My Hive Goals 2024 | Six Months Of Growing


Goals: What I have done since the beginning of the year

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Goals Progress For 2024

As I write this, so much is going through my mind that I hope I get it all in & not ramble too much. I haven't written on my goals since the start of the year simply because I couldn't decide on what & how to write. I also didn't want to feel stressed about it. I have attempted this several times in the last few months but was stressing over things like format & how much to write that I just said forget it. Now here I sit & I'm kinda winging it, so it comes naturally and I find pleasure in it.

When I think about my goals, I ask myself, are they realistic, what I want from hive & why am I here. Also, am I growing or staying still and finally, am I enjoying myself or am I working myself to death?

That's a lot of questions but if these things don't align with one another, I won't accomplish very much. Lastly I will talk about the tokens I hold & their growth over the last six months.

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Why Am I Here?

I came to hive as an affiliate marketer looking to make money & grow a business & a following on & off of hive. As time went on, I found that on hive, all I needed was the following here to grow & earn without bugging others to sign up for crap. So, I stay on Hive & enjoy reading & commenting on others work & make a little while I do it. And others also read & comment on my stuff, that's a real nice feeling!

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What I Want From Hive?

I would like to eventually earn enough Hive that I could actually have a nice little income each month. Meaning that I would no longer have to put my personal fiat into hive as I do now. Now don't get me wrong, because with what I have earned on hive has often paid the way to get other things on Hive. But, it would be nice to be able to withdraw from hive and use that money for things in life.

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Is This Realistic & Am I Growing?

I say that this is very realistic. I am building now so that in the future, I can do just as I would like. I am earning passively a very small amount right now, which grows as my portfolio grows. Things I do right now is building my Hive income each day through delegating, liquidity pools, and holding various tokens that produce an income in hive & other tokens.

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Am I Enjoying Myself or Working Myself To Death?

While it still takes work to grow my Hive income, I am enjoying myself. It will always require me to work, but now that I have not been pressuring myself to do a post everyday, & other things I was doing before. Before I had a long list of communities & people to visit on a daily basis, I had to make sure I was meeting deadlines & even some days getting 2 or 3 post in. This was wearing me out and overwhelming me. I had to slow down. It made me feel like I was working a job I hated. All the things I didn't want which was too much like a 9-5.
Now the only deadlines I make are the ones I choose to make. Like my Saturday savers post (must be done every week) I try to get it done by Tuesday but if I don't, I don't get stressed, I just don't let it go pass Thursday morning & even when that happens I don't get stressed.
I took much enjoyment in one of my followers asked me 'why was I only making Actifit posts?' It's sad to say that I was forcing myself to get up early & walk just to make a post. The only thing about that is when I got back from my walk I was so drained that, I didn't do much at all & then it got to hot to walk. So I may return to that later as long as I find a way not to over exert myself.
However, the point is that I was missed by others, & that felt good to know. I now try to do a little more.
Thanks to all who follow me & miss me when I'm not around.

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My Tokens & Growth For The Last Six Months

Everyday I am here on Hive doing something. I have my weekly savings post & try to do others when I can. This is relaxing with no pressure. I earn from a lot of curating & commenting as well as posting. This has been much easier on me. I like to stay active without having to post just to be posting.

My token growth has been awesome! I have grown some of my income, reward & tipping tokens. These are the major tokens I get into. I also have s few gaming, & miner tokens that I'm working on. Back at the start of the year I had 141 tokens in my Hive-engine wallet, plus my Hive, HBD & HSBI. I also hold a bit of ecency WAX, SPK, & larynx. These four tokens are not directly on hive but works with hive in some way. I have lots of other tokens on & off of Hive but don't really hold a big interest in them. I would like to get rid of a lot of them, but either don't hold enough or they have gas fees that makes it not worth it.

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On To The Charts

I thought about not doing this, but how can I share my goals & accomplishments without them. These charts diplay the tokens that I have an interest in for various reasons & like to keep up with my progress & growth. Some are multi-functional so may fall under more then one type.

Income & Rewards


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My Gaming Progress


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Other Things I Keep Up With Or Work On

Building Raven & Music

I am not a musician but love music in many genres, I've been building my position in the Raven community as well as taken an interest in 'The Stickup Boys' new initiative. You can see in the charts above my growth in the last few months. Also I've been growing in other musical areas through holding tokens that relates to music &/or entertainment such as #music & #cinetv.

Liquidity Pools

Also known as Diesel Pools.

I was skeptical about this but tried it out a couple of months ago. Previously, I read about diesel pools and didn't quite understand what they were about. A couple of months ago, I tried this out because of the #BBH token. BBH introduced me to the pools as a liquidity pool & told me to use Beeswap. There I was able to better understand what I was doing & found that it was the same thing as diesel pools. Now, I have added liquidity to several tokens & as a result have created an additional income for myself. The only thing that I don't like about liquidity pools is that some of them offer rewards in crap tokens I don't really want. So my plan for these tokens is to let them build & then swap them out for hive.

Saturday Savers Club

This is a wonderful community that I support & they support me. This helps me build my token portfolio plus save offline in my native currency. Please feel free to read my latest post HERE &/or join us by simply clicking on the yellow banner below.


Power Up

Powering Hive up every month is something I've been doing for a little more than 2 years now, in September, 2022 I started powering up Leo and then followed that the next month by powering up PIZZA. Powering up is a way to grow your power in these tokens or any token. I have seen my power grow significantly since I started participating in the PUD. I don't power up these tokens until 'Power Up Day' arrives. This way I don't have to buy as much when PUD arrives.
So far this year, I've missed only one HivePUD, however, I have not done so well with LEO & PIZZA. I've missed three LPUD's & 2 PPUD's. I'm hoping not to miss anymore PUD's.


I support many communities & initiatives through delegations & like that they reward me for support. I have a number of delegations which have helped me to increase my growth in Hive, HP & a variety of other tokens. I will not list them here as I plan to do a post about delegating in the near future. I plan to continue to add to these delegations. I would like to see my delegations to be at least 2000 HP for those that reward me in Hive, HBD, & Swap.hive, all others I would like to see them at a minimum of 500 HP each.

Unwanted Tokens

I have many unwanted tokens in my portfolio but can't do much about that. Since rewards are based on what you comment &/or curate, you have to just deal with receiving tokens you may not want. Sometimes I can find another use for them like delegating & receiving a token I do want. As for any others, I just let them build up & sell them for swap.hive which then allows me to buy tokens I do want.

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Thanks for hanging around & reading my super long post.

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Header banner made in Canva with their graphics & my FB avatar

Signature banner made in Canva with their graphics, FB avatar & my pics

Text Dividers Made in Canva designed by me using their graphics

some text dividers from @eve66 on #hivestockimsges

Saturday Savers Banner copied & pasted with their permission

Charts are my own made in MS Excel


!sbi status


Hi @successchar!

  • you have 103 units and 0 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 264213673593 or 0.084 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 0.028 $

    Have you seen our website?
    It's a great resource to check your Hive SBI levels, along with your history of who has sponsored you and what upvotes we have provided you!