In one of my previous articles in this community, I had written that the one time I took coffee with someone, it wasn't a feel-good experience. Asides the time in university when it was somewhat like a group thing, but unplanned, I usually just enjoyed my drink by myself.

One terrible social coffee-moment that I have had was taking the drink while seeing a football game so that I ended up taking a few sips at the start of the game because I needed to be animated as seeing the game here fosters and then I let the rest of it go to waste. I felt terrible afterwards.

So far, I know that solitude works for me.
And if I have to be truthful about my coffee life and not contradict myself along the way, I would say frankly that coffee is not that drink that I enjoy in the afternoons. The reason is because up here, the weather is mostly scorching and hot. Think of me, all hot, sweaty and dripping and then consuming a steaming cup of coffee. I'm almost certain that the image you have conjured up in your head by this description seems inappropriate. Now, I know that some persons might have theirs chilled, but I don't prefer mine so, hence this choice.

I enjoy to have my drink in the early hours of the morning or late in the evening. It's my unwind, mind-declutter and thought-clarity drink. And these activities, for me, are best suited at those hours of the day.

However, there are exceptions to this choice of time of drink. One is for days when I am groggy and slow but need to be up-and-running. The other is for the few chilled afternoons.

And for those afternoons, like yesterday, I savored my drink with nature. Sitting outside under the big tree in my house, with some good, selected music from my library, I enjoyed my drink.

What that entailed was scrolling through social media, Facebook to be particular. I just go through sports news, comment sections from popular blogs(which are mostly filled with people of different levels of craze so much that I would experience different emotions, especially laughter) and best of all, reading posts/works from my favourite writers. This one, as I read through every line, taking a sip from my coffee while at it, I find it to be a perfect blend. They both seem complementary. They are.

Afterwards, I put down my phone and just let my mind wander. Under the chilling of the tree, i drink from my cup and that warms me up some. I pay better attention to how the leaves on the tree sway, to the sound of the birds, i even learn the smell of the air. Stillness! Like i memtioned, i let my mind run through things, but by the time I was done with my cup, I couldn't remember them. My mind had wandered far from its wandering(if that makes semse) and embraced comfortable silence. I realized that I had gone into a different realm of calm and therapy. I felt better, although I don't recall feeling terrible in the onset. Coffee sure does good work, you don't think?

I net thats how it went(ysually goes) for me. To conclude, one word that best describes my lazy afternoons and coffee would be....Refreshing!

Images used are mine
Thanks for stopping by.


You got me there with how you enjoy coffee with nature. I do that a lot, too. It's how I unplug sometimes and just enjoy me. Nature plus coffee is a crazy-good combo, I agree.


The photo belongs to millycf1976 and was edited using Canva.
