How To Achieve Success On Hive As A Content Creator
If you are relatively new to Hive and want to achieve success as a content creator, this is the article for you.
It is not easy to excel on this medium. That said, many of us feel that it is easier than on platforms such as YouTube and Twitter. The ability to stand out is much greater here since the numbers are lower. Anyone who is concentrating on their personal "brand" at this point is likely to be well served going forward.
One of the biggest challenges early on is to remain motivated. It is difficult to see the trending pages and then compare our rewards. The early days are tough for everyone.
To prove this, here is a post by one of the most regarded people on Hive, @theycallmedan (under his @dhenz account). This is his second one after an introduction post that earn him a few $HIVE.
Highlighted is the date, number of upvotes, and rewards earned on the post. There was no cleaning up on this one. It just shows the idea of earning $1,500 on your first few posts is asinine.
The reality is we all start at this point. I think I went two months before I amassed even double digit rewards on a post. There were a lot of articles that looked like this.
Of course, as I look back, the rewards were acceptable to the posts. My time on Hive was not spent focusing in the right area. It did take a few months to figure things out and strike a chord that worked for me.
Here are some suggestions on how to succeed as a content creator. Please keep in mind, this list is a result of making mistakes in the early days. They are included to help others avoid the pitfalls.
Do Not Sh*tpost
Looking back at some of my earlier posts, well it was bad. Resist the temptation to fall victim to this with every fiber of your being. Remember, what is on blockchain is permanent.
It is easy to just want to throw stuff up on the blockchain. We put together a couple hundred words and hit submit. This is fast, easy, and also pretty worthless.
When it comes to rewards, we need to focus upon long-form content. While we all acknowledge applications are showing up that delve into different areas of social media, it is best to keep in mind that the base layer reward pool is still focusing upon long-form.
At the same time, there are some who sh*tpost and get massive rewards. Here is the reality: this isn't you.
We cannot control what others do. This pertains both to those engaging in this behavior and the ones rewarding it.
Our job is to ignore that and concentrate our efforts on our articles. Therefore, I would suggest having a minimum level of 500 words on each post. It might be better to aim for 750.
Treat your blog as highly valuable real estate.
This is nothing new.
Do you think the best athletes in the world are at the level because they "show up once in a while"? The answer is no. Yet for some reason we believe that things are different on Hive.
The reality is that the digital world is really the epitome of "out of sight, out of mind". If you are not around, no matter who you are, they will forget all about you. This is the fact that we have to overcome.
Fortunately, this is easy to compensate for. Simply show up daily and get extremely active. This is how you excel on Hive.
Your goal should be to never miss a day. This means, no matter what, you get an article up. There are no holidays or vacations, especially when new. If you want to stand out, do what most others are unwilling to do.
Showing up each day is a large part of the equation.
Hive is social media. For years I saw one of the biggest keys is to be social.
This means engagement. Most do not take the opportunity to do this. In fact, it is not uncommon for newer people to not even answer the comments left on their blogs. This is a base line code of conduct. Reply to most comments left on your post.
Of course, we would be remiss if we did not mention the quality of comments. It is a simple fact that nobody cares about the "nice post, thank you" garbage. Don't worry, many of us did something similar.
Nevertheless, focus your efforts upon leaving a comment that enhances the article. Perhaps concentrate on a few keys words within the article that could help it out. Whatever you do, always be looking to add to things.
This can be summed up by the idea of focusing upon adding as many words to the blockchain as possible. You want your account out there and one of the best ways is to keep commenting on people's posts. It might take them a while but eventually they will pay attention to you.
Do Not Complain
Here is one of the easiest ways to sabotage your efforts.
Complaining about what is taking place is not going to win any friends. Those who are succeeding are not going to buy into your pointing out what is wrong. There is a major difference between complaining and posting about ways to improve things.
The reality is that most are aware of what needs work. None of us believe Hive is perfect. There are continued conversations about how to make things better. Quite frankly, until established, your job is not to point them out.
Find your niche and build within that. Show yourself to be a positive force for Hive. This starts with your attitude.
Over the years, I came across many complainers. The result is always the say: their wallet is horrific and they never end up staying.
If you want Hive to be a major part of your future, which I suggest you do, then do not fall victim to this. Complaining ranks up there with sh*tposting.
