
It’s a rainy morning here, that kind of a lazy morning that you just stay in your bed and wish to remain there for the rest of the day. Thinking about life and other things in it. Then I remembered one silly experience I had with a lady some time ago. Just me still thinking where and how I went wrong.
(I forgot to close my windows when it was raining)

It all happened one faithful Monday afternoon in school, I was a fresher, it was my first year and I was still trying to settle in. In my school then, when you see a fresher/new student you will obviously know, either by their walking steps like a baby which just started walking, giving the I do not want to pass my boundaries vibes or you get to know by their so many questions which I always do.

I was very hungry that not so beautiful day, I am slow at making new friends so it was just me and me alone. I saw a lady coming through my path, she looked approachable and I approached her. Excuse me Ma, sorry to bother you. Please, where can I get food to buy, I can’t find any around here and I am starving

Oh, I am hungry too but I’ll show you where you can get food if only you get for me too she replied. I smiled back to her because I thought she was joking then she repeated herself. I told her I do not have enough money for two stomach, that I’m a fresher and maybe next time.

She said You Freshers are always with enough money, so I won’t believe you Really? She left me there. She wanted to exploit me. As a new student that is what "They” always do if they see that you’re new, they exploit you by any opportunity they get.

My only crime was being broke as a new student.

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Sadly there are a lot of pretty shitty people in the world these days!

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Let me guess? It was a fat white woman with fangs. LOL. Really you needed help into finding a place to sell you food? On campus or on street? I think your just looking for some kind of sympathy or you want the victim card. There are north american who are born in NA and are hungry everyday. They not hungry because they can't find a place to eat, they can't eat because of zero dollars, or an addiction that will over power their hunger. Honestly, I do not feel sorry for you at all, at least you have enough to feed 1 belly, and that belly is yours. Now how about that man living on the streets with zero dollars who really can buy food any belly.

I left Portugal at the age of 19 years old. No family, no friends, no english, no dollars. Juts portuguese money that was worth nothing in CAD. But I pushed through and today, have my own homes, cars, family, money. Not claiming to be a millionaire but we can eat everyday. This is what people must do, but most people will wait for a hand out, not claiming your waiting for a hand out but your story makes me think you're waiting on people to feel pity for you on your victimhood of poverty. Work hard, save your money, and buy what you need only, and enjoy life with your family and friends. Remember when I got to Canada I had zero dollars, zero family, nothing but my portuguese language and clothes, and a few portuguese escudos which gave me back in the day just under $100 CAD.

So stop feelin gdorry for yourself and o what you got to do to get on top or at least on your way to the top. That is your top nobody elses. Good luck my friend.

Posted via Veews

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