You Can't Get Fired From Hive: The Incredible Opportunity
Many people are starting to realize the potential job disruption that is coming from technology. The most recent advancements by Google and OpenAi are only feeding into this.
Over the years, we discussed how the accelerating pace of technology was going to cause carnage in the job market. Many overlooked it, choosing to buy into the narrative that "technology always created more jobs than it destroyed".
The problem with this viewpoint is, by its nature, technology is deflationary. This means the working class tends to be affected through the loss of jobs.
With what is going on today, considering the power of what we are dealing with, this is on steroids. Never have we see the potential for massive disruption in under 5 years. I tend to believe we are at that point.
So far, most are ignoring the problem. There is some courtesy discussion about it yet it is not receiving many proposed solutions. That is not the end of the world since most will not work anyway. Too often centralized entities (read governments) think it has the solution. Frequently, it is a total waste.
However, we do have the path going forward. In this article we will discuss how things could expand and counter what is taking place.
You Cannot Get Fired From Hive
This is a crucial concept in my view.
As we move further into the digital realm, people are going to require some protection. The old methods will not work. Governments are impotent against this. So are unions, minimum wages, and basic incomes. They will be tried as certain entities (read people) try to remain relevant.
There might be some minor success but the outcome is likely to be failure. The reason for this is many of those entities will be made obsolete.
It is why we have to stress this is an entirely new realm. Therefore, it will necessitate a completely new set of solutions.
This is difficult to achieve if people will, for the most part, no even admit the problem.
For this reason, we will keep covering it, presenting the most obvious of pathways for people to follow.
Here we can start with the fact that people cannot get fired from Hive. Unlike having a traditional job, where one is simply trades his or her time for money (modern day slavery for the majority of the world), working within an ecosystem creates a completely new paradigm for people.
So far, it is a point that most miss. Until a fair number of people will realize the opportunity, it will fly under the radar. Those, however, that are building, will find themselves in a different position at some point in the future.
Equity Stake
Web 3.0 has the potential to change the entire structure of the Internet.
We have no idea how many tens of trillions (maybe hundreds) of dollars this thing is worth. It is easy to see that companies like Google and Amazon are have market capitalizations over $1 trillion, stemming from their operation as a digital platform.
While many of us use the services provided by these companies, helping to increase their value, we likely do not financial benefit. Our stake in these entities is zero unless we happen to own some stock.
In other words, the effort we put in is not financially rewarded. Even within the "prosumer" realm, few are truly getting any return on their efforts.
This all changes with Web 3.0.
Working within an ecosystem means that one is simply not dependent upon his or her individual efforts. Since one has stake and, potentially, is receiving more for the efforts, we can see how this alters the game.
Networks and platforms are masters are capturing incremental value from its users and spreading it to everyone. Here is where tokenization takes it one step further.
It is a basic concept that few, even within the ecosystem, understand. Sadly, of those that do, even fewer are taking advantage.
Digital Abilities
While many are focusing upon what is lost with technology, there will be some who understand the opportunity presented.
When it comes to skills, everything is different.
The most recent advances, as shown by Google and OpenAI, should excite everyone. Again, only a few will take advantage since only a small percentage actual works on improving their skills.
Once again, we see the proverbial steroids entering the picture.
With digital technologies, the ability to enhance one skills goes up exponentially. Consider the fact that every few month you could learn a new skill that can be applied online. This means what is being created can keep expanding.
No longer does one need to be an expert. Instead, being a generalist is all that is required. Once can start to work with one or two digital tools, then expand from there. The curve gets more powerful since the tools that one learns early on likely will keep getting more advanced.
Here is where we see the compounding effect.
All of this can be tied to Hive.
The next 5 years will see disruption like we never saw before, at least in such as short window. However, for those who are prepared, it is a huge opportunity.
Most fail simply because they look at how things are today. This leads to us missing the major shifts that are taking place, easy to spot in hindsight.
What we see taking place is going to have enormous impact.
The question is what we are going to do about it? Web 3.0 is technological in nature since it has a digital basis. This provides people with an opportunity to ride the way.
To achieve this, thinking like a slave is not going to work. One has to take the approach of owning a piece of the massive fortunes that will be generated by this technological evolution.
