AI In Everything

The masses do not seem to understand the inter-connectedness that AI is bringing. This is going to penetrate the digital world. Every platform will have AI incorporated into it.

Here is where we see the exponentials of the Internet accelerate.

Some are comparing AI to the invention of electricity. Can you imagine what the world would be like today without electricity? That is how we are going to think of things in a few years.

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AI Will Be In Everything

The time to get on board is now. This is one of the most crucial steps in human progress.

While many fear AI, due mostly to Hollywood, we are going full steam ahead. Enormous sums of money are pouring into this field.

What is getting very interesting is the fact that we are going to from sci-fi to reality in under a decade. There are things that use to be a dream which came into being but decades later.

The best example of this is the flip phone. I recall the first time I saw one. It was, of course, a reminder of the devices used on the original Star Trek series.

Sci-Fi becoming reality.

In this era, we do not have to wait for 30 years to pass. Things are emerging in just a couple years.

Chatbots In Robots

Chatbots took the world by storm. Prompting is NOW a thing. However, for all the excitement, the most valuable use case is going to be with robots.

Every robot out there, especially humanoid is going to have a chatbot in it. This means we are going to be able to hold conversations with these machines. We can already see how well they do in text chat. Claude3 is a great example of this and its "chatting" capabilities.

To operate in the world, one designed by humans (for humans), not only are humanoids the best option, they need to interact with humans. These devices cannot be "dumb".

The output of LLMs is advancing rapidly. Many are pondering when AGI will be here. To be honest, that isn't the most important of discussions.

What is most beneficial is when chatbots can "talk" to humans with a great deal of certainty. This is when things will really start to mimic the world of Sci-Fi.


Users of Protonmail are about to get an upgrade.

This was recently announced:

Proton launches 'privacy-first' AI writing assistant for email that runs on-device

Proton has launched a new AI-enabled writing assistant that helps users compose emails based on simple prompts.

Proton Scribe, as the new tool is called, is built on Mistral 7B, an open source language model from French AI startup Mistral. However, Proton says it will likely tinker with this in pursuit of the most optimum model for this use case. Additionally, the company says it is making the tool available under the open source GPL-3.0 license, which will make it easier to perform third-party security and privacy audits.


Here we see a new addition to Protonmail. This is not long after Google added its AI version to Gmail.

These are happening on a regular basis. That is why any application that does not have this technology in it will soon get left behind.

People are going to gravitate towards it even if they do not realize it. Ultimately, we will utilize it without realizing it.

What Is Hive

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Ai is really getting advanced by the day, but my fear is :)

Would it take people's jobs away from them..?


I’ve been going back and forth on the AI thing. One guy I listened to recently has swayed me in the positive direction for the moment, in that we have to undergo this because there are forces that are terrified of this happening and trying to knock us back into feudalism, the de-industrialization that’s going on under the guise of “green” agenda because the AI unlocks so much potential not only for us here on earth but will allow us to truly participate in space travel and other things of that nature.

The big challenge is that we have to make sure as much of it as can be is open source like the proton example, and no monopolies happen because we know they want to control it with an iron fist without letting people have any benefit from it.


AI will bring efficiency, convenience, great service, new possibilities in every aspect of life and those who resist, will fall behind.

Imagine having your own Optimus robot and being able to speak to him: learn this or that skill,
and after 30 minutes he has learned to do it… flying helicopters, playing piano, executing a complicated surgery, etc.

Sure, there are still people driving horses, but not like it used to be.


I remember back then when people were saying computers will be everywhere, and it did come true. With smart homes a lot of appliances have a small computer in them and can be controlled remotely. There are even washing machines that connects to the internet. The integration of AI into these things will only be the next step.


What is getting very interesting is the fact that we are going to from sci-fi to reality in under a decade., just wondering how I would be explaining this to my grandma. We have indeed seen the unthinkable. Tech is a disruptor and more indeed is coming.


It gets hard to explain this to people who do not understand. Actually, most people cannot follow along. To be honest, I think many are going to get overrun.

We are going to wake up one day and it will be a completely different world.


I'm just going to say that at the moment AI is on a Bull run of its one big brother hahaha. AI’s rapid growth is transforming everything. It's like we're living in a sci-fi novel becoming reality right under our nose or before our very eyes


There is market, hype and the technological trend.

Have to monitor all three. The most important, to me, is the trend in technology.


I couldn't agree more brother, the technology trend is usually what makes it a concept last long


Al seems to be controlling every bit of our world and this is quite astonishing. Seems like our world is soaked into AI