Resist the temptation at all costs.
Do Not Ask For Votes
This is another one that is easy to do but logical if you think it through.
Do not go to the larger account holders asking for votes. You will be immediately framed as a taker and will likely sabotage yourself right from the start.
Aligned with this idea is spamming the comment section of others people's article with links to your posts. Never do this. Their works are not there for you to advertise your articles.
Let your actions speak for themselves. There is a progress that is undertaken on a daily basis in a consistent manner.
Think Long Term
Hive is a compounding machine.
This naturally applies to rewards and the monetary element. It is, however, equally true at every level.
As we put forth effort, our followers will grow. Many of them will have small stake to start. Nevertheless, as time passes, their votes will grow.
When I started, my vote was worth very little. There are people I have upvoted for 5 years, with an ever increasing value to my vote. They might be getting the same percentage from me but the payout is greater.
Long-term thinking also allows us to concentrate on things such as improving our skills. Dedication to our craft, and Hive, is what pays out in the end.
Whatever your focus, make sure you are taking your growth seriously.
Find A Niche
Bring some expertise to the table and find a niche. There are plenty of opportunities on Hive, especially with the tribes.
Not long after I started on Hive, I noticed a lot of negativity towards the chain. Certainly there were many problems at that time. However, much of it was due to a declining coin price (sound familiar).
Fortunately, I have enough experience with technology to know what I was looking at. It amazed me that people were posting the garbage they were while overlooking the potential that was right in front of them.
Hence, that was the niche that I found.
Whatever your area of focus, there are people on here who are interested in that. While it might not be large at the moment, it could grow in time.
An example is my focus upon Tesla. Obviously, this is a topic that has a lot of following on YouTube and Twitter. Few on Hive are discussing it nor, it seems, care about it. That is fine. What I am doing is positioning myself for when the numbers do start to arrive.
Again, this relates back to the long-term thinking.
Look To Add
This is probably the most important suggestion:
In all you do, look to add to the ecosystem. No matter what the activity, make sure it helps to push Hive forward.
This pertains to posts, comments, engagement on social media, and discussions on Discord. Whatever the medium or activity, be the best representation of Hive you can be.
For example, if you want to stand out, set a goal of leaving 25K words in the comment sections a week. Does that sound like a overwhelming task? It is. However, standing out is a difficult endeavor.
As a frame of reference, in the early days, I was putting over 75K in the comment section each week. It took time along with a lot of typing but it got me on the radar of people.
In Conclusion
There are no shortcuts or magic formula on Hive.
If you want to be a serious content creator, then it requires the time, commitment, and effort. There is no way around this.
Like with all things in life, your luck will increase the harder you work.
People like to discuss the idea of working smart. That is fine except too many believe it is a way out of the difficult stuff.
In the end, there is no way to avoid typing a lot of words on the blockchain. That is what is required for success. We appear on screen and that is how people view us.
Fortunately, there is no magical skill required. One does not need to be an award winning author. Take the suggestions here, implement them, and keep honing your skills.
That is all that is required for success.
Consider where you want to be in 5 years.
Starting in 2019, I put the Vision 2025 graphic at the bottom of my posts. This was a reminder to maintain a long-term focus. It meant to not concern myself with the price of $HIVE, the payout right in front of me, flag wars, or anything else taking place.
Instead, it was the idea of keep the long-term view, put my head down, and keep pushing ahead.
Here are a few stats to exhibit how this can add up:
- As of earlier this week, I have over 2,000 videos posted on 3Speak
- According to PeakD, my blog and comments are at 77,815
Showing up each day and getting busy does produce results in the end.
It is a path to becoming a successful content creator on Hive.
If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.
gif by @doze
logo by @st8z
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @taskmaster4450le, @the-bitcoin-dood, @rzc24-nftbbg, @onealfa ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
Such a wise piece of advice. This should always be the mindset
It is something that really helped me.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Aha! So this is why you always comment and reply back to your post commenter.
Love seeing all your contributions here on Hive. Seems you've really grown a lot here.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is one of them. Engagement is crucal. To me, it starts with the comment section of one's own posts.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
True. I think this is what I'm missing.
I should also treat hive/Leofinance as a social media and be more social to other people.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is a good idea.