Under the present system, this is not possible for much of the planet. Tokenization, on the other hand, disrupts this completely.
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
To be sure I read this right.
This would mean working within the Hive ecosystem, something new can come about?
I fail in seeing how web3 does half of the things its says. From one point I see constraint of a person. The one account doing all things seems easier to track activity. While I do like the log in to your account and go anywhere online with it idea.
Hive does have unique possibilities or opportunities that can be taken advantage of. Which are ignored.
What changes with web3. The same services will be offered by the companies named above and more like Amazon Youtube. All of them offering web3 services. platforms or areas of the internet that have several times the user base and Gmail that is probably the biggest database of names offing to let people log in anywhere with one account.
The chance of one of these fronts allowing Hive to be part of the system, would be at a cost to Hive.
There are a few things on Hive that need attention, if we are to consider its future.
The tokens. Without the rewards. The chain would have stopped a long time back. While HBD is backed by HIVE. If HIVE goes to 0? Ensuring or making the best effort to ensure does not happen is in the interests of all who might or do use the chain.
Then we have government. Who will defend Hive against those. With the scribble of a pen, Hive tokens can become illegal. A demonstration of this was done in India with BTC?
For working within the eco-system. Well, That opportunity is for a few. To survive from what you can do on the chain, not viable for the majority. That is misleading people. Although, building up finance for something is something that can be done over time. For most it is a few dollars a week. In a developed world, just not enough.
I ask you. What are the people who earn Hive or HBD doing with it, If it is to provide an income? In part, the chain is doing what it said it could if people cash out. A higher amount seeking to purchase would seem like a beneficial situation for anyone on the chain or holding tokens.
The income gained can cover the costs of living or part of them anyway. That's a key point overlooked, (I think). What is earned here has a value of? Whatever the value, it is not based on a digital scale. It is based on a physical world scale. That is the scale which needs to be balanced.
When you balance a scale like this, you balance the favourable outcome.
You mentioned slavery by financial controls held over people. Without introduction of an alternative (which none of the crypto tokens have done yet and BTC was said to do), brought about by people and not legislative government. We play within the same corruption against the odds.
Hive has to build the physical world to survive.
the real world translation of any crypto's value is the real value of that crypto. So i must say i agree with you about that.
Web3 vs Web2 is mainly differentiated in terms of network security. but hive embodies more than just security. The logging of all activity on the blockchain ledger is accompanied by the 'single sign on access' to all hive related apps. This then facilitates the reward of all on chain activity shared as a post.
Depending on the jurisdiction of the Hive user cashing out can be tedious, due to a countries perspective on crypto and subsequent restrictions. Not to mention the extra step of using an exchange separate from the posting, messaging or blogging platform the user used to earn their hive, HP, HBD or LP.
Although minimal in these early stages of the platform (also based on the involvement and investment of time or money by the user) the tokenization of networks that "true web3" allows is what web 2 cannot do and what companies cannot do for their base employees. Hive thus far is the only purported web3 platform I have seen thus far that democratizes earning from activity on chain (posts/ texts); ultimately letting all involved with function of the network have a "share" of the network. The big companies mentioned in @taskmaster4450 post reward base workers for their contribution with a salary and managers and directors get a salary plus shares/ stocks. The senior managers and directors are shareholders and seen as partners in the functioning of the company. With a style of reward Hive exemplifies these companies could look at all employees, including base workers as shareholders. Everyone would be rewarded according to their effort and interest in the company.
Therefore, with Hive's reward system we are all 'shareholders' in the network. If anyone is being fired theybare firing themself. I wish to now try and add to your suggestions of making Hive better for the future.
*So developers and lovers of the hive community must work together to make a more smooth onboarding process; Something similar to the ease of web2 platforms while allowing security of keys to wallet. That way more users find it easier to join and are willing to stay online.
*More in line with working on Hive, I have thought about automating the reporting of work activity on Hive. So workers of a company could be on-boarded and then their daily job reports are posted for review by the supervisor and management and even fellow coworkers as apart of the curation process.
*More self reporting of real world activities like on Actifit Community and Clean Planet. Such activities would be apart of the process to link Hive to the real world while marketing the earning potential on the platform to more potential users.
