Paranoia At Its Finest
To be on the edge every now and then is not uncommon for me, especially when you pair it with having some understanding on the unprecedented changes that are happening or about to happen and how that will impact you on a personal level.
To feign ignorance will definitely be an easier route to take, but the issue is that when you become awake, it's really hard if not impossible to revert back to sleep.
What I mean by that is when we become conscious of the complexities and nuances of the world, trying to tell ourselves that life will be otherwise is in many ways ethically challenging.
I like to likened it with someone who has learned the truth behind a magician's trick. The magic loses much of its charm, and pretending not to know becomes an act of self-deception that usually doesn't bode well with you over time.
Paranoia is just reality on a finer scale. Living on the edge in this context has nothing to do with seeking thrill or adventure.
It's more so about a heightened state of alertness due to an acute awareness of changes in one's self, immediate environment or society at large.
Sometimes, it could be all of them at the same time, a bit like a super-conscious experience.
Meaning, to be on the edge is simply to live a charged lifestyle where our sensory perceptions are super dialed on picking up even the smallest of details and almost everything is done with a sense of urgency.
So it's kind of like a paradox, where time infinite slows down and speeds up at the same time.
This sort of experience is usually born out of illogical fear, a gut feeling similar to needing to operate a change willingly or the change will unwillingly be done for you.
For me, this state of mind usually comes about when an internal or external pressure to adapt or evolve presents itself.
Knowing that the fear isn't logical, I view it as serving as a catalyst for necessary action that my lazy self under normal circumstances would never take.
Given that the fear is illogical, trying to rationalise my way out of it never works. There are certain kind of feelings that stay with us for a long time, echoing on the background of our consciousness until we decide to address and work on them.
Imagine carrying such kinds of feelings for a half a decade or more, and the stagnation it'll bring to that aspect of your life?
Every now and then, I think it's beneficial to just turn inward and work on conquering our inner maze, lest we keep moving around in circles and never getting anywhere in the outside world.
Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.
Yeah man it’s like the matrix movie. Cipher wanting to be plugged back in is how a lot of people seem to me. I may not be neo on many levels but I can’t be plugged back in. The curtain has been pulled back and keeps going more and more which is incredibly powerful but we have to harness it and wield it as a weapon. If we don’t they will force things to go back and we may never get this opportunity again with how much they are pushing AI and dumbing people down.
Really fascinating topic for sure!
Rightly said! Going back is just not an option. Sometimes, I feel like too much is at stake so much so what we can't afford to waste any opportunity to keep piercing through the veil of the matrix and keep discovering what's really beneath the surface of appearances.
That's probably their plan at this point in time, to add another matrix on top of the matrix.
Many thanks for stopping by :)
Thanks for the curation, I appreciate it :)
It's a pleasure
Es algo que dá mucho miedo, es como mirar al pasado, estar en el presente y pensar en el futuro. Explícitamente yo si sé a qué le tengo miedo, y es la muerte. Lo digo en seco, le tengo mucho miedo y no sé cómo afrontar el tema. De repente me desespero y es como si una vez más volviera a despertar, de repente siento que nada tiene sentido y me vuelvo a desplomar pero con un miedo interno inmenso. Pensar demasiado en ello me hace mal y sobre todo si eres un consumidor de cannabis como yó. Encontrar el nivel emocional estable es muy difícil. De repente me consuelo a mí mismo pensando en (aún soy joven), pero luego ese pensamiento se desploma cuando pienso en la probabilidad de que mi Juventud dure para siempre, y es 0. Así vivo mi día a día, con ansiedad y tratar de controlarla es muy difícil.
A veces solo quisiera que alguien me diera un abrazo y me dijeron que todo estará bien, que no tengo porqué tener miedo y que me haga entender el motivo. Por ahora no tengo a esa persona y trato de llenarme de fuerzas, pensando en qué tengo que ser fuerte y seguir, aunque parezca que no tiene sentido.
El miedo a la muerte es algo que creo que todos los humanos llevamos, con distintos grados de intensidad. Estoy familiarizado con la sensación de despertar por la mañana y no ser yo mismo, haciéndome preguntas sobre la vida, la muerte y todo lo demás. Pero esta fase no dura mucho, ya que no me aferro a ella y simplemente la veo como una fase que pasará.
Creo que es una gran idea tomar las cosas día a día en lugar de estar ansioso por el futuro o atrapado en los recuerdos del pasado. Trato de ser optimista y ver el futuro como algo que será mejor, por supuesto, tengo que trabajar para lograrlo, así que eso también es cierto. Tal vez, podemos cocrear nuestro futuro junto con las experiencias que la vida nos depara.
Muchas gracias por pasar :)