Also view your efforts on here as all part of your personal brand which, since monetized, is a business.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah. I really think of it as Facebook and Twitter, but we are earning here.
Oh I realize I should put my hive links in my soc med BIOs as well.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Earning is a great piece of the puzzle but only part of the equation.
The key, to me, is being part of something that is, in my view, going to be huge.
This is where those who are in early and are serious will really benefit.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I agree. Reading your blog posts convinces me HIVE is the next big thing.
So I'll keep stacking for more. Actually, I'll have some experiments in HIVE next year.
I'm thinking of some other utilities for HP and LEO.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Not only that, but the comments/replies are meaningful and add value to the post. A "me too"-type of comment/reply should be avoided as much as possible; we could at least save it for a conversation growing from a series or related comments.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm not new to hive, but I read it anyway. Good stuff! I think this is a great framework for people to use when they are new to the platform.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Always good to get reminders about what is paramount on Hive.
We all can stray from the basics.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
For sure!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
In my opinion, consistency and engagement are the most important parameters in the long run, However, I agree with all you have written here.
It is hard to deny the importance of consistency in anything in life.
On Hive this is multiplied.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Brilliant! 👏 Thank you!
I will take a lot away from this post; not sure what my niche is yet, though..
Or if people are actually interested in my sh*t.. 😄
I like the "Do not complain" section.. for people who might not be so technically minded, some things might be a bit of a struggle at times, I myself had some issues with 3Speak the other day, but just lived with it and will work around things.
Of course are certain problems known and just need time to fix or work out, I shall keep schtum for sure.. haha
Thanks for this, very useful input from a seasoned Hiver!
I have over 2,000 videos on 3Speak so I am aware there are issues at times. Do not let that deter you. They will get it resolved in a few hours and post your video.
No excuses is a good mindset. We do whatever is required to succeed.
As for your sh*t, there is a place for everything. Keep at it and you will find your way.
One advantage, by being here you are automatically involved in cryptocurrency which means you can write about that. That is always a topic of interest, especially on Leofinance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Crypto.. it never even occurred to me, but that's food for thought!
Thanks! 👍
You are living crypto and Web 3.0 by being on Hive.
It is something you can relate in your posts.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Danke für deinen Bericht
Whether they like it or not.
Credit: reddit
@taskmaster4450, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @dragon-ti
Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!
This is a good framework for anyone on Hive, new or old.
A lot of people like doing new year resolutions so maybe they can get a few ideas from this list
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes a lot do like doing them and then breaking them by the second week of the month.
But maybe a few will stick with it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Your advice is all very good, any user should read this article of yours to get started. Even I skipped several steps when I started because I didn't really understand how Hive worked. For example, I skipped the introduction post and the possibility of being voted by the OCBD community. That mistake, in retrospect, I could have avoided by perhaps informing myself better about blockchain activities.
So I would add: before you start get to know Hive and all its merits :)
There are a lot of way to work the nuances but the overall is in plac.e I didnt do an intro post either.
The key is to keep pushing forward and mentally approach this differently than most do with social media.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you ! What I like about this article is that it's;
25% what I'm doing already
25% things I know I should do, but not very good at ("real life", time, lots of other awful excuses, but mostly it's just that I need to get into a routine and make it habit)
50% stuff I didn't know about or only knew vaguely about and it's taught me I need to do.
I can only dream of having a reputation score of 84, though. I'm still trying to work out if it's depressing that I'll probably never get there, or motivational to try anyway. On balance, I'm gonna go with "shoot for the stars, even if you don't hit them, you might land on the moon, and if you miss the moon too, the splashdown from that height will be legendary" 😁
Do not worry about where others are. Simply focus upon yourself and improving your efforts each day. That is how you can excel.
It takes time. There is the compounding element which means you have to keep working it for a long period.
Where you are now is just the starting point, not the destination.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have never been happier as a blogger than I am on Hive. Hive solved many of the problems I had with content ownership (and theft of my content) that I had on Blogger. I'm just glad that I found it in 2016 and began posting in July, 2017. That long-term focus has served me well and made me a much better writer.
There are a lot of benefits to being on Hive, many of which we are not even realizing the power of.
This is going to radically shifts things in the future. With so much craziness going on in social media, we can see a place for Hive.
