🎬 📹 Perfect Animes 🎬 📹
There's a comedy series I really like, and I even think it's the perfect comedy series. Many people ask me how I can think that when there are so many other series that are funnier and technically better, to which I respond that it's not because I think it's perfect, but because its level never drops. Throughout all its seasons, its humor doesn't change, but it does improve, the characters remain the same, and there are no plot holes, so I think it's perfect in its class. These types of series are difficult to obtain because over the years, it's normal for several people within the project to leave, but this isn't the case. Honestly, it's perfect from its first episode to the last.
Hay una serie de comedia que me gusta mucho, e incluso creo que es la serie de comedia perfecta. Muchas personas me preguntan como puedo pensar eso cuando existen muchas otras series que son más graciosas y técnicamente mejores, a lo que yo respondo que no es por eso que me parece perfecta, sino porque su nivel nunca baja. En todas sus temporadas su humor no cambia, pero si mejora, los personajes siguen siendo los mismos y no hay agujeros de guion, por lo que me parece perfecta en su clase. Este tipo de series son difíciles de conseguir, porque a lo largo de los años es normal que varias personas dentro del proyecto se vayan, pero este no es el caso, sinceramente, es perfecta desde su primer capítulo hasta el último.
And yes, I know there are several series that I could say are perfect from beginning to end, but here we are talking about anime, and thinking about making a post about anime that I think are perfect in that way, the truth is that I found several that in my mind don't have a single bad episode, I've even made one with some anime that I think don't have a single bad episode, but the truth is that now I want to talk more generally about those types of anime that have a distinguished essence and that work from beginning to end.
Y si, sé que hay varias series que podría decir que son perfectas de principio a fin, pero aquí se habla de anime, y pensando en hacer un post sobre animes que a mí me parezcan perfectos de esa forma, la verdad es que conseguí varios que en mi mente no tienen ni un solo capítulo malo, incluso ya he hecho uno con algunos animes que me parece no tienen ni un solo capítulo malo, pero la verdad es que ahora quiero hablar más en general de ese tipo de animes que tienen una esencia distinguida y que funciona de principio a fin.
So, I'm going to leave a list here, which will not only serve to recommend some anime that I think is perfect, but also to start the conversation if it is true that these anime I'm talking about are "perfect" or not: Cowboy Bebop, Hippo, Saiki, Inuyashiki, Samurai Champloo, Ping Pong the animation, Jojo's, Hunter x Hunter remake, Hellsing Ultimate, Banana fish, Sousou no Frieren, Monogatari, Kaguya, The Great Pretender, Odd Taxi and Monster. Here, then, there are sixteen anime that I'm not going to talk about in particular, and that I don't want to put as the only "perfect" anime that exist, but I will use them to give an example of my point.
Por eso, voy a dejar una lista aquí, que no solo va a servir para recomendar algún anime que me parezca perfecto, sino también para empezar así la conversación si es cierto que estos animes que estoy diciendo son “perfectos” o no: Cowboy Bebop, Hippo, Saiki, Inuyashiki, Samurai Champloo, Ping Pong the animation, Jojo's, Hunter x Hunter remake, Hellsing Ultimate, Banana fish, Sousou no Frieren, Monogatari, Kaguya, The Great Pretender, Odd Taxi y Monster. Aquí, entonces, ya hay dieciséis animes de los cuales no voy a hablar de forma particular, y que tampoco quiero poner como los únicos animes “perfectos” que existen, pero sí los usaré para dar un ejemplo de mi punto.
Without a doubt, the percentage of anime that not only doesn't have a single bad episode, but none of its episodes drop in quality, is a minimal average, but it's a beauty when achieved. An anime that perfectly wraps up all its threads, characters, plots, and story is something to be applauded and cheered. That's why I wanted to mention those anime in this post, because I know that within this community, someone must have seen at least one of them. I know what will happen to you: you'll remember how good these anime are, and, in some way, it will open your hearts a little.
Sin duda, el porcentaje de animes que no solo no tienen algún capítulo malo, sino que ninguno de sus capítulos baja la calidad, es una media mínima, pero es una belleza cuando se consigue. Un anime que cierre perfecto todos sus cabos, personajes, tramas e historia es algo que se tiene que aplaudir y ovacionar. Por eso quise mencionar esos animes en este post, porque sé que dentro de esta comunidad al menos uno de esos animes alguien debe haber visto, sé qué pasará con ustedes que recordarán lo bueno que son estos animes y, de alguna manera, les abrirá un poco el corazón.
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Hay animes realmente buenos! Tienes muy buen gusto, son ánimos que es verdad que están muy muy cerca de la perfecto! Saludos!
Muchísimas gracias! Jajaja, pondrías otro?
Thanks for the recommendations, I'm quite new to anime but really digg it and will likely end up watchig some of them. I'm now (binge-)watching Death Note currently at episode 23 of 37 and am quite blown away as all episodes have been excellent so far. I hope they manage to maintain this level until the end.
I won't say anything, but I was about to put it on the list, but I didn't because of some things I didn't like. Still, Death Note is a perfect anime to start watching.
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