What Hive Really Needs


Web 3.0 offers so many opportunities.

The idea of tokenization is very powerful. Unfortunately, as I see it, there is a major issue. cryptocurrency has basically become mostly "buy my token". This is what most platforms are focused upon. They do anything and everything to get the price of the token Moving up. Instead of actually building something, the tendency is to mess with the tokenomics.

This is why it appears things are stalled.

Buy My Stuff

What made Amazon?

If we go back to the early days, Amazon was an online bookstore. In fact, it was a digital bookstore selling most e-books. Naturally the company evolved over time to become one of the largest in the world. Nowhere was there simply a "buy our stock" focus.

Jeff Bezos excelled at creating a flywheel effect. In my opinion, no digital platform did it better than Amazon. For decades, profits were sacrificed for market share. Some might argue this was the wrong approach yet it did work out well.

While the retail was advancing yet not lacking in profitability, one of the key services was being build. AWS is now the most profitable aspect of Amazon and is nothing more than a service.

Here is where we see a giant disconnect between Web 3.0 and the rest of the world.

It is also the road map for Hive and the digital platforms on it to follow.

We need to see more "buy my stuff". This means the ecosystem starts to offer goods and services that people require. This generates something called revenue. Depending upon how things are structures, this could have enormous impact.

Operating Like a Business

Web 3.0 in general, and Hive in particular, is missing commerce. We do not have many businesses on here. This is a total misfortunate because it changes everything.

Many discuss the idea of getting "outside money" to enter. This is done across the board and Twitter is filled with people schilling their coin or token. Again, it is the "buy my token" mindset.

Where the is a business, the entire focus changes. Marketing, for example, is often not even on the company overall. Instead, it gets product or service specific.

We also see the possibility with Web 3.0. Due to the tokenomics, there can be direct buying of the token based upon the structure of the business. With the DAO concept, the profits could be used to buy the token and distribute to token holders.

Over time, this could tie into more financial services, All presented by the platform. The token itself is an asset, providing people with something of value. Revenues help to push this up, opening up the opportunity for collateralization. The proceeds from that could be used for a variety of purposes, including building (or expanding) more businesses.

Business Mindset

I long stated that each Hive account is a business.

This evokes a much different mindset than simply being an owner. Here is where I think many run into trouble.

Across the world, most of us where raised in the "time for money" economy. We swapped our time for money. This was often in a direct form, i.e. a certain amount of money for a specific period of time (usually hourly). When it came to our online activity, we were either a consumer, subscriber, or user.

Nowhere does business owner appear.

Hive changes this since people are free to build whatever they desire. The database is provided essentially for free. There is a payment system that is already in place that charges zero fees. If the business is built within an existing application, there is no charge for a website. A wallet system is offered. Finally, there is a stablecoin that can be used as a medium of exchange.

None of this has to be built. It is provided to everyone the second they open up a Hive account.

The unique design of Hive offers so much potential.

With the currency, while there are no fees, some of the value capture coin being staked is required. This provides access to the database. Hence, the more transactions that are taking place, the more of the coin that has to be locked up.

This means that any service which is growing in activity is going to impact the entire ecosystem. The best part of the digital world is all increases in value, no matter how small, is spread to the entire userbase.

Business builders can have a huge impact.

Entrepreneurs and small business owners have been pushed out of the established economy to a great degree. We are seeing massive corporations taking over. With Web 3.0, we are dealing with virgin territory.

Digital platforms tend to be the game of major players. If nothing else, it usually starts with venture capital money.

With Hive, the infrastructure is in place for anyone. This means setting up a business on TOP of what is already in place. This gives the individual a great advantage. Nothing is required in terms of start up costs for this. Instead, the scarce resources could be directed to things other than digital infrastructure.

Hive can even offer a built in store through Wavio.io, eliminating another layer of development.

Those with the business mindset should be drooling over some of this stuff. Anyone who started an online business knows there are a ton of things to address even before one is in operation. On Hive, a lot of it is already in place.

What does the ecosystem look like, not with tens of millions of dollars in trading activity on the coin but, rather, in revenues generated from business built on here?

