[KNIVES UP!!!] Chef Straykat Cooks No.12: Tokwa't Baboy (Tofu & Pork)


Welcome to Chef Straykat Cooks! Where I cook whatever comes to mind with whatever ingredients available! Sounds like disaster, isn't it? No, no, no! This recipe was tested and tasted by no less than the chef's exquisite palate! Lol!🫰🏻

Good evening! I've recently shared a photo of my dinner few days ago. It was Tokwa't Baboy with squash soup. And of course, I am going to share how I make this very simple dish. It's the vinegar sauce which makes this dish so good.

This is my own version of Tokwa't Baboy. :)



Tokwa't Baboy or Tokwa at Baboy (Tofu and Pork) is a very simple dish. It's just fried tofu, pork, and spiced vinegar sauce. My recipe is a much simple version but also tastes good. I think this dish is best paired with a beer but of course I'm not a drinker so I often pair it only with cold water.

Okay, grab your pan and let's start frying!


• 1 Tofu
• 1 to 2 Pork Chop Cut
• 1/2 Cup Flour
• Cooking Oil
• 1/4 Cup Vinegar (approximate)
• 1 Medium Red Onion (diced)
• 3 Cloves Garlic (minced)
• Onion Leaves
• 1/2 Tsp. Salt
• Ground Black Pepper
• 1/2 Tsp. Brown Sugar
• Chili Flakes
• 1 Tbsp. Water


(1) Cut the pork chop and tofu into bite size. I only used one piece of pork chop so I cut it smaller than usual. For the tofu, I cut it around 1x .75 inches. Coat each cube with flour before frying.


(2) Put enough oil into the pan to fry the pork and tofu. I fried the pork first with little oil to avoid oil explosion. (I learned my lesson. Lol) Then I poured more oil when I fried the tofu.

The reason why I coated the pork and tofu with flour is to prevent them from bursting. A chef I've been watching said that flour absorbs the moisture so it prevents it from causing the oil to burst. Well, coating it with flour somehow also makes them crunchy!

Set them aside over a kitchen towel to remove the excess oil.


(3) Now let's make the vinegar sauce! We're not cooking it and only mixing them together!

In a bowl, put the diced red onion, garlic, and vinegar together. The amount of vinegar should be enough to cover the onion and garlic. The 1/4 cup I've listed on the ingredients was only an estimation.

Then add the salt, ground black pepper, sugar and chili flakes. Mix with a spoon.

Now if you like your sauce to have a strong taste of vinegar then you no longer have to add water. In my case, I add about a tablespoon of water to lessen the sourness of vinegar.

Last, add chopped onion leaves. The more, the better! I know you may be wondering where the onion leaves are in the photo. I used the white part or the bottom part of the onion leaves because I already used the green part for fried rice and squash soup.


And that's it! Serve and enjoy!!!



This dish was suggested by my sister last year when I asked her what other recipes can I make with tofu. I think the vinegar sauce is good because you get to eat raw onion and garlic. I wish I have cucumber and fresh chili to add to the sauce. I have to improvise and use chili flakes. It doesn't matter that much because I don't like my sauce to be very spicy.

Tokwa't Baboy is among my favorite dishes because it's easy to make. Just fry and mix all the ingredients for the sauce. If you also noticed, I have the tofu and pork separate from the sauce. The usual procedure is to pour the sauce over the tofu and pork, but I rather have them separate to keep the tofu crunchy.

The pack of tofu I buy costs Php 42 (0.72 USD) and contains 2 blocks of tofu. For the pork chop, I think one cut is approximately Php 80 (1.37 USD). I'm not sure how