Homonyms: Powers - Why choose just one?
They call me a Witch.

Yes, a witch. Do you think I mind? On the contrary, it fills me with so much joy. Do you remember Glinda the good witch from The Wizard of Oz - I'm not that. I have plenty of good and plenty of bad but most importantly I am Powerful. As I already am a witch and I have powers, why would I constrict myself with a single power? It makes zero sense.
Having a single superpower is handy. There are so many to count – speed, strength, invisibility, telekinesis, immortality, transformation, teleportation, etc. There is plenty to choose from. But being a witch is already a superpower and I don’t have just to sit back and deal with just one power when I have plenty to play with. Also, think about all the grimoires, potions, and ingredients stacked on that dusty old huge cabinet of yours.
Does that mean I'm already a superhero (or super villain)?
Just imagine all the benefits of being a witch.
I don’t have to think about speed… okay why do I need speed? I don’t need it. I don’t like running anyway.
Strength won’t be an issue as I can use my powers to do things that require strength. And it’s not like I aim to be Hulk.
Invisibility – now this is interesting. Do I need to remind you of Harry Potter? Well, I’d probably need to create a spell for that, or I can also manage to make a cloak that will work.
Well, I'm not really sure if being a witch will grant me to have the power to read minds but I can surely move objects as I please with my witchy powers, otherwise, what's the point of being a witch?
Immortality does sound really fascinating but I don't intend to live a really really long life where I don't see an end. I suppose it's a dark thought but think from my point of view. Being immortal just seems so boring and you'd start delaying or procrastinating on everything that you plan to do with your life because there seems to be no end. Keep it reasonably long and entertaining.
If Maleficent can turn herself into a dragon, and Cinderella's Godmother can turn a pumpkin into a coach at least I can try to do something. Us witches gotta stick together, don't we?
Now teleportation is something I look very forward to. Although brooms can be handy but witchy powers are even more helpful while considering going places - and I look forward to going places, preferably with no restrictions and hassles regarding documents. Oh boy, you can say I probably would enjoy doing this the most.
And after all that is said and done, why settle for less when you can have it all? May it be not something you had in mind before but you're thinking about it now. So think about what it would be like to become a witch. I don't look forward to being that power-hungry and aiming for world domination nor do I aim to waste myself away serving the world. A few good deeds here, a little bit of mischief there, and a whole lot of fun, that's what I would want to do.
So why would I choose to have one power?
Aaaa... Perfecto medusa!!!!
I can already imagine you as a witch having all those endless power!
Ah, it'll be a worth living! 😌
I know right?? it'd be so much fun being a witch and having all that power
Lend me that jharu every now and then, so that I can use it to maneuver through Dhaka and its unpreventable traffic.
I'll give you a jharu... you just wait
there you go bro... enjoy