Hopefully more discover it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
25k in comments is a lot of words (a full time writing job), especially as that is on top of reading & comprehending the posts.
My own writing output is aimed at 5-10k words per week.
The time to add 2+ times that as comments for many folks (def me) is not available.
But, that consistency of posting and interacting combined with quality for both is as essential as you say.
You are right it is a lot and it all adds up. But when involved with some decent content, it is easy to do. This is especially true when answering people.
Conversations are important and getting them going is healthy for the individuals involved and the ecosystem.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ha ha, my comment in this post (not counting this one), it's only 44 words!!! ;(
44 words closer to 100K.
Keep it up.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's how it is done people.
I am 3 plus years hear and I still need to read this post over and over. At least 10 times.
@taskmaster4450! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (20/50)
@taskmaster4450! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (4/20)
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

You are picking up on it @bradleyarrow.
The transformation you made on here is pretty amazing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks so much 🙏
@taskmaster4450le! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (23/50)
Really good read.
Some of this ideas are the same I try to sell to people who are new in Hive. Not everyone understands them, but that's part of the filter process of such a platform. It is a great tool that could be used for everybody, but it isn't for every mindset.
Let's hope that all the reblogs and votes keep this kind of posts visible for all users. Some of the older one could also use a back to basics.
The only thing we can do is to keep espousing the ideas contained herein. We cant make people listen.
There are no shortcuts on Hive. It is a process that each of us goes through. Few of us were able to magically come in and start reaping huge numbers.
Our first posts were little rewarded. Over time, it grows.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It grows if we keep working and bettering ourselves. I agree with your idea of leading by example. I come from teaching and there's no other way people learn stuff. And each one does it under their own terms.
Just watch the actions of a person; that is more telling than what they say.
On blockchain, we can see if one's actions and words match.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'll keep my eyes open.
It's great to see a post that offers practical advice for content creators on Hive, especially at a point where my efforts to grow here seem frustrating. This is the motivation I needed.
This post has reminded me that success on any platform takes time and consistent effort, and it's normal to have ups and downs along the way. This post has important advice on how to build a successful presence on the platform, such as focusing on long-form content, being consistent, and interacting with the community.
I am also reminded that even when everyone starts at the same place, it is not possible for everyone to end up at the same place, and thus, it's not realistic to expect huge rewards right off the bat.
So, maybe, I need to focus on creating more value and building relationships with the community, rather than just chasing rewards.
I look forward to a time when I would think less of the rewards and just write for the community, to educate, inspire, and motivate.
Thanks for your thoughtful pieces as always.
I would agree.
The rewards will come as the process unfolds. As shows by Dan's rewards early on, it wasnt there for him either. But over the years he put thousands of posts and comments online.
This is how we get noticed on chain. We can enhance it by doing Hive stuff on social media like Twitter. That helps us to stand out also.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'll definitely heed to this. Thanks.
It's been my fifth year on Hive and for some reason, I have been looking for a content creator course on Cousera to better enhance what I put on the chain.
The impact on Hive is it creates a platform that requires us to keep upgrading ourselves.
The complaining part is a no-no, how do Hive appears to an outsider if I am complaining about it? It obviously will put outsiders off and I hope we all realize this.
This article might be for the new ones on Hive but it speaks to some of us the older ones as well, we are not perfect so there's always a thing or two to learn and unlearn.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There are things we can do to ensure our content is getting better.
One of the big things, to me, is simply to try and touch people. Keep the message clear and concise. This is what people respond to.
Personally, I write like I talk. My stuff is not award winning but I think I do a decent job of getting the message across.
That is what I found to be the most important, especially with my videos. Raw and unedited.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's not going to be easy, but it will be worth it!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Few things in life are easy, especially the worthwhile ones.
It seems that when something is easy, we do not appreciate it as humans.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
77k is kind of height of consistency. I cant imagine reaching even 10K in that much time.
How do you manage to stay that much consistent? Like how do you handle real life, health and also lethargy if you get any?
I have no frends, dont like my familiy, and do not clean my place.
All of this provides a lot of free time for Hive I found.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This article is beneficial for all users specially for new users.
In my opinion, in the beginning, we mostly focus on the reward rather the enjoying the platform and engaging with others which is our biggest mistake, and because of it remaining motivated become difficult for us. As a result, it becomes hard to continue with a consistence flow.
