The Assault On The Video Industry Continues


Artificial intelligence is destroying the world of video. More specifically, generative AI is going to wipe how the careers for most who are dependent upon getting hired for this purpose.

Over the last year, we focused out attention on Hollywood and movie studios. entertainment is only one area of video. While is gets most of the attention, and for good reason, it is only one piece of the puzzle.

Consider all the jobs tied to video creation in the corporate world. These jobs are now under threat as more tools start to roll out.

Introducing Google videos

When we think of video, we either consider YouTube or traditional entertainment. This is common since it is what most of us consider.

However, what about corporate media. By this we are not referring to the mainstream media that is owned by corporations. Instead, we are focusing upon that which is put out by companies.

There are a host of video applications for businesses. We can see employee presentations, production launches, and sales presentations. Often, this are done by professional companies are specialize in this area.

Watch this video put out by Google to see what we are referring to.

Obviously, this is just a promotional video put out by the company. At this moment, there aren't reviews of it yet it is being included in its enterprise packages.

This means that many will be able to use this tool to create videos for some of the purposes listed above. Is this going to destory Hollywood? Of course not. It is an entirely different field.

What it does do, however, is potentially affect all those who work with local companies that have this production outsourced to them. We could start to see it being done in-house.

This is only going to grow in time as the software gets better. It is crucial to remember this is as bad as it gets. These model improve with time.

Certainly, Google hasn't had the track record with generative AI, stepping in it on numerous occasions. Perhaps even they are not the ones to change things.

Regardless of what Google is doing, there are many other companies integrating this into their products.

The battle between Microsoft, as an example, and Google is of little consequence in terms of who wins. What is important is the tools will be available to people.

Further Feeding Google

Where things get very interesting is the fact that Google is kicking off a much larger cycle.

The feedback mechanisms are always in play. Here is where we see the value of the digital business model.

Each time someone makes a video using this tool, it is producing more data for the model to train upon. Google is keeping copies of everything since this is being done on their platform. That means the more use it gets, more data is fed in.

Over time, this will help to further train the model, likely creating better output in the future.

This is one of the keys of AI. Data is everything. It is amazing how overlooked this gets. When companies can feed large amounts in, they are able to monetize it in new ways.

Personally, I am not familiar with Google's pricing structure so I can't explain how this is factoring financially. It is possible this is simply another feature to add value to an existing cost structure.

Even if there is no direct financial benefit, have more data generated further positions Google in the future. As the model improves, the applications it can design move to a higher level. This can be targeted to a high category of video creation, one where more money is involved.

It is a process we see repeating across many different companies.

Here is where we see the exponentials enter. When we look at the totality of the expansion, it is everywhere.

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Wow that's kind of a bad thing for a lot of people, the job market keep getting downsized. But having such an AI will make advertisment video much more cheap for companies than actually getting another company to do that, most small business will start having market leverage than before because of this.

I'm glad to witness something like this, especially what you said,

The more it's used the better it becomes

That's fantastic it will be always sufficient in meeting demands of people.


I saw an article that Google is also collecting data from Google Drive. While they say they don't use it for AI at the moment, their TOS also doesn't rule it out in the future. So not only is Google scraping data from websites, but also from personal data of its users. That would mean they have a lot of training data to work with. I guess with AI threatening the search engine's use case, Google has now started moving in different industries. It's like the sleeping giant has finally woken up.


AI's impact on job markets is inevitable and will continue, but it might boost small businesses with cheaper video production too that's a nice positive side I suppose


Absolutely. We are going to see small businesses flourish. I just posted a video in the technology threadcast that talked about how a small business was able to get intelligence and data extraction for a couple hundred dollars.


ooo wow I'll go check it


Yeah. I am trying to put a lot of helpful stuff in that threadcast. Let people learn what is going on within the technology realm. It is crucial for people to understand in my view.


couldn't agree more brother, understanding of what's going on is so important man


Another reason to not publish on YouTube... AI video is already killing the space with all these garbage generated videos that all still sound robotic and show these random generated images that most of the time don't have any relevance to the subject. It's killing the creativity that is needed to make a good video. It won't take over Hollyweird anytime soon, but AI video could actually kill the independent creator and advertising space. We are already seeing it with blogs and images. This will kill jobs and many other opportunities, which is why people in these fields need to be finding some other skills. When AI can make a presentation in just a couple of minutes where it would take a person an entire day working in Keynote or Powerpoint, it's a no brainer for businesses to cut costs. It's just really not good for the job markets. Between AI and DEI, it's getting hard for a poor middle aged white man like myself to get any decent work. You either have to be a robot or some multi-color haired ethnic person that is confused on what gender they are to get a job anymore. But I am not sore or anything, lol.


Well social trends change. Technological ones do not.

And the blue hairs are getting paid off. It is all good when profits are there...when things get tight, businesses focus upon other things.

The AI is already being used by Hollywood Studios.


I am sure they are using it to replace writers at this point. I don't pay enough attention to what Hollywood is doing anymore.


I am going to do an article of how all the money is flowing out.

Actors on television dont make what they did before.

Remember the Friends cast getting $1M each per episode. Now the highest paid star is $750K. Jennifer Anniston made $17M off the residuals last year. That is drying up without syndication.

So yeah, mass consolidation.


I'm mostly off of Google. I use Brave for browsing. I use backup hard drives for my photos, documents, and content. Sure, I have a Google footprint from my past private use and now my current use through my employer, but I'm not actively adding to it through AI use.

In fact, I haven't been pressing the advantages of AI much outside of a few random searches. I'm sure that will change as I will have access to AI tools through my school next year. Creating test questions to edit will become even easier and allow me to spend more time making the content of the questions more accessible to my students.

In general, I'm a lot less concerned with AI replacing my job but more concerned with how AI will make doing my job yield stronger results with easier-to-produce problem content.


In general, I'm a lot less concerned with AI replacing my job but more concerned with how AI will make doing my job yield stronger results with easier-to-produce problem content.

It certainly will do that.


oh yes I'm already exploring that during the off-season!