I understand how a company works, And then bigger corporate tier systems.
Hive and Web3. We have Hive keychain. So we need to get more people aware and using hive keychain as a payment method.
Including everyone in the community as a shareholder and all can gain. There is no profits on Hive. A distribution of a freely minted token.
Look to the rewards for content. Howe many posts do you see with a reward less than 1. How many with a reward less than 5. Less than 10.
Should any big company decide to use the chain. Take like google. The only way it will happen is if Google purchase mass amounts of HIVE. So they can use Hive rewards to pay their staff. There goes half of the chains population as their rewards went from less than 5 to less than 1. So big company is something to avoid. Take also as soon as something like that happens, the chain will fork.
In all you said, you offer nothing towards the future security of the blockchain. By security I mean the chain still here with reward tokens that do still hold value.
As you can see from your own posts. Earning on Hive is not exactly viable.
Let me know if you intend to begin posting again. I can send some votes your way.
ye earnings viability is tough. that's why some users get turned off from hive. man i am now thinking about the enhancement of chain security. I thought the greater adoption of the token and uses of it would help with decentralization and offer some security on that level.
Ok then, for hive to hold value even if the token is changed to a proof of work token, it still might not increase token security. Because u said not even BTC has been able to deliver on that promise. So may be backing HBD with gold could be explored. Although that may require some centralization of the token.
Why not back everything with something solid. Shelter. Hive Holidays?
I am sure if I had the ability to offer shelter for your holiday for HBD you would Visit Ireland. Obviously this is done at a reduced cost for Hive users, There might be time limit on that. Where people must have used the chain for x amount of time or hodl x amount of HP or something.
That's the last thing to try.
i wrote that down. gonna start brain storming
Keep things simple to see the design.
You can change the names of things then and expand.
A coffee machine working for Hive. This means. Hive buys the coffee machine. A shop has the machine and Hive gets 0.25c for each coffee sold.
the 25c would need to be divided to HODL and reinvest.
lol. r like a golden goose right now. spitting out golden eggs
HIVE is required to engage with the network. This means the value is going to be derived based upon the activity. There is no way to utilize any services that are eventually built on Hive without some HP.
People see to focus upon the market activity and not the network activity. They are two separate things.
I am trying here to communicate not fight. I need to say that as I am most often mis read.
A limited number of wallet transactions is available for a 0 HP balance. If that is wrong. I was informed wrong.
Posting commenting and voting all require resource credits.
I see the history that got us to where the blockchain is now. Financial reward. Granted yes. A handful. Well quite a few more than a handful. But a handful of people could keep the chain going. It does not need over 100 witness. Though yes 1000 active witness would be even better.
Close to 95% of the user base is here for potential rewards. Many short term and fewer long term holders maybe. Even with that the HP levels over all should still grow. I have seen many that have come to make use of the games and have accounts with 0 HP work profitably.
I see, the value of the chain tokens as key to a future success story and even trend setting. I see, if there is no rewards then there is a smaller, much smaller pool of creators.
There was a time when your wealth was measured by your goats horses or camels. There was a time your wealth was measured by gold and still is by many. Then there is a time wealth is by FIAT. FIAT mastered the other forms of wealth. Now it is a number stored in a computer is the measure of wealth. One tomorrow that measure or wealth can be determined by HBD. Or speculative HIVE.
I would encourage you to think along the lines of, there is a way to utilize services built on Hive without some HP. Mastering the governance that wold continue after you can no longer be part of the governance. This has a few kinks to be worked.
In making services available that can run on the chain with a 0 HP is beneficial and requires building.
This brings me to probably the most important point I have been trying to make for year.
Building on Hive does not have to mean building online. When we can get those who have the power to make things happen see that. Hive will catapult forward.
We have to build in the real world for the real world to give back.
In all of this I do not challenge your knowledge of blockchain crypto or other. Just a thought from an alternative box. But we have to build a passive income for the chain and not rely on the chain to build us all passive incomes. Building this from Hive we can remove the DHF and provide more funding. Put the DHF back to the pool and encourage more people to use the chain. The values of HIVE and HBD solidify with a natural demand for the token.