Focusing upon growth is important. It is crucial that we expand our abilities. This is not easy and takes time.
Rewards do distort what is going on because we often think that an indication of the value we bring.
It is not.
Simply keep expanding our efforts and skills. Dedication to Hive does pay off in the long run for those who have it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, I agree with your statement. And at the current time, I am focusing on it.
I understand it now because I made many mistakes. It's my good luck that I met some users who provided knowledge about this platform.
When I came to hive for the first time, I thought that Hive is only a platform where I can make money only, nothing else. But I was wrong and understood it later.
I am thankful to you and those users who shared their knowledge here. Now I can think about this platform for a long time.
We all made mistake. None of us were perfect.
This entire post comes from my experience, both good and bad. I screwed up a great deal too.
Not the end of the world. Simply pick up from this point and move forward in a different manner. Focus upon engagement and interaction. Look at the quality of what you put on chain while trying to figure out ways to enhance it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you for giving suggestions. I already working on it and trying to improve my writing skill & engaging with others.
That is all we can do.
Also consider doing some videos. They are a great way to communicate...or at least some audio.
3Speak is wonderful for this.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Still I haven't done it but I have plans to make some videos and publish here.
Rewards don't happen if we're not in front of people. That's why engagement is vital on Hive in particular and Web3 in general. After all, people can't upvote our content if they don't see us or even know about us.
Engage properly, and the rewards take care of themselves.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is absolutely correct. The more engage, the more you can earn. But that engagement must be meaningful engagement. Commenting on a post just get a reward usually ends up with nothing. Making substantive comments is more likely to earn more upvotes, more rewards, and more engagement overall.
Good post.
The later days are tough for many too. I've been here since the beginning and my posts still don't make much. No complaint here, just a statement of fact. I remain motivated and posting everyday, but I think we are always losing people who can't keep that motivation. It is a tough sell when you can make $100 putting together a quick shitlist at or make a few bucks on a Hive post.
Now it is as it is, eh? But it does cost us (speaking of Hive in general) some otherwise good writers. I am always trying to think of how to solve this problem because I really want Hive to succeed long-term. Part of me thinks hiding post rewards would be good for getting rid of this loss of motivation due to comparison, but then again showing post rewards may attract people here too. I suppose in the end, just talking about these things like you are in this post may be the best solution.
I think if people survive the early days (which I fully agree are very rough, only making a cent or two each post) they do ok until they hit a year or two in, and then if they still aren't making more than a few bucks, they get very discouraged.
Haha exactly. Very good.
Yeah this is key. So many newbies don't reply. I am always trying to get thru to new poets in Blockchain Poets than replying is important.
Find a niche is good, but make sure that niche has at least some fans. Haha. Speaking of someone who has been writing about haiku and Japanese history for the past 5 years, which I've found not so many people around here are interested in. It is good writing practice and I've made some good friends, so it's all good. But some niches are not as good as others for attracting attention. That said,
A very good way of looking at things!
Anyway, great essay, man. We should make this required reading for anyone new to the platform.
Yes you are in a rather small pond right now. Okay, probably a non existent one.
However, over time, hopefully that will change. To me, here is where the long term mindset comes in. Like I am doing with Tesla, my goal is to position my content so that when people do arrive, I am already there.
It is a tough road especially since we do not seem to be attracting the numbers. Alas, it is how it is for now.
If we believe Hive will eventually succeed and see larger numbers, it is going to be worth it.
Hiding rewards is an interesting idea.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
haha too true. Ah....woe is me. Oh well—it's what I know best so I stick with it and hope I can show some people how awesome the topic is! If someday we get a lot of Japan lovers who join, some of them whales who like to throw around votes, I'll be in a good place! ;)
I share your optimism. Let's see what the next bull run brings us!
I would say that, while frustrating, you are going to stand out in that area as an expert.
There are a lot, globally, who would have an interest, just a matter of getting them to Hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Small pond. That's how it is for me with spreadsheets. That's how it is, so I remain stoic.
Maybe we need to go where the people are before we can bring them over to our ponds? Fans of Japanese hi-tech and entertainment may be willing to see what you have. For me, I'm still trying to figure out where to take my road trip on Hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Years ago there was a haiku bot that commented when it saw haikus, but I think a spambot hater killed it off.
haha I remember that. It was fun, but it also perpetuated the idea that haiku are nothing more than counting syllables. So I both liked it and didn't like it.