Suddenly, it takes on a completely new form.

It is what Hive really needs at this point.

What Is Hive

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

106.389 NEOXAG


I would love to sell audio samples on here and build up sample packs.

0.115 NEOXAG

I also built a space for this with @blocktunes but the community tends to ignore it like they do @hivelist

0.001 NEOXAG

How’s the project going? I’ve been offline a lot recently and have lost track of its progress

0.004 NEOXAG

It’s still alive, but needing to expand beyond Hive because it has been ignored here, no matter who I try to work with, so, needing to expand to a broader market and bring back the EVM NFTs.

0.000 NEOXAG

That's what I've been saying for the last two years. Major blockchains like Ethereum etc all run off a business mindset and it's what gets them developing and offering tools people want to use to build on the chain. Thus creating value and demand for the token. Hive greatly lacks this from our core devs at the moment and the only places I've seen some commitment from in that area are LEO and Splinterlands. Let's hope there will be more soon.

2.975 NEOXAG

The Copy-Paste-Ability of their Smart Contracts created a flourishing ecosystem of service providers for business leaders eager to join the ETH ranks.

Never underestimate the power of a well placed toolkit.

0.000 NEOXAG

I think this is a great idea, a way for people to purchase things. I have thought about it but majority of people are in the US. Shipping fees from here to Aus are huge! I would love to sell stuff to people though

0.118 NEOXAG

At this juncture, there's certainly no iota of doubt about the importance attached to transitioning from speculative trading to real world utility and revenue generation which the Hive ecosystem confidently boasts of.

By fostering a thriving business environment, Hive could establish itself as a robust platform for entrepreneurship and innovation, thus solidifying its position in the broader blockchain landscape.

0.143 NEOXAG

One thing I can really notice that hive really needs is to create more massive adoption around that will help us the hive value up

0.116 NEOXAG

I have been trying to build an e-commerce ecosystem here for the last 4 years. The problem, even with HBD due to the APR is that nobody wants to spend because “number-go-up”. There are other issues with Hive that I would be more comfortable talking to you about in private. But it’s not like people haven’t tried. It takes people to support those businesses for them to survive.

0.159 NEOXAG

Yep, I'm kind of sure most people are like is it worth me buying this when I can earn 20% APR lol

0.122 NEOXAG

Well we can never build a true alternative economy when people won’t support the businesses trying to build it.

0.000 NEOXAG

@thelogicaldude, do you have some kind of integration for $USDT or $USDC or even $BUSD or some other stablecoin that still allows for the Hive footprint, but offers a way to circumvent the HBD interest rate issue?

Can this all we worked in partnership with @leofinance's rebirth of LeoDex and the new connection to Maya/Thorchain?

I think usability and ease of access is key... it's what "won" AOL the Internet in the early days. It's wasn't a better service than Prodigy or Compuserve, but they kicked ass in the ease-of-use department.

@hivelist can build on "not only is this CRYPTO and DECENTRALIZED, but it's actually EASIER to use than Amazon/eBay!"


0.000 NEOXAG

I have offered all kind of different payment options over time, didn’t matter and shouldn’t matter, you can exchange into HBD like you can with anything else. It was meant to be a currency from the beginning. That’s why it’s paid in a liquid format. Doesn’t stop people from using it to pay for a premium Leo membership that gives you what? In my experience nothing, but 10 HBD less in my wallet. At least when you buy an item, you have the item and not a promise of things that don’t happen.

I don’t see where the new LeoDex is going to do anything for Hivelist. If I was going to do anything it would be with my own DEX with LogicSWAP.exchange. I have tried several times to work with the Leo team over the years and straight up get ignored by them. In fact I asked at one point about putting merch up on the store and the answer I got was a post a few days later about the possibility of a LeoStore that never happened, so , yeah lost cause. They are all about LEO and that’s it. They don’t even support the second layer chain their token is built on so why would they support another community?

The store is as easy to use as any other e-commerce store out there. We even have an affiliate program that we advertise but nobody joins or uses. This was an attempt to get the community to help us spread the word, but has failed. Even people that do have stores and products on Hivelist don’t do anything about trying to help with marketing.