Advancing this can be adding on a rebate system that people can then use against future costs. It enables Hive tokens to be utilised locally with an assurance of value to the recipient.
Everything you seek is in Hive outside of its present state. What more in the digital sphere is there to try. Why has no one tried to build the physical. Building a bridge that does not charge a toll to enable maintenance and building of new is not the building outside of Hive I talk about.
This is true. The worst that can happen is a person gets downvoted and muted. Unless they pissed others off so much, they can just create a new account and start over.
Exactly, like me, and my account, for example.
Downvoted, muted and puted on blacklist in Januar 2023, when the AI just started, because, I just use AI to beautify my post. Now, they have implemented in PeakD AI, for everyone. How to justify this? Ahh, but they are the gods, and we, just little people, with no says here.
You can search my discussions here, and you will see in my account, the posts where we have, literally a war about that. Just go in my account and search my replies. And on posts, just activate to see muted comments, because, they can mute comments too.
When they blacklisted me, they call AI fraud:
"There is reasonable evidence that this article is machine-generated. Posting such content is considered fraud.
Fraud is discouraged by the community and may result in the account being Blacklisted."
and now, after exactly 1 year, they call it "technology", or "new technology", or "OpenAI technology"... What a wonderful change there! But, someone, like me, should pay the bills for them, and for the dumbs there in the peak of Hive.
But still, I'm blacklisted, and no one give an excuse because they blacklisted me for using AI. Nowadays, after exactly 1 Year, this is default, or normal. That's the real face of Hive, if you want to earn Hive with posting. It is like politics. If you have money, or power from others, you can destroy other accounts, if you want, just because you have money. And this is not what people want. We should go away from such terrible platforms, who pretend to be one, and someone in the peak of Pyramide can destroy other (if you piss off them, or, you use something, like AI and they don't understand what is AI).
The Hive is not the right place for wasting our time. I have wasted my time for years to have an nice account, and they crushed my account in a day.
The Hive is nothing better than other big tech. So far we have someone that can crush other, just because he has power or received power from other, and used for own wishes, we should move away from here.
We don't want every time starting our accounts new from scratch, we can, but, it is not worth it.
We should move in something like Bastyon (, where exactly these problems are addressed: posts are rewarded for 6 month, and not 7 days (like here in Hive), where we must not praying for voting, and where no one can crash other, just because he has power, or money. All this you can look info in Whitepaper of Bastyon.
Folks, look at, and go away from Hive. The Hive is not that we think is, they can destroy your account, your income, or rewards, how ever they want. And this happend, if you starting to earn more, then, they find something to crush you and your account.
Or, we have Blurt (, a fork of Hive, where we don't have downvoting.
Many people here are moved away from Hive, because, it is not that we think, or what other people here explain to us it is.
The handful of people have the keys here, and can do whatever they want with you, your reputation and rewards.
Don't fall into trap here.
I'm sorry you had that experience. I think AI made content is still frowned up on in Hive, but some have softened their stance. I have seen some AI generated images, and those are accepted, as long as it is explicitly stated.
Yes, now should be explicit stated, but, in January 2023, no one has a project about how to use AI, it was new, no one say that must be stated or something, just blacklisted all people who used AI, no matter how long, or our reputation here, and we should 365 days recall make. We don't kill anyone. It is just AI, Now, the AI is in every editor in PeakD and if someone want to have beautified posts, it should be able - we should have freedom here in Hive(underneat the min of read and words). If you like AI and post created with help of AI, ok, you can upvote, and if you don't like AI, must not upvote, it is that simple.
No one from @hivewatchers then, in January 2023, make a comment like: Hey Maya, if you use AI, do insert a tag, or write you use AI... but no, instead, they blacklisted me and many other over night, and laughing in Discord Chanel about me too. You can see my previous comments there, it was a war of 2 months commenting, among other people, but they do not want us here. They don't listen to us. Because, look, if we earn more (over 71-72 reputation) and we are even more Hivers here, 28800 Hive created every 3 seconds in a day, it is not the same, if Hive whales must rewarding 100000 Hivers, or 10 millions Hivers. So, for them, it is better to blacklist us, instead to give us rewards.
