Malaria And Mosquitoes Conspiracy Theories 🦟.

           Hello friends of Hive❤️!


The malaria mosquito 🦟 conspiracy has been one that has been on for many years now. Its a conspiracy many are still blinded to till date because my mother then will be telling us that once we allow mosquitoes 🦟 to enter the rooms and bite us, we will definitely have malaria.

And growing up we have believed in this conspiracy that we have hard not only from my mother but so many families then who also believed that mosquitoes are the sources of malaria through their bites. And then I will always be asking myself how can this be? Why should it be mosquitoes 🦟 that brings malaria sickness through their bite? Although they live on human blood 🩸 by biting and sucking blood.


Believing What Is Not:

So when I became a matured adult and living on my own then , I made sure to always prevent mosquitoes from entering my house and will constantly fleet and fumigate the house all in the name to be free from mosquitoes and not have to treat malaria, but I notice I will develop malaria which I will visit the pharmacy and buy some malaria tablets. This is when I started wondering what this conspiracy is all about. Because my mother will then be shouting at us especially in the evenings ….. “close that door 🚪 now before I meet you there now!”. “I have told people not be passing on this outside door 🚪 once it’s evening because of mosquitoes 🦟. Haha 😂. E baffle me oh!


And I needed to investigate this conspiracy with time so I went on to meet a doctor friend of mine to explain more on this conspiracy to me and what is the source. Guys the story was different. Malaria does not come solely from mosquitoes 🦟 but also from the kind of foods we consumes . The type of oil we cook with that is high in cholesterol, beef with fats around them, the water we drink that is not purified that can lead to typhoid . And dirty environment that can cause other contaminations . All these join together can cause malaria and other sicknesses.

So it boils down that we can develop malaria from high fat foods because of congestion system that brings our body to feeling dizzy sometimes and nauseousness . This conspiracy must have originated from the manufacturers of malaria drugs whose most “Trade Marks” are a malaria packet with Mosquitoes drawn on them. Every malaria drug you see must have mosquitoes 🦟 drawn on them, making people to believe that Mosquitoes 🦟 bite are the origin of malaria .

False Conspiracy:

However, to prove this conspiracy wrong. As a mother, when I started having children I made sure to prevent mosquitoes to bite my children by fumigating and keeping nets around their beds 🛌, but we still treat malaria from time to time which shows this conspiracy is a marketing strategy. Eating healthy and staying clean is the remedy to preventing malaria.


Don’t Believe All You hear:

In conclusion, we should always try to put effort to find out some truth concerning some conspiracy especially one that concerns life and health because some conspiracy theories can be confusing which sometimes can make one make some mistakes.

This is my entry for Hive Learners Featured Content hl-w131e2 tagged “Just Another Conspiracy Theory “.

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Same thing happened here in our country when dengue came, no one knew what it looks like and how it can be avoided, so everyone was presenting their theory for a year. It was over.


Its so confusing when theories surface without clear understanding. We should continue to stand up for ourselves to avoid danger .

Thanks for your supporting comment @djbravo . Lots of blessings 😇
