Students Should Have Limits In Using Phones 📱.
Happy weekend friends🥰💕.
Because of the era we are in , considering the 21st century pace,technology, Artificial Intelligence, I see students using phones as very important because of how communications , informations and the use of internet help out students a lot and also to parents who use phones to monitor their wards to avoid many dangers especially with the way the world 🌍 is now.
Using of phones by students should have a limit and the need for use should be focused on how they should only be used after classes and not during assignments like that of Artificial Intelligence as mentioned in the topic and until after school hours when parents should start communicate with their wards which is very necessary. Therefore phones made available to students should be monitored in the classrooms to make sure students are not taking advantage of having their phones with them which allows them to go extra miles in involving with immoral activities and getting answers from their phones during text as many of the students are always distracted by the kinds of phones they use surfing the internet, and using phones during text is cheating and malpractice.
For me students can still go to school without phones if schools should make available appropriate arrangements for parent’s and students to enable communication and information which is very vital during school hours through weeks and months because I was once a student and never even used any phone to my name. And then as a student living in the boarding school 🏫, we have a channeled communication through the office phone where our parents call our female head of administration during the week and weekends to talk and obtain information, and also talk to their children one by one which sounds thrilling those days as we were always happy to hear from our parents.
This technology era has made everything good and easy for us as humans, but the value it brought to us are being misused and not handled accordingly due to how the young ones of this generation are not seeing the important of using their devices appropriately. Although I could say many who see the value of having a phone to themselves are using their phones to better and plan their future through the internet while others engage in activities of ruin. This is indeed a personal choice because parents can only decide to give phones to their children from adult age.
However I suggest phones should not be allowed to students especially those in secondary schools because at this level of education, students needs to have more focus and concentrate properly in most of the examinations they take preparing themselves into the university. Its also important to know that parents who affords to buy phones for their children to take to school only do that for the purpose of communications. Therefore, schools 🏫 can arrange for every student to drop their phones at a post through security and registration, which however will be made available by giving back the phones to each students once school 🏫 is over for parents to communicate with their wards.
In conclusion, phones are important to students to be able to reach their parents during emergencies and danger, but we must not overlook how damaging the use of phones has suffered our young and younger generation. Even those that called themselves adults who are in the university level. The value of technology has really been mishandled.
This is my response to the #hivelearners featured content for week 149, edition 03, tagged “NO PHONES ALLOWED”.
Sourced images are credited.
Thank you for the support @ladiesofhive . Love ❤️