Colors Of Life : The Green Ice Cream Shop


Hello there hive friends today I'll be sharing to you a place where I tasted the best Ice cream. This is no ordinary Ice cream but a special coco Ice cream.

Now where is the green, you may ask. Sorry for that I was just so excited to show you this mouth watering ice cream. It was sold in a shop just on the side of the road, they serve a lot of sweet desserts but this is the one of their best seller so why not try it.

As the name of the shop shows they serve different coconut products. From Coconut juice , coconut ice cream and fried coconut to name a few. The whole street where this stall was located was full of stalls serving different kind of food. I want to try them all but my money limits my willingness to try them all, haha.

Anyways it's a money well spent.

And I guess that's it for this weeks entry.
Thanks for dropping by.
See you in the next one!


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