AI is a tool, and I have predicted then, more than a year ago, that it will be overall and anywhere, if we like it or not. So, it is in Hive now, but I', still blacklisted, and no one say:
Hey Maya, look, sorry, we don't understand AI then, here is your account free again.
I can make more accounts, and be back here, but, i don't want that, I just want to be fair and justice. It is not fair what they have done.
@outwars @obsesija
It's been known since 2016 that the platform values original content (account "obsesija" joined in 2018).
For example, using poem or story generators was frowned upon then so logically when Chapt GPT showed up it would follow the same principle.
Using Chat GPT to manufacture articles and then pretend to be the author of them would amount to the same type of deception directed at the community and fraud.
AI is a tool, like any other. It is my idea, my prompt, my spended time to found and create a story with help of this tool. If i use Photoshop to create images, it is hunderts of time quicker than using a pencil to create a background, or any other imagegery, but, why is this not a fraud then? And why i must not declare that i use PC and Photoshop to create an image, for example, a background, in a minute, and not using pencil to do so? Why this is not fraud? And why is now the AI in PeakD, and everyone can using it? AI don't copy anything, AI is generating text upon your idea, prompting engeneering. It is not a fraud, and it is not a copy. If you look like the other idiots in woorld, that sued AI because of from where the AI is learning, so, we are all people copyrighted - we learn from other how to speak, how to make this and that, so, we copy each other all day long - we, people are then all fraud, in your eyes and idea. It is normal, that we should learn from elsewhere, internet or parents or people, from born to die, so, we copy everyday other.
You accuse AI with no reason here. Can you explain the AI in PeakD now? and AI in google, and AI in all other things? If we like it or not, the AI is here to stay. We can't block it. People will use it in couple of years without knowing that they use AI. So, what are you doing there? Blacklisting all people in Hive, or maybe 90% of it?
My simple question is, why don't you come up with a nice comment to state, that I should write that i use AI? This text is no one listens to, or read anyway, so, it doesn't matter. I would be writing then, hey, i use AI, it is not that hard. But no, you just blacklisted me.
And no, AI is not generating fraud text, or copied text, AI is generating text from a prompting. So, the AI generated text is not a fraud, it is learned text and combinations, just like any other tools we have among us.
Hi Hivewatcher. I am familiar with this, but thank you for the explanation anyways.
I don't really want to get into this, since I am just a third party. From the comments of Hivewatchers I've seen, they said the article was machine generated. Even now, that is still not allowed.
Yeah, people are afraid here, like you, because of the power of whales. You are not third party here, you should have freedom here, and not fear to go in a conversation, just because someone can crush you, if you say something that they don't like.
Machine generated is an photoshop image too, it is generated with a machine, PC, not with my hand - so where is difference? Photoshop, or any other app has millions of plugins to automate tasks, and generate whateever you want, almnost with no prompting, just clicking, in matter of seconds.
So, Photoshop, or millions of other apps seems to be much easier as AI -with AI, you need to prompt engineering text, sentences, ideas. In Photoshop, you can just clicking in a plugins, and voila - image is there, paste it to Hive, and earn. That's just in our mind and opinion, what is machine generated, and what not.
And there is no project, where they clearly stated how to use AI, nor then, about a year ago. So, why then they blacklist user who use AI, when they have no clear statement of how to use, or should or not use AI. But, yeah, they can, so they do. That's not the freedom some people explaining here in hunderts of posts. It is just an illusion of freedom.
I think there is a big difference between Machine generated images and photoshop/canva ones. In machine generated you just input a set of words and description, and it is generated automatically. With photoshop/canva, there is still more effort from the user, like choosing the image, arranging them, then editing. Additionally, I have seen authors explicitly say the image was generated in Canva, even before AI generated images were a thing. People frequently provide the source of their images when it is ambiguous. I have seen people say "I took this image", or provide a link to the source if it is taken online.
From the Hivewatcher comment, it seems you not only used machine generated art, but the article itself was machine generated. If it was just the art, you also did not provide a source.
No, my friend, you just think, and you don't known, that's big difference - you are wrong. I'm designer, and I known how it works. You have plenty of plugins, where you start with a white background, and with couple of clicks, you are done with a phenomenal backgrounds. You must not take any image at all. Just many people don't known such plugins and tricks. Source of image, you should provide, if you take it from anywhere. You can look at my posts, or and my web page, down in footer, i declare all icons or anything i use and should have mentions. That's another topic.
AI doesn't take anything, from anywhere. And if it take, it state. But, the text, as text, it is not taken from anywhere. Therefore is "Generated", because, it is not taken, it is generated upon AI learning. That is a big difference.
AI doesn't copyright anything. Just like you take a plugin for Photoshop, or Gimp, or Krita, or any 3D Apps there, and you create stunning photos, starting from scratch, with a white background.
For example, in Blender, you start with a cube, default. You have a plugin, where in couple of clicks you can create a stunning house. Another plugin, with couple of clicks you can create trees, and entire forests, mountains, etc. So, pay attention, i have not writed until now a single character on my keyboard, to do this. Further more, i have plugin for creating stunning clouds, sun, moon and stars, so, one click, and done.
Now, i put this image in Hive, but my image is in, for example, Krita created. I must not explicit say, hey, i have created this in Krita, and i used 3 plugins to do this stuning imagery. Is this fraud now? How we define this?
Now, you see what i mean, where is difference between AI and Krita? In AI, to create all this things in my image, i have to prompt my idea, to write 500 words to do that image in colors, idea and style i want. So, i writed this 500 words to have that image. How many posts here in Hive have no more that 50 or 100 words, and earn?
You see, people have wrong idea about AI. Even Linus Torwalds, one of the most famous Linux kernel, and the Linux inventor say, that people should use AI as a tool to help us improving texts, code, images, whatever.
But, hey, the ones here on the peak are much smarter than Linus Torwalds, and blacklist people who using AI, because, we don't stated. What about Photoshop and Krita, Gimp, Blender? These are tools, people. AI is just an intelligent and fast tool, nothing else.
It is not copyrighted - it is "Generated", but generated in a tool like photoshop with a power of additional plugins.
Now, AI is able to generate perfect or any kind of faces, or whatever, that's is a difference too, because, it is a much better tool than photoshop or any other tool we known in the past. But, that is normal, the technology go further, and it is even faster, more resilient, more intelligent, or it "Generate" more perfect thing.
But, it is a tool. AI without human input does nothing, the same like photoshop. No matter what you should do, and how long takes you to do something. So the same - these all are a tool, to make our idea better.
But, yeah, after 1 year, the Hive community has now AI in every editor. After one year more it would be default to have generated content, and after 5-10 years, the Hive is empty, because, there would no human text anymore, nor in Hive, and nor in other parts. So, yeah, for now, we just blacklist humans, but not machines. AI is still implemented here in peakd. So, yeah, great.
But, yeah, this debate has long history here in Hive, many people think like i think, and many other think other way: AI is terminator, and if we use it, we would be destroyed. ;-)
And this is why I didn't really want to get into this discussion. You saying all these to me doesn't do anything. I don't really have any power to change what has happened, and what will happen. That is why I said I'm a third party.
Yes, i known my friend, i just say for all people to known, that here is no freedom at all, because, of title of this post too, and you say we can just start from scratch if we got blacklisted, but this is not an option, if we put years of efort to have reputation, and then start it again, and again, just because, someone doesn't like something you do. That's not fair, and this i wrote not just for you, but for the community here, and Hivers who read this comments, to known about Hive and how is working here - we are nothing here, no freedom at all, and we can be fired: in Hive, this is called "blacklisting" us - this is automated downvoted and not earning anything, never.
"You Can't Get Fired From Hive: The Incredible Opportunity" is just an illusion, to think it is true.
Greetings and wish you much luck here in Hive. You gone need it.
Thank you.
"From the Hivewatcher comment, it seems you not only used machine generated art, but the article itself was machine generated. If it was just the art, you also did not provide a source."
All images are mine, i don't use images from other. You can check images with, for example, and you will see, all of these are unique.
Look, for example this my article:
ahh, images are generated, so the hivewatchers statment. My friend, no matter what tools I use to do this article, if you like it, you upvoted it, if not, you must not, or if you dislike it, downvote it. Done. There should no blacklisting for this. No matter what tools i use, and how fast I have done it. I work 2-3 hours to do my articles, no matter if with AI, or without.