Would it make a difference if new writers (or at least new Hive account holders) are made aware of the long game here or the mindset needed to get through the rough times?
As soon as we encounter these new writers, we direct them to a post they need to read similar to this post.
This way they don't get frustrated by the wee numbers they see daily when they start out. They would also know how important it is to keep writing especially when the bear market rules the day.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am ending 29-December 2022 with the best reading of the day!
Thank you for sharing those key points. I am rebloging it in hope it helps the newbies, but no matter how long we are in Hive, this is a reading to heal the courage to continue in a moment when you find you cannot advance in the ecosystem. For it takes years to begin to feel some Rewarding results!
Hopefully my new followers with new accounts read this.
Thanks again for your passion we can feel!
Consistent activity on Hive is key in my experience. Thanks for the encouraging words. They help to motivate me to keep adding to the chain.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It’s a pleasure! Thank you Sir!
I agree with you. And I, as a newbie, apologize myself with the author for taking part in some behaviours ill-conceived for obtaining some attention.
So I will put this post as a permanent reminder of the approach I need to sustain here. Thanks.
We have too much to learn here! No worries, just we need time, precious time!
Been there, done that.
None of us are perfect. When we arrive, we simply do not know. It usually takes a few months to figure things out.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This I like an open letter to me. The struggles in the beginning is really hard but as you put on your best and learning at the same time will always bring changes. Thanks for this advice @taskmaster4450🙏
Not a letter to anyone. Many of us fall into the same category.
For me, it was a reminder of my early days. This is a reflection upon what I did.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for this educational write up once again. It really mean alot to newbies like me. This was just a way of expressing how useful the post is to me.
Consistency and engage is powerful on hive
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
All you have talked about sounds very familiar yet hit differently today, I guess I needed this to refresh my memory as I begin to set my 2023 hive goals.
Just like in the offline world one have to follow the process, belief in the process, and put in the work and a great result like your stats above will be possible.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Success in anything requires showing up and taking consistent action. Hive is no different.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have to bookmark this post and internalized these points. For me, the biggest takeaway is thinking long term. With a long term perspective towards Hive one will eventually succeed, it also gives one the ability to bear with the challenges that occur in the beginning.
It is at the end of each of my posts.
Looking out to 2025. Where will Hive be then?
That is what I keep focusing upon.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great advices. Keep it up !!
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This is all outstanding advice. Thanks kindly for sharing. 😊
I think having a unique flair is also useful when creating your "brand." We'll see how that works out in my particular case. I'll keep all of this advice in mind, and also share this with whomever I bring onto Hive. This is truly an article of gold for any user.
There are many ways to achieve the "brand". A flair, if you will, helps.
For me, it was simply a matter of being everywhere I could.
But each has to decide for oneself.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are on my favorites list every time you published a new post I received a push notification on @ecency , I am becoming addicted to this waiting all the time for the fresh posts from you and other top content creators
Thanks for giving us suggestions about how to grow on hive it's one of the most important topic to discuss, All these suggestions are based on your experience that's why it will definitely help someone like me who try to follow it
Another thing is can you write another post about 'how to become a successful content Curators on hive'
Is it enough to powered up hive account and create or follow a automatic Curation trail that's it, or just keep receiving rewards by Delegating Hive power to any other large curator account
I mean content creators will not become successful or not able to grow on hive until we improve or encouraged manual content Curation, upvotes diversification
This topic is uncomplicated without discussion hive to grow on hive as a content curators
I hope you will write about it in upcoming posts
If they don't mind can I ask this question to large accounts, are they just here for to set an Automatic system and set back to keep watching it how it's working, I think they also have some responsibilities as a productive member of this global community
When both sides or parties content creators and Curators understand how we can grow together hive will go to moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Why only content creators need to spend more time on hive also need more engagement to grow and earn Author rewards
Why content curators just need to set a automatic system then they may not visit hive for months to get Curation rewards?
dear "ser" I would like to inform you that shitposting can an artform :)
Understood. I am more science than artist so it is out of my realm.
But for those truly creative ones, you can take it to a new level.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
All here is true. I have been on Steem/Hive for a long time too now but I have noticed that making a huge maximum quality post is not going to bring the biggest reward always.
