Bad Sunny Days
I'm waiting patiently for winter.

The winter we experience here isn't much of a winter. It's still hotter than the summers in the Western Hemisphere. Yeah, now they might be thinking "Oh the weather sounds beautiful" - it's not. Imagine spending all of those chilly days in just a flannel shirt; a hoodie at most - now that's winter in my country. If you can't already guess what our summer or spring looks like then let me give you a slight idea - out of the fire and into the frying pan; that's the general description of the two weathers.
So my statement of "a flannel shirt" winter isn't too far off. But not all places in my country bear through the condition. The rural areas get chilly from as early as November and December to January is a nice, fuzzy-blanket weather. The temperature drops very low in the Northern part of our country. But since I'm in the Southern region of the country and a city, it'd hardly drop below 16 degrees (Celsius). Nevertheless, I'm desperately waiting for those little less heated days and nights.
Sun, you must take a vacation.
Sunny weather and I have a hostile relationship - it's no fun; not here anyways. Who'd like days where you can't figure out if you're being fried or cooked in a pressure cooker? Imagine, you go to bed and the mattress feels like a sandwich maker. Yes, a lot of food analogies but this is the best way I can express the feeling. I envy the ones who don't have to survive through this. We love the rain here and the storms; the early morning fog and that sweater weather are our favorites.
When I wake up and it's gloomy outside, the sun barely peeking out from behind the clouds and with that a steaming cup of tea - now that's what I call a good morning. Now this isn't the most beautiful picture just during cold; it's during rain as well. Trust me when I tell you, that people in our country often appreciate rain and winter and it's mostly because they get a break from turning into coals in the rest of the year. I know people have different tastes but I assure you, it's tanning weather but a tan where you can look like a piece of charcoal.
My weather rants are endless and it's still never enough. I know it gets too much to hear about the same thing over and over again but my ranting doesn't change that disposition of the horrid summer - it's still going to fry me, cook me, and burn me if the sun feels too cheery. It's nice when the sun takes a vacation. The whole year, we drink tea or coffee out of necessity but during winter, coffee and tea become our favorite hobby. I can picture myself sitting on my balcony with a steaming cup of tea and a biscuit and the sun is probably behind all the clouds - it's a great day to look forward to.
Who cares it's always sunny in Philadelphia when we're in literal hell here.
Pic Source: Yours Truly.

It can certainly be challenging to always only have hot or warm weather. I enjoy having the seasons and hopefully you can get a break in the heat where you are!
I don't mind autumn... it's a beautiful season here... clear skies with little chunks of snow like clouds floating around... and the sky a beautiful shade of blue... neither hot nor cold... I'd say autumn is an ideal season here
Some of your descriptions of the weather had me laughing out loud. You seem to have somewhat of a love-hate relationship with the heat in your country. I can understand that - a climate where you don’t get the two extremes of summer and winter can sometimes be taxing.
I spent some time living in a fairly tropical climate and there wasn’t really a summer and winter there, just a wet and dry season. The temperature ranged from about 28 - 34 degrees Celsius and the humidity from about 80-100%. I didn’t mind the heat or humidity, but did, at times, find myself wanting cooler temperatures, even just for a day or two.
I'm glad I could make you laugh. Honestly I don't have a love-hate relationship with heat - we both hate each other and spiteful to one another. No love lost I'd say. The city I live in is in the coastal area so I know the love sun shows towards these places- even at 4pm right now it's 32 degrees but the humidity makes it feel like 36. It's not going to be a good winter but I'm still hopeful.
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