Atta-boys and tiny post upvotes don’t support a business. I over-estimated the Hive community in thinking they would support projects that were trying to do something different and trying to make a new economy, but I was dead wrong. People only want a “number-go-up” token and really don’t care about why the whole ecosystem is supposed to exist in the first place. They’ll cash out into fiat and spend it before supporting a business that accepts crypto for payment which boggles my mind. Hivelist is not the only e-commerce business that has tried in the crypto space either and has failed due to lack of use.

This space has turned to be about nothing but greed instead of creating a true free-market peer-to-peer economy that it was supposed to.

0.000 NEOXAG

waivio and hivelist are the first two dApps that come to mind whenever I hear the word "business" on Hive.

0.116 NEOXAG

Business Mindset
I long stated that each Hive account is a business.

I have been saying that every App-builder should treat Hive more as a tool or a solution that they use to create what they do. There are not many Apps that have a page that explains why they chose (and promote) Hive on their website.

0.114 NEOXAG






60 votes
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shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
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aaronkroeblinger [-]
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and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
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[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating






[-]acidyo (82) 3 months ago
Haha at "I shouldn't make commercial" :D Maybe something to worry about when you have more youtube subscribers! Quite interesting content though, these things should get more subs on there and here.

1 vote
[-]gogreenbuddy (67) 3 months ago
Yeah thought that was funny too

4 votes
gogreenbuddy: $4.47
acidyo: $0.06
holbein81: $0.01
koleso: -$0.00


@themarkymark @buildawhale @upmyvote @ipromote @gogreenbuddy @usainvote @punkteam @makerhacks @apeminingclub @leovoter @blockheadgamds @rollingbones farm @cwow2 @solominer @steevc @adm @abit @theycallmedan @dalz @abh12345





Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Stop supporting the fake Hive police who do nothing but exploit Hive

Many people on Hive will never get to spend any of their Hive as it may become illegal in certain countries

Looking at Hive from the outside, it looks like trash let just be honest there are issues. Not many people would be interested in coming to Hive to read blogs let's be honest

0.000 NEOXAG

I would advise new Hivers not to buy any to start with. They can get to know it and make up their own mind about that. I do want to see more opportunities to spend what we make. I have bought a few things such as music and comics. We have to build up the market so that it is worth creators marketing their wares.

0.115 NEOXAG

Have you bought comics? Where? How?

0.116 NEOXAG

I've bought from a few people, but some were on Kickstarter or Amazon. I'm not sure if any are on offer for crypto right now.

0.000 NEOXAG

oh okay, I had understood that you bought comics with hive

0.001 NEOXAG

I think I did in some cases. I know I bought some figurines with $HIVE. For now people tend to use things like Kickstarter as it can reach a bigger audience.

0.000 NEOXAG

it would be nice if there was a kickstarter on hive.
since I like drawing comics and graphics, I'm always very interested in the possibilities of Hive blockchain.

0.001 NEOXAG

I appreciate the perspective and it helps me realize how and why it was easy to run my businesses on Hive in the past, it's the infrastructure.
What is wave.io?
When I go to Leoglossary there is no information on Wave.io.
I googled it and it says the domain is for sale.

0.116 NEOXAG

Well Said. @taskmaster4450 Has Spoken!

Perhaps your most poignant and relevant piece in a long time!

In some ways, the Cryptosphere "lost its way" somewhere. The big mistake was adopting a mindset that TOKENS were the actual product offered, rather than the idea underlying the token, with the token simply being the fuel for the product.

And so, we ended up in this slightly surreal version of "Wall Street Greed." Except it's somewhat decentralized Wall Street Greed.

As a parallel, although an inadequate one, the state of crypto in 2024 feel like someone clinging to the idea of "being on the Internet" as the end game of that particular technology. Except, we know today that making the statement "I'm on the Internet" is largely meaningless. Good for you... but what do you DO, on the Internet?

What do you do with crypto? What do you do with blockchain technology and web 3.0? We can't delude ourselves that it is "enough" to simply be "in" Web 3.0.