And if I use AI generated images, to do my ideas, again, no matter what I use, it should be just, upvote, downvote or go away, if you don't like it, or whatever. But not destroy peoples accounts and reputations, just because, you think so.
NO matter if image, or text, the AI is a tool to do many things. So, there is no difference, if you use you PC to write a text in Office, or use pen and paper?
This debate has no end, because, some people thinks the AI is evil and bad, and other use AI as a tool to work. It is just question, where you are. And yeah, i see, what hivewatchers says here, that's it, they are the gods who protecct the people in Hive from AI terminators, who write in seconds text, or generate images. Yeah... we are doomed, AI is here. Sad...
But no one answer again from hivewatchers, why they don't block PeakD, because PeakD has implemented AI in editor here, so, anyone can use that AI now? Interesting. You known, AI is killing people, fraud, dangerous, whoahahaa...
And that only applies based upon what stake people have.
Someone might lose some Hive but if they have other layer 2 tokens they are focused upon, unless the downvote has that, it isnt affected. As layer 2 things start to spread, we will see more attention at that level.
I think a lot of applications that offer layer 2 tokens need to increase their use case. I like how Leo and Ecency have done it, with Leo increasing the benefits over time. Some tokens feel like they have bene abandoned, or just became an afterthought.
I would agree although not about those two increasing their use case. It is still rather trivial.
And I think what gets missed is the community is equally involved in generating more use case. People simply do not thing as owners.
Build stronger so the leech's become an unknowing asset.
Exactly!! That’s the advantage you get from hive,here you are self employed but all you need to do is to put in the work and create good contents and also pray to be curated.
Thank you for your post
That is true. We are self employed which is also a problem for many since they tend to:
A) not be self starters
B) lack the ownership mindset
Very true but it’s still better than being under someone
The actions of most seem to go counter to what you state here. They might even agree with you in talk but their actions go counter to that.
You’re right because it’s a social platform we don’t get to see the behavior of others. That’s certainly true.
Thank you for your upvotes too.
May God bless you
Always love to see your motivation and energy towards future of Hive blockchain
Few days ago someone commented on my post Ocd is going to leave hive as a top witnesses and hive curator, that's why he thinks hive is dying, I personally don't agree with him but really worried about what's he is talking about
What happened to ocd please share with me if you have any info about this, because you are a very well informed about all latest developments of Hive blockchain
Please check following sacreenshot to understand what I am talking about
It is true that people spend certain time on interests. Which can be called modern slavery. But in this case Hive is one of the helpers because it supports many people economically where there is no slavery.
we are spending the time to build our freedom
So much of uniqueness that hive possessed which to me will be one of the key reasons hive will stand out among it's counterpart in the future
Yes definitely it provided opportunities to people to be earn through internet. Everyone is self employed by working on it.
Indeed, you cannot get "fired" from Hive.
The things that amazes me the most about the entire scenario is how governments and "experts" keep insisting that there are "more and more jobs" even though more and more people are being permanently displaced by technology.
And "learn to code" is pretty much a lame excuse, not only because the world doesn't need that many coders, but AI is increasingly going to replace any need for someone to know how to code.
Ove the next 10(?), 20(?), 30(?) years, the entire definition of "job" will change to where every individual on the planet will become their own "economic center," both in term of income, economic impact generation and expenditure.
It'll be very interesting to watch it all unfold.
I am in the camp that tech is obliterating jobs. Actually, from my research, in the US, the peak was 25 years ago. This is something people do not mention.
Learning to code means nothing as we are seeing text and image-to-video software getting more powerful. Hell the AI is learning to code too.
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.Hey @taskmaster4450, here is a little bit of
from @fiberfrau for you. Enjoy it!Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the
.I believe hive has so much uniqueness in itself and at the end, it will look like it is those uniqueness that hive possessed that will make hive to stand out and keep going
In as much as you can't get fired on Hive , users should be willing to follow and abide by the laid down rules of the ecosystem. Hive is both the present and future , it has successfulIy hacked the decentralization blockchain technology niche.This is the more reason new active members should be onboarded, there's certainly a whole lot to benefit from this massive invention called Hive.