Space Hotels: Future Of Travel?


How would you like to stay in a space hotel? Is this something that you would want to do?

When it comes to space, much of what is discussed is science fiction. companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin are working at bringing space travel to the masses. This is following a hype cycle from 5 years ago which saw a lot of attention of the ideas.

Like most technologies, they can prevail in spite of market bubbles and hype cycles. In spite of the hype dying down, we see consistent progress being made by the likes of SpaceX.

That said, it is a long way from rocket improvements to a space hotel.

Or is it?

Space hotels: 5 Years Out?

Could we see space hotels within 5 years? While this sounds like something outlandish, one company is optimistic.

A Hotel in Space Could Be Operational in Just Five Years

Voyager Station and Pioneer Station, two proposed offerings from Above: Space Development, aim to be the first commercial space hotels upon completion


My guess is we will not see this in that time period. The price tag is a bit lofty at a cool $1 billion. Also, we are far from being able to construct in space, at least to the degree required here.

However, it is something that we should start thinking about. With this comes amazing possibilities, something that can be then transferred back to Earth.

The two images above are renderings of what things could look like. If remotely accurate, we could be looking at Buck Rogers type stuff.

Space Cadets Taking Over

Probably one of the leading space cadets is Elon Musk. He has a company that is dedicated to this endeavor. At the same time, one of the others, Tesla, is working on robots. Both are going to be required for any space construction.

Jeff Bezos is another one. He is behind Blue Origin, a company that is trailing SpaceX but still pushing ahead with some major projects.

While many object to what these two are doing, we have to understand the impact of what comes out of these quests.

I admit that I am not the biggest space advocate there is. That said, I do realize how beneficial these pursuits are. Many of the developments that come out of these projects end up causing advancement on Earth. Personally, the part of rocketry that interests me is not blasting us to the stars. Instead, I would like to see the development of vehicles which can move us (or cargo) from Tokyo or New York in under an hour.

Alas, that doesn't seem to be the focus.

Either way, space tourism is capturing the imaginations of many billionaires. Richard Branson also has a great interest although his company, Virgin Galactic ran into some issues.

AI In Space

Fans of Sci-Fi has often dreamed of space travel.

What if, however, the future of traveling through our galaxy did not include humans? Perhaps having a few space hotels to visit is the limits of what we do. Much of the rest is handled by AI. After all, space is a harsh environment for humans. With machines, there is a lot less to impact their as compared to us.

Perhaps we are training the future space explorers each time we feed more into the neural networks. It might make sense to add more space related ideas to our content training. After all, we have no idea what these systems will be like in 5-10 years.

In the meantime, it is likely these systems help us solve some of the problems we are confronted with when tackling major projects of this nature. This might take a few more years of building the AI models but, with each passing generation, they do get more advanced.

At the same time, humanity is feeding more into them. Breakthroughs in all areas add up over time. Simply because humans do not make connections does not mean that it will not happen. computers are more efficient at such things.

Could we see a time when we are all getting some rest and relaxation in a space hotel? I would say this is a likely outcome at some point.

It just will not be anytime soon.

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The thought of space hotels is interesting, but I doubt we can make it anytime soon. The cost is too much, and the risk too great. I think we can only start looking into it once we have created a space elevator. That can make trips to space so much cheaper and easier.


I dont follow space enough to understand all the challenges but I do grasp convergence.

There are a lot of areas of research and development. I agree that 2027-2028 is unlikely but we might see it 2035ish.


At this point with our available technology, I think terraforming mars with robots is closer than a space hotel. I can't even begin to imagine how they plan on building a hotel in space.


They built the ISS so it is possible. Not sure what the steps are to make it viable. It will be modular, built on Earth and connected obviously. But there is still a lot to it.

And Mars is much further out in my view. We havent even done anything really on the Moon which is a lot closer.


If we will be having space hotels, that means it will definitely create a massive development around the society


wow brother, I love the idea of space hotels but wonder about the practical challenges. There will certainly be challenges but if they can pull it off it would be absolutely awesome


There are certainly challenges. We see the ISS so we know we can build things albeit slowly.

Will that speed up and go down in cost? If other aspects of technology advance, it could.


wow thanks so for the information, definitely would love to see how it goes in the future


With this space hotel, it will definitely requires a whole lot of effort and development to keep up to it actually
