When I'm left with nothing specific to do, I go through a psychological state called boredom. It's a particular mental condition, more like a lack of excitement or activity, that I find to be really uncomfortable and makes me long for relief.

𝖣𝖾𝗌𝗂𝗀𝗇𝖾𝖽 by me 𝗎𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗏𝖺
It happens to everyone occasionally. The sensation that nothing interests you and that everything is drab and flat is what is meant when someone says they are bored. You'll concur with me when I say that boredom may drive you crazy and cause you to do absurd things like watch dreadful old game shows on television or devour the bag of chocolate chips you find in the freezer. The sense of being uninterested or bored with what you're doing is what it literally is.
The repetitiveness of performing the same thing, such as a dull activity at work, can also be characterized as boredom. A couple years back, I discovered myself trapped in that loop of repetition. I mean, I was literally doing the same thing over and over every single day at that particular point in time. That was one point in my life where I experienced severe boredom, and I was really hoping I got out of it soon!
So I'll be telling you about the time I was absolutely bored to death and how I managed to escape!
Everyone was told to stay at home in 2020 during the COVID-19 epidemic in order to stop the spread of the lethal virus. If I could recall clearly, I had started staying at home as soon as I finished my second year of college, which was the first week of February that year. I have therefore been eagerly anticipating the conclusion of the holiday so that I can return to class and work hard to complete my degree.
Then boom! One fateful morning, I think around March, the news of the outbreak of the virus was announced, and due to the alarming increase in the spread of the fatal virus, an order for a complete lockdown followed immediately, which means that no one is allowed to go out of their houses so as to reduce the spread.
At that point, it occurred to me that I was in for a long stay at home, as well as a long period of swimming in the pool of boredom! At this point, every member of the family was at home because, of course, my parents also could not go to their place of work. The first three months were like hell for me because I was practically doing the same thing over and over as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months.
Five months into the lockdown, the boredom became really severe! Then I began to brainstorm on what I could do to be productive even amidst the lockdown. I really needed to try something new and creative; I needed to exercise and put my brain to work as I was already bored to death.
You know that point where you are tired of doing the norm and just need to explore and think outside the box, right? Yeah, that was exactly what I was going through at that point in time.
I picked up my phone one fateful night as I was rolling on my bed, contemplating what to do because I was already experiencing sleepless nights, and texted a close friend of mine who was a photographer at the time. I confessed to him my boredom and lack of productivity at the time, and how I needed to break out of it to start working productively.
So I inquired as to if he had any ideas that we could both work on. He immediately sent a voice message while we were still chatting about an idea that had occurred to him and how we might collaborate and profit from it jointly.
As I said earlier, he was a photographer, so his idea was that if I could get anyone on my contact lists that would like to frame any of their digital photos, the photos would become bigger and more attractive as a result of the type of frame that would be used.
So basically, I was going to be like a middleman between my clients and him because he would be the one to do the framing and all. My duty was to find potential clients, obtain the digital image they wanted to have framed, mail it to my buddy who would frame it, and then go pick up the finished product to deliver it to the client.
That really sounded like a good idea to me, because of course I had no other option than to do it so as to get myself out of the boredom. I forgot to talk about the profit aspect, right? So this is it; he already sent me the amount he would be doing for all the sizes of frame, and then what I needed to do was add a reasonable amount to it, which will serve as my own profit. You get it, right? You can see that it is better than not doing anything at all.
I slept soundly that night for the first time in a very long time, and I felt like I had accomplished something because I had finally managed to end my intense boredom. As soon as daybreak arrived, I began to brainstorm a name for my brand to make it stand out and be more appealing to customers.
I came up with the brand name "Gold Frames" after much debate with me, myself and I, hehe. Immediately after that, I got in touch with a friend of mine who was and still is a graphics designer to ask for assistance in coming up with a straightforward design that would support my advertisement.
My first brand design
After I had come up with the content and gotten the design from my friend, I began to convince most of my friends to patronize me so I could launch my business. I recall one of my close friends reaching out to me and telling me that he needed to frame two of his recent photos. That’s how I got my first job in the business.
The funniest thing was that it wasn’t just the regular kind of frame; it was a 3D type of frame.
My first job
Then, once I finished the project, additional jobs started to flood in, and I was finally relieved of my extreme boredom and also starting to make some good money. I've been able to run "Gold frames" without any problems ever since.
My recent brand design
Thanks for reading my blog, see you in the next.
you were among the blessed one during the covid saga, nice one man❣️ it would also be nice if you can learn how to do those frame yourself since you have more customers now
Oohh I forgot to mention it, I’m now learning how make the frames myself.
Someday, I would write a blog on the process of making a photo frame.
Thanks man 👏
Covid period was profitable for you.
You turned from a bored guy to an entrepreneur😁
Well-done CEO Gold Frames🙌
As in! The switch was crazy 😂😂
I’m glad i was able to get out of boredom and also make good profits 💯
Thank you so much 😊💯
Wow congrats you actually ulitilised your time by adding a skill to yourself
Thank you very much 👏
This is amazing, you thought smartly. Your work is so beautiful.
This is the reigning thing now and people are making it big with this skill.
I wish you more money this season
Thank you so much for the compliments 😊
There a couple of skills out there that people are making crazy money from.
It’s just takes creative thinking and connection to make money in this life 😂.
That's the point
Interesting post. I love your brand design, frame and the last design. They all look amazing.
Great that you could turn your boredom to make something out for you which gave a lot of profit. One thing about stuff like this is to think outside the box even if it's not coming forth, taking a step is necessary just as you talked to a friend.
Thank you for the compliments sis ☺️
I was glad I was able to get out of my boredom and also make cool cash along side 😂
Wow. This is really great.
It's amazing how you were able to think about how to make the best of your time during the lockdown and you got successful at it.
Thank you very much ☺️
I was so glad I was able to come up with something like that, because the business has literally been helping me in finance aspect ever since then.