Hive and INLEO have an interesting — but sadly underappreciated — leg up in the sense that we have content creation, and we have Splinterlands and we have other fledgling business projects. I'm hopeful that @thelogicaldude and his ecommerce efforts will eventually gain some traction. I'm hopeful that @holozing will gain some traction. I'm hopeful that the shopping/commerce efforts of @waivio will gain some traction.

And I am extremely hopeful that no idiots will decide that "the problem with Hive" is something that has to be solved by tweaking the rewards system, or changing some other fundamentals that complete miss the point.


0.113 NEOXAG

This is a good idea. Buying and selling on Hive will be highly productive

0.116 NEOXAG

I think this only applies if the value of the token remains low. It carries less risk from users who, in general, use Hive to earn a few cents. If the curve goes up (more users, more value) the tokens increase in value and no one would spend in such a fluctuating market.

0.000 NEOXAG

I think Hive needs to promote what it can offer more. I didn't really know what Wavio was for. Reading that it is good for online store is news to me. I am only learning about these other apps from other authors. The Hive Keychain helps this a bit with its ecosystem tab, but a lot of other apps aren't there; including Wavio.

0.113 NEOXAG

Yeah. I've said the same for years. Several renditions. Even recently:

Content is created 24/7 nonstop all year, but it's never "sold" to paying supporters like you'd see everywhere else. All that potential is ignored as people favor waiting for bull run cycles to attract interest in the token, thinking that's the only way. It's absurd.

All this product and all the potential ignored, waiting for the miracle number go up.

Read that comment thread. I've grown so tired of repeating myself and going nowhere.

0.115 NEOXAG

Ah yes... Reminds me of the king of "buy my shitcoin"..

0.116 NEOXAG

The active community has become really small, that is causing major platform risks. Hive generally needs to become more inclusive, a lot more inclusive.

And this 'handle it like a business' perspective is really strange, if it doesn't make calculateable income - it is not a business but a hobby or investment. End of the Story.

0.115 NEOXAG

This article reminds me about what I have been thinking about doing for weeks now. Which is dumping my Wordpress sites and redirecting the domains to my accounts on Hive. It's time to stop thinking about it and get busy doing it. I feel like tokens should be able to be used to buy goods and services on the platforms. That would give them utility. I also love the no fee transactions. Who wouldn't love that when we see what credit card companies charge for transactions. Sheesh. I'm not saying stop using them but offering other options on Web 3.0 for payments would be a really good thing.

0.114 NEOXAG

Hive can even offer a built in store through Wavio.io, eliminating another layer of development.

Wow, I never thought hive.blog can be used as a store before.

0.114 NEOXAG

I had to scroll through a post I wrote 2 months ago. Here it is....


That is a post about Hive having its own marketplace. I used Upwork as an example. The marketplace would be a place members would sell their skills out while clients comes around to review and rate their stuff while buying.

I believe Hive is able to get to that stage where amazon is and that is when Hive is being taken as a personal business with much efforts put into place.

0.113 NEOXAG

Buy my NFTs!!! Hahahahaha

Hive is good place for that. Is there already an e-commerce around here?

0.113 NEOXAG

This is an eye opener, its about time we start exploring the opportunities web3 has to offer and from the look of things Hive has it in place for us already.

Thanks for sharing

0.112 NEOXAG

Hive is really a business scheme and ownership offers the extra push to have a solid handle to store, manipulate, regulate or keep updating the personal profile.

But Hive to be like Amazon, a lot of areas needed to be improved and adding on features similar as Amazon would help to build favourable conditions to attract the trusts of many users and render some services with it.

Hopefully, that would come soon.

0.115 NEOXAG

One of the things I really believe can push hive to the next level is there should be a means of transaction where the coin or token of hive can be used for transactions

0.000 NEOXAG

Hive.blog needs instant payouts and no 7 days waiting period.

0.000 NEOXAG

Lucky you! This post has been manually curated by the Bilpcoin Team. Our reputation score is low due to wrongful downvotes. !WEED !MEME !GIF

Downvotes are used to abuse Hive users

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG