Hive: People Missing The Bigger Picture


It is easy to get caught up in the short term and have narrow focus. This is natural, especially in a world of instant gratification. We want everything now. Few are willing to put in the time to let things grow to the point where massive success takes place. Instead, we are always looking for a shortcut.

Words like "quick" and "instant" are delivered in marketing pitches and we buy into them. Sadly, what is being sold is a dream along with a way to separate ourselves from our money. Quick weight loss. Instant success formula. Anything to achieve what we desire in a short period of time (and usually with minimal effort).

We apply this mindset to cryptocurrency. In fact, it appears to be the case in all facets of money. Hell, there is even a show called Fast Money on CNBC. Here is what we arrive to Hive with.


Missing The Bigger Picture

In my writings, I try to provide a backdrop against which things are operating. Nothing takes place in a vacuum. Therefore, we have to look at what is happening outside our little part of the internet to see what is taking place.

For that reason, bringing up topics such as the decentralization of media and the decline of cable news is important. These are crucial trends to incorporate into our thinking. What Tucker Carlson is having an impact upon what we do on Hive. The same is true with the rest of the media world.

People are working on putting together a Hive Broadcasting network of sorts. This is something that is designed to bring more "professional" content to Hive. Instead of trying to attract influencers, it is time to create our own.

With Hive we are dealing with a protocol. That means we have an underlying foundation upon which things can be built. It is vital that both levels get attention, which takes time. Here we see where the builders are the difference makers.

Business Practices

How often have you heard to Hive referred to as a "media network"? The answer is likely never. Do we think in those terms? The answer is no.

However, this is what can occur when we have business building practices. Those who realize the potential seek not to construct a blogging platform. At the same time, they even go past social media. It ultimately becomes a media network.

Of course, let's flip gears. How many people consider Hive to be a financial network? Do you look at it as a "digital Wall Street"? Again, we most likely have the answer of "no".

This is also missing a major component. There are things being built out which incorporate these ideas into them. Yet most focus upon the blogging nature of Hive.

Cryptocurrency, in general, still is devoid of people applying business building practices. Everyone is still looking for the mooning of their favorite coin or token. Few are concentrating on the business side of things.

It is also why Gary Gensler can call crypto nothing more than scams and frauds. Without building things that are sustainable, this is exactly what it is. Yet, instead of supporting the things that are being built, most simply promote the latest con job. This is where the industry shoots itself in the foot.

Do You Like Being A Slave?

This is an honest question. Is this something you enjoy?

The reason I ask is because, in our wage based economy, that is exactly what people are. You show up for work and, in return, get compensation. Each year, people look to get a raise, hoping the company will provide a few more resources into the paycheck. Of course, this presumes you make it through the year and do not get caught up in layoffs or get fired for some other reason.

Some might think this too harsh but would you show up for work if they didn't pay you? At the same time, what happens to the money that you earn? Is it used to lay the foundation for a brighter financial future? In most instances, it is not. Instead, it all goes out either to make basic needs or to feed the consumerism habit. Non-productive debt is a favorite of the masses. Of course, it is financial suicide.

Fast forward 40 years and most people still have little to nothing for their efforts. This is reality in the developed world. Naturally, things are worse in the developing nations.

People claim to want more but do they?

Hive Is An Opportunity

I stated that each Hive account is a business. This is something that is becoming clearer each day. That said, do most take advantage of it?

When we look at the results, it is evident what people are doing. They would rather spend their time either complaining or looking for the quick payout instead of building. Here we have a decentralized database, in the era of mass computing, which requires nothing more than resource credits to utilize. And how many are taking advantage of this?

That quickly becomes a rhetorical question.

Failure to take advantage of an opportunity is on you. Blame is something that most will turn to, as they drive into work Monday morning for another week of answering to someone else. Certainly, the potential to simply leave our jobs is not often available. Here is where time enters.

Of course, most are likely to be in the same position, or worse, in 5 years. You can detest what I write here all you want. However, look around you and tell me where I am wrong. The masses are asleep, it really is that simple.

Hive offers something different. To start, we have to make clear, contrary to what many think, it is not a place for handouts. If that is what you want, apply to your government for whatever programs they have and become beholden to them.

There are those who come with a long term focus and dig into what is taking place. Those are able to see some difference in the opportunity presented. We still have infrastructure being built which is going to accelerate the expansion once some keep pieces are in place.

In the meantime, people have the ability to start grasping the transition that is occurring. We are seeing Web 3.0 appearing before our eyes. It is offering the opportunity for anyone to stake a claim and build something.

This is not easy. It takes time, effort, and dedication. As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but cannot make it drink. Hive is no different.