One example from recent times. I did a travel post, about 500 words and like 7 pictures, got 130 hive reward. Took me 15 minutes to make the post.
Other time I did a huge post of my survival experience abroad. Spent 4 hours for composing this post and about 2800 words, got 8 Hive as reward. Does bring some motivation down sometimes to spend half a day and earn pennies. But yes, overall its important to produce quality content
Fortunately, I enjoy blogging here and connecting with others so much. If I only did it for rewards, I think I wouldn't be here any more
Well that is the age old debate, what is quality?
That said, there is a limit to what most will read. Those who write novels tend to not get read. I know I can push 2K words at time.
Unless it is really interesting, that is some of the least engagement in all the posts I do.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There is no shortcut in life and success do not like it. Asking too much or complaining when i e do not even understand the system will not have good result. This post has added value to my life and the type of content i create. Like you said there short post with big vote but they are very few. Sometimes i find it difficult to leave meaningful comment on shot post because I don't really understand it.
If all newbies will focus on building and learning so as to understand hive ecosystem, i think we all will go very far with hive.
In as much as hive is not perfect, it is helping humanity. It is really compounding. I trust and believe that consistency is the to success in every business. Hive is not different.
There is no way Hive can reach maximum potential unless we get a lot of people involved.
All newbies should understand the opportunity here. It is truly remarkable.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This call for action. Those who really understand the system should promote hive to friends and families and help those who are willing to learn to understand how to grow on hive. Much work to do.
Crazy how far we’ve come man. I remember my baby steps here and they were not the most graceful that’s for sure. Now it’s time to motivate and teach people who are in that same infancy.
Yeah we did fall into a lot of alligator pits.
Alas, that is how it goes. We simply have to keep striving for improvement and see where it takes us.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It takes a while, but eventually, it becomes effortless.
Yep it does. And thanks for the flashback to my youth. LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is very detailed and helpful. I have learnt a lot from this especially the commitment part. 'The more you work hard, the harder your choice of luck will be be', got me which is totally true.
Being committed and staying committed by coming here every single day will really help not just newbies but every single blogger on this blockchain.
Many feel Hive is just another social media platform. To me, it is so much more with even greater potential in the future.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes it is much more... It is not just for entertainment
I also do a lot of supporting smaller communities .which are outside the main languages.
so even with bad English it is possible to work.
and gradually learn it.
for small comments, long writing is enough for me, it's bad .
Thank you little comunit .
without her it wouldn't make much sense to some
It is great to support the smaller communities. Each of us have a role to play.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think it took me about 20-21 posts to get my first significant payout when I started out back in late 2017! And yet not a single day I felt disheartened because as you said, the tech in front of us at the time was extremely unique and the idea was revolutionary. Hence exerting patience to wait and search for my niche seemed a no brainer.
Consistency is something I have lacked and this is something I regret the most about my journey on the blockchain. I have often found myself taking "short" breaks from the chain which ended up becoming months and even years at a stretch. That resulted in me losing track of some really good friends and to this day I still miss many of them and wish I had at least stayed in touch to what they are up to now.
It takes time for all of us. That simply how it goes.
Back then (2017) we were only dealing with the base layer. The layer 2 tokens (rewards) make it a lot easier to get noticed.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Indeed, building takes time and consistency is always key. Showing up one day at a time. This is one motivating and inspiring post. Thank you.
You are welcome.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
First of all, congrats on hitting the 2k videos milestone. That's a huge accomplishment and I can only imagine how much work and thought it s been put into it.
Second of all, I agree with your whole post, except the part about posting every day. Ok, if you're a talented writer then posting every day shouldn't be a problem. But if you struggle to find words, or english is not your native language it takes some time to produce a quality post. So if you push yourself to post every day, most of your posts will be sh*tposts.
I joined Hive 11 months ago, and I managed to write maybe 10 (or even less) quality posts that I can be proud of. Ok, my problem is not the lack of idea, but the lack of free time, and I can't do much about it right now. But I enjoy commenting on other people posts when they write something sensible and smart, so I agree that it's one of the keys in building a good reputation on this amazing network.
To sum it up - Thank you! That's really what I want to say. Thank you for bringing high quality content to us, and don't slow down. Hive needs more people like you, because we all want to see Hive achieve greatness.
