to me a lot too, after I try to play I just don't do anything and end up shitting everything Hahahaha xD.
The last time I was able to play a racing game on an ice track was Crash Team Racing on the PlayStation 1 Hahahahahaa. Oh no, what a shame... But anyway bro, the important thing was that you enjoyed the race even though you didn't win it. And later when you have more time you will surely be at your best, I'm sure of that.
It's always good to come by and read you. Greetings bro!
Laugghhhsss dude I did make one I just never added it to the post! My bad! As soon as I get home I'll add it! Soz bud!
What messes me around is that I play several different games a week and if I miss one of them and jump back into that game I can't remember any of the controls. Then I am recording as well so then I try to figure it all out while not trying to look stupid in the vide 😅😅
Dude anything on Playstation one will always be legendary for me! Those were the true era of gaming!!!
Hope you have a good one bud! Stay cool!