The Internet was responsible for some massive fortunes. Most call these people lucky (or greedy). I have no love for Mark Zuckerberg but you have to credit what the guy built. He has a network with like 3 billion users. That is very impressive.

As we transition into Web 3.0, there will be platforms built providing enormous opportunity to people. The question is will they take advantage of it or not.

Seeing Hive as just a blogging platform is missing the bigger picture. Alas, that will become clear to people at a later date, after the early opportunity is gone.

The time to stake your claim is now. Start building for the future by understanding what is truly taking place.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

146.460 NEOXAG


I like this. I actually did a video and did talk about treating Hive like a business. engaging is what will make our business grow here :) That's why we need to network and make new friends here but a lot of people don't understand that. They just create content but don't support or read others content at least most of the ones that end up quitting. I think what you wrote is true and our generation is lazy that's why we want everything fast but anyone with experience knows great things take time to build. rome wasn't built in a day as they say. I love your post man :) Hopefully people read this and wake up at the reality lol. There's no instant get rich scheme it's all hard work and maybe some luck along the way .

0.046 NEOXAG

I wouldnt say it is necessarily a generation that is that way. We have many generations that were reared of late with the instant gratification.

As for supporting others, we talked about this on threads and yes you are correct. It is engagement that is key.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

0.005 NEOXAG

:P well it's worse in our generation where we are free from war (basically we have volunteers now so most of us really don't have to go unless we want to). We are too spoiled and we have everything pretty much at our disposal. we have the internet which we can find anything we want to learn instantly no need to read books to learn lol when someone already has a full summary with the main points. we have chatgpt to write full essays :') which some people are already using in school. Instead of working to build skills there's all these shortcuts that are easily accessible now as well :) which has probably played a part in that instant gratification.

Yup you are the master of engagement. The idol on threads that everyone knows and looks up to :)

0.000 NEOXAG

Many people still don't realize that Hive is something much bigger than what they can see.

0.021 NEOXAG

There is a lot going on, in areas that most of us dont know about. Even if we are following, it is impossible to keep track of everything. There are things going on in gaming that I have no clue about.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

0.000 NEOXAG

Hive presents a massive opportunity for anyone who understands and utilises it well. Nothing comes easy but most people are operating from an easy and less effort mindset. Most people are indeed asleep and the sad thing is that they're sleeping with their eyes wide open. We have to learn to employ business building practices on Hive and crypto in general like we do in the real world.

0.019 NEOXAG

Few are willing to put in the time to let things grow to the point where massive success takes place.

Since most of the people I talk to are "of a certain age" they have been part of traditional social media for 10+ years. So when I tell them, "If you're going to be creating content, walking/working out, creating and consuming podcasts, video etc, why wouldn't you also add the blockchain as a destination for your content where you can own and possibly earn? It seems to resonate.

...bringing up topics such as the decentralization of media and the decline of cable news is important.

In the early 2000's when blogging, podcast, vlogging first rolled out en masse, traditional media termed it new media I call it the decentralization of media. Before then if you wanted to be seen you read you needed to be in the newspaper, magazine, or write a book. If you wanted to be heard you needed to be on the radio. If you wanted to be seen you needed to be on TV or in the movies. But with blogging, podcasting, and vlogging you could be read, heard, and seen globally AND you didn't need anyones permission to do it. It was a powerful moment in time.

When I see what is happening with blockchain technology and specifically Hive, I talk about the decentralization of content and decentralization of monetization. We can now not only have the freedom to be read, heard, and seen globally but we are also the owners of that content and have the opportunity (not guarantee) of being rewarded for it. But not just us as creator. Also everyone as curator because the value is not just in the creation of the content, but in the engagement of that content with others.

How many people consider Hive to be a financial network?

The way I talk about Hive regarding earnings and rewards, is like a piggy-bank you put the change in the bottom of your pocket at the end of the day. Not much each day, but over time it adds up to something more significant. But only if you continue to put that change in each day. It's an overly simple concept, but it drives the point home

I stated that each Hive account is a business. This is something that is becoming clearer each day. That said, do most take advantage of it?

I like this concept a whole lot. It's a slight shift in mindset and yet it is a huge change in thinking about our role, our obligation, and our responsibility to both ourselves and the good health of the chain.

We are seeing Web 3.0 appearing before our eyes. It is offering the opportunity for anyone to stake a claim and build something.

When I talk about the Web3 opportunity to folks on Web2, I talk about taking the exact same behaviors they do right now as it comes to content creations (blogging, social media), multimedia (podcasting, livestreaming, video), fitness, gaming and changing the destination to the blockchain. The goal being that by simply shifting the destination for their daily online (and offline) activities the value given and received is multiplied. Some understand and take action. Others listen and watch.