The way Hive is today-- long form blogging, short form blogging, image sharing, multimedia for long and short posts, even questions via Reverio-- we can post daily without needing to do a long form post.
Ideally we should do both, but if we can't then we should post something of quality every day no matter the form of the content. Once we get into a groove, then we can figure out how to do long form blogging daily.
Everything mentioned in the above post is still true.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is the kind of post that I want to print out and hang over my desk, for daily motivation. I appreciate the focus on growth and a long term perspective. Even if you're only making a few cents for a post, you are developing your skills, writing discipline, and building an audience. It's a great point too, that a new follower whose upvote is worth very little to you today, could grow into a whale 5 years from now!
What will you do if you have nothing to post or nothing meaningful enters your mind even after reading an article? Have you experienced such?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sometimes the best thing to do is simply ask questions. Whatever questions come to mind. With enough questions asked either in one comment or over a number of comments, a breakthrough occurs. Then you take it from there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for the insight.
I think that mass of videos by you on 3 speak shows how dedicated you are, and quality dedication will always result in success. Congrats on that one.
This is a special post that brings back all kinds of memories and we learn as we go along.
Finding one's niche is as simple as focusing on one's passions, or experiences, as then others with similar passions will be drawn to it.
I also post every day, as I have learned from you guys and it is a long road, but so worth it.
This is a great post and it has to be reblogged. Let's just hope that many will read it.
This is really going to help me grow here. Thank you for posting this.
I agree with all the points you bring up. I remember my start at Hive and it really wasn't the best. I think the first blog post that I thought was rewarded at that point (most were under the dust threshold) was a review of crytobrewmasters. It was longer content and it was adding value.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Some amazing pointers here and the proof is in the doing. Keep up the great work.
Solid points.
The three C'c of Cuccess
Anyone who focuses on these will cucceed.
SP intentional.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Fuck @spaminator - u got an upvote from me :D
Have a wonderful weekend <3
Btw - check out - same as hive, but without the downvotes ;)
Hit me up on Blurt to get a big, free vote ;D
You have to be consistent that the golden advice and the compounding will surely help you in long term.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This your post is inspiring and no one said it is going to be easy but as long as we keep grinding, we are going to get there someday, i am also in that stage of life where all that matters to me is my work and i have
lessno time to party around, your achievement on hive is also motivating and for the past few months i have also up my engagement and i am doing better than before, planning to go stronger comes 2023compliment of the season taskmaster
Hive is not just a Blockchain to me anymore but a home where I show up daily and contribute in my own way through posting and engaging on people's post.
This is the truth. It's not only on Hive but everywhere. No one build Rome in a day, it takes time and a lot of discipline and patient. It will be tough in the beginning but moving on will set the pace and you will see a big difference.
Above all, doing what is right, showing up and make sure you are familiar to other people by visiting them and leaving amazing comment relating to their posts.
With that in mind, success will come to us on Hive.
Thanks for sharing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
More info why you see this.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No complaining.
If a complaint is made, propose a remedy or workaround.
Then there is griping, which we should avoid doing at all costs (except where it is specifically encouraged, such as the
Rant, Complain, Talk
community or Festivus each December 23rd).Anyone who is on Hive long enough-- even a few weeks-- will know what the complaints are, so there is no need to rehash them.
Here's another reason to avoid complaining: Google. Do we want people's first impressions of Hive (never mind our own content on Hive) to be a place full of gripes and negativity? It's why I avoid the Stack Exchange domains despite useful content there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
25K words a week. That breaks down to almost 3572 words/day. That can be 10 comments of over 357 words each, or 20 comments of over 178 words each.
That's not even including long form content.
We can work our way to 1 long form post daily. How long that can take depends on who we are.
I'm not there yet, but maybe this roadmap can help:
This is where having a niche is important since writing about it is easier than if we write about an unfamiliar topic.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I know enough about Hive to say that rewards will take care of themselves after we've been posting both frequently and consistently. Even so, when should we expect to see our posts having hundreds-- or at least tens-- of value-added comments? At that point we would be hitting on all cylinders.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Good advice. 👍 I still don't do some of those and yet am still here. Hehe. It's all about getting noticed by curators thru the right content. 😁