Have nutritious food for breakfast and lead a healthy life


Good morning everyone, I am going to introduce you to my food blog. Hope everyone is well. Usually I get up in the morning and walk in nature for a while. We all know that morning walk is very beneficial for our body. After walking for a while, I come home and have a fresh breakfast. I feel a bit tired after walking, so I finish my breakfast without delay after walking.

In the morning I usually eat nutritious food. I think the morning should start with a nutritious breakfast. It nourishes the body well and provides energy to the body. It also keeps the mind in a good mood throughout the day. The whole day is spent well. Also, doctors say that breakfast should be nutritious and healthy foods should be eaten.

Friends I try to eat bread, boiled egg, ripe banana and dates and cashew nuts this morning like everyday. I know that ripe bananas contain carbohydrates that keep the kidneys healthy, help lose weight, keep the skin healthy and prevent anemia.The biggest component of cashew nut is that it prevents heart disease and keeps hair beautiful. According to experts, a healthy person who eats a boiled egg a day reduces the risk of stroke. It also has many other beneficial properties. The most beneficial aspect of dates is that it keeps the brain and blood pressure under control. Moreover, its many other beneficial properties cannot be ended.

Friends, I also drink lemon water in the morning. In the morning, instead of having tea, I drink a glass of lemon water. Mix a slice of lemon in a glass of normal water.It did not give me belly fat and I got a perfect body. Friends, I think you should eat healthy foods. Friends, I will advise you like me to have nutritious foods in the morning and try to eat them. So eat healthy food and lead a healthy life.

Thank you all so much for stopping by my blog


We sould eat healthy food everyday. I also eat banana and nuts in my break-fast.