As much as many of us are all in on what Hive has to offer us as human beings who want to be in control of our destiny, we are still in the early days of the Rogers Bell Curve. We're slowly inching towards the wave. One of our roles as evangelists is to keep taking. Eventually the world will catch up.

0.016 NEOXAG

There was a time where Walter Cronkite was the only game in town. Then it became Rather, Brokaw, and Jennings. Then it was the 3 major cable news networks with their number of talent.

Now the big 3 cable news are getting hit as the Carlson's of the world seek out their own stuff or go on twitter.

So yes it is all part of a larger trend, one you picked up on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

0.016 NEOXAG

News has became more about sensationalism and less about non-biased news reporting. Thankfully with the online world at our fingertips we can curate our own news.

0.000 NEOXAG

Excellent work once again. And absolutely our blockchain here is an important opportunity.

0.016 NEOXAG

It is an opportunity. That is what a lot of these projects are offering. No guarantees. It will take one or two more to breakthrough and then people will realize what is happening.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

0.009 NEOXAG

A lot of people are also really upset about the limitations put on them by individuals here on the blockchain that Force others to adopt made up rules...

Free speech wars would be one example.

The bullying and harassment of certain individuals and financially removing rewards through downloads is another situation.

There is a lot of centralized control with certain individuals.

The more that we have professional and quality organizations and groups succeed here the more these immature egotistical and power hungry individuals will be cut out.

The main one I have a feeling is going to lock up a massive amount of steak when they finally end up passing on.

However that's only going to help the rest of us!

Keep teaching inspiring and enabling others here on the blockchain!

And by the way I actually do a free class to teach people about all sorts of cool fun things that we can do with our Hive accounts.

0.016 NEOXAG

I think that's what leads to most of the failures on Hive. I talk about Hive a lot to people I know and the only thing they keep asking me is "how much will I get paid in a week?" Or "what's the biggest money I can receive?"
And all my efforts to tell them that that's not how it works are mostly futile.
People keep craving quick money. Not putting in the work. Not keeping up with engagements and expect that they'd magically be millionaires.
I wish we could all see the bigger picture.

0.016 NEOXAG

Yep. That is what the sole focus is/was. Part of it is our own fault since, for years, that is how Hive was promoted.

Alas, we will have to have a breakthrough on something like Leofinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

0.000 NEOXAG

This is good stuff ! Hive has huge potential, but as a relative newcomer I'm still trying to work out where I (and my business) fit in. Or it may be that my business doesn't, so that rather than adapting somewhat I need to totally change tack.

One of the biggest issues I've faced when trying to work out how to make the most of Hive is that of structure. Compared to what the world is used to with top-down centralised monopolies providing a menu of services, Web3 feels very disorganised. It's like a boiling ants nest of ever-changing opportunities, but very hard to build a mental picture that draws it into a coherent whole.

I guess a big part of it is the very decentralisation that gives Hive it's strength. It means there's no-one co-ordinating and cataloguing the opportunities. But I'm deliberately talking structure, not organisation. Organisation implies empowered leaders, which is exactly what we don't want.

I'm sure in time, the opportunities that convert what is currently a side-hustle will make themselves clear. I look forward to the idea of stepping my business from the currently uncomfortable but predictable Web2 into the more exciting Web3.

0.016 NEOXAG

You have a valid point. To started, Web 3.0 is a bit different in the structure. That said, more is needed on Hive. To me, this is where infrastructure is still lacking. Some of the level 2 things being developed can help this along. It is an issue though and not one that we are close to an answer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

0.000 NEOXAG

Everyone needs to read the truth in this post. If you don't like what you are reading you either have to educate yourself and change what you are doing or stay a Slave.

Nothing new in this poT for me. I might bot be the faster builder around but I am trying to build for a brighter future and to stop being a slave to the "man".


0.016 NEOXAG

Well there are opportunities Bradley. Some are going to take advantage of them. We will see how much impact this has on the lives of people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

0.010 NEOXAG

The masses are asleep, it really is that simple.

I couldn't agree more with this based on what I see around me it is a pity that we place our hopes so high on the government to make things better. Going to the government for handouts is no option either, Hive is even doing the job of governments in Ghana providing borehole water for communities.

So we might as well start building on Hive where to me it looks a lot more promising.

0.016 NEOXAG

No. Get in bed with the politicians and you are apt to get bitten. That is what people do not realize; the political winds always change.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

0.000 NEOXAG

After The Battle of The Three Armies, back to reality!

  • Hive as a media network
  • Hive as a financial network-
  • Hive as a business account
  • Hive as a blogging platform
  • And perhaps more
0.016 NEOXAG

Forgive me for my complete ignorance, but how is what you say in the quote below such a huge opportunity?

