First Rebellion SBRC Legendaries



This new season for Splinterlands is another monumental event as the game has now sunsetted the release of the first edition of soulbound reward cards. And with this, a new batch of cards is introduced into the mix, which may possibly shake up the meta once again.
I must say I had a few regrets for not playing enough to max out my collection of reward cards. And with the arrival of the new ones, I decided to test out my luck by opening eight ultimate chests from the glint store. And I was surprised with the results as I was awarded with two legendary cards and some merit points! I haven't really browsed through Rebellion's reward cards yet so I took a closer inspection at the new cards I got.

Warborn Chieftain
Warborn Chieftain is a little weird to me. It has all the usual traits of an Earth monster with melee dominance skills like Shield and Stun. After all, Earth creatures are akin to wild beasts and Warborn Chieftain can easily pass off as a Fire splinter card even. But then it had Phase as well. I think it's a little odd to include the ability to dodge magic attacks to a creature that's not particularly fast. It also doesn't have any other skills to complement this. But I think it would be fun to try and make Phase work for Warborn Chieftain using other cards.

Endless Gibbon
The second legendary I got was Endless Gibbon. I haven't read through the lore yet but it's cool that they are going with this "Endless" gimmick for primate-themed cards with Endless Ape being the first one. But for the ability of Endless Gibbon, I am not that impressed. For 1 mana, you'll get a 2 melee attack monster with Reach. Sure it can be useful in some circumstances, especially the lower mana battles, but it's not that useful overall, in my opinion. There are many more ideal secondary monsters to choose from in the Water splinter. Sadly, this one is a dud for me. And I even got two copies of it too.

Just a wild thought though. What if there's an incoming third Endless card that is a Water-Earth summoner. And it buffs specifically just the Endless Ape and Endless Gibbon so you would need to place all three cards in play. That would be awesome! 🐒🍌

If you're new to Splinterlands and would like to give this game a try, feel free to use my affiliate link here. 👉👈
Thank you for reading and see you in the battlefield!


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Hi! Wow, 2 legendaries! Congratulations on that quasi-jackpot you got. Out of pure enthusiasm, I burned a few soulbound and with those glints I opened several chests. I can't afford to spend the glints I'm accumulating since my goal is to get the veteran title in the store. Regards.
