The DCT 470... They Made It So Much Easier! (My Mind Was Blown Today!)
Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!
A Car Not Well Looked After!
So there's a lot of dispute behind this car... it's been standing in the yard since the start of this year... We tore it down and then the client didn't have the money to fix it... But he kept nagging and nagging us to finish it, yet he doesn't give the deposit!
No deposit... No fix! That's just how it works with us....
Yeahp that's me and my disgusted face of having to work on this diesel... Okay I do somewhat fancy the car but this one... it's not well maintained at all.... But We're not here to complain about what ever the bloak does with his car... Service or no service we are going to do our little part to get it running again!
Yeah with a disgusted look!
To Whom Ever Tore This Down!
Okay well when the shop opened at the start of the year I was still having a blast at the seaside! The problem is that whoever tore this down has absolutely no idea what he was doing....
You think I'm joking? Really this is hectic! Even the wipers were removed for some odd frikkin reason xD Seriously! I should have and would have gotten a photo of it but my old man jumped ahead of me and started fitting the wipers back xD! It was insane!
A whole bunch of other stuff also removed that I in a million years would never remove!! Never! Unless I do an engine rebuild!
The Easier Part!
Dang guys! I can't even describe how much easier this little spline they added makes this job!
The first gens of these... boy oh boy you had to know what to do in order to get the transmission fitted back onto the engine! Trust me I have fitted a great deal of transmissions and the first gen is a night mare! It has a bunch of teeth that needs to align with each other and then there is this one teeth that isn't quite as thick as the other...
Yeah trust... it sounds simple but really it's a headache! Fit it wrongly and you might rip both the engine and the transmission apart! It can be a great big mess! If you do that you might be without a job!
You're Home Baby Girl!
I'm sure it must feel nice hey!
I've still got a great deal to do on this vehicle but dang fitting it back in was a dream! I got her mounted on the mounting and now it's time to get her out of this shop and back on the road!
I think there might be a water leak we have to fix after this one... I'll have to hear what Bossman says because when he told the client about it the client said he will take care of that!
I doubt he will though so we might need to fix her up!
The Dawn Of A New Age!
Well well well!
Things are getting out of hand!
So the car I am working on is a Ford! So Ford is "FoMoCo" which is "Ford Motor Company!" Now what in the bajasus is a Peugeot and Citroen badge doing on a Ford Motor?
I could not believe this when I saw it! I just could not! This is simply mind blowing! I think it's witchcraft!
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