Here we have a decentralized database, in the era of mass computing, which requires nothing more than resource credits to utilize. And how many are taking advantage of this?

Maybe somebody can explain to me how the average person can use data collection to their benefit and/or to take advantage of opportunities that are opening up in the world and web 3.

0.021 NEOXAG

Seeing Hive as just a blogging platform is missing the bigger picture

This is so true!

HIVE is so much more than just a blogging platform.

I saw this post by @dalz, which I found interesting. It has some stats on how people use the #HIVE network. Taking custom JSONs from Splinterlands out of the equation, it turns out most people are using HIVE to send and receive value.

45K MAU make transfers
11K MAU are posting
20K MAU are curating

Maybe HIVE will be a financial network for hundreds of millions of humans one day.

0.016 NEOXAG

Look at what is taking place in Sucre and it tells the entire story.

And wait until there are smart contracts tied to the platform, we will be able to bulild financial services on here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

0.000 NEOXAG

I must confess that it is easy to get caught up in short-term thrill and narrow focus due to the allure of instant gratification, but Hive proved that it is a steady earner for those with a long term strategy. This is much healthier and it also can provide a real life revenue stream for those in need and also the projects from here tend to provide positive returns with minimum or medium risk.

0.016 NEOXAG

Point of historical order, though, as Juneteenth nears in the United States: if you are being paid at all, and if you have options, you are NOT A SLAVE. Close to indentured servitude, maybe ... but let's not be quite so sloppy. If you are getting paid, and you can leave, and you can have a side job or use Hive, you are not quite a slave yet. Mess up and get a felony in the United States, though, and that's a different ballpark...

0.016 NEOXAG

I agree with this 100% HIVE is all about networking. It is a space to find like-minded people that will help you grow.

This is not easy. It takes time, effort, and dedication. As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but cannot make it drink. Hive is no different.

This post should be part of an onboarding talk.

0.016 NEOXAG

I 100% agree that trying to bring in Web2 influences should NOT be the move. Each wave of technology creates it's own giants which are native to the platform. I don't think Web3 or Hive specifically are going to be any different. The people creating here now will be the influencers of the future when the masses finally show up. Of course, major A-listers will always be able to bring their brand with them, but look no further than TikTok as an example where most of the top followed accounts are people who were not well known before. It makes me excited to continue building early on Hive and in Web3 in general.

0.000 NEOXAG

Nobody, except maybe @ackza, sells the dream, anymore.
Instead of folks clutching hive as a chance to be a power player in the new monetary system, they dump it.
Many just as quick as they get it.
Hive is a golden goose, you can bleed it out and watch it go away, or you can feed it and get more eggs in the future.
'The community' is voting way too many rewards to bleeders and not enough to the feeders, iyam.

Either way, when we launched we launched with a dream of a new world order under hive.
We were #3 in world.
It might be a good time to remind people that powering up and curating keeps you ahead of the inflation rate so that the nest egg grows and isn't diluted, or god forbid, spent on a 30k usd pizza.

Here is to hoping @threespeak pulls us out of the doldrums we have been in since stinc kneecapped us before selling us down the river to the chinese.
Gotta wonder what changed there.
Why the change from go, go, go, to stop, to kill it with fire.
Looked to me that somebody on higher found out what potential the technology had and said kill it, or you won't like what happens next.

But, I'm kinda conspiratorial after sooo many of the 'theories' proved to be facts.

0.000 NEOXAG

This serve as a motivation, thanks for sharing.

0.000 NEOXAG

I think you have a lot of reason to say everything you say in this post. In fact, the way I see it, you have enough authority and experience on this platform to say everything it has said in this post.

I agree with you, especially when you mention that every Hive account is a business. And I also agree with the fact that most people don't understand it and that the easy culture prevails today.

I myself made the mistake of getting discouraged many times here at Hive. I have made the mistake of being inconsistent on Hive time and time again, and it has played into my lack of success on the platform. In any case, now that I see it, I'm trying to fix my flaws. I don't know if I'll make it, but believe me when I tell you that I'm going to try harder and harder from now on.

Thank you very much for writing such a useful and interesting post. Your content is always useful and motivating. All the best.

0.000 NEOXAG

I am encouraged , thank you for sharing

0.000 NEOXAG

That's just it "the moment you give up is the moment you let someone wins-kobe Bryant. I don't think Hive is for the weak, Hive is actually for FOCUSED AND COMMITTED people. There was a friend of mine that wanted to join Hive but me knowing the type of person I'm dealing with I have to be truthful to him letting him how one need to keep building, building and building but SUCCESS IS SURE.

Thanks so much @taskmaster4450 for the wonderful piece. You're saving lifes already

0.016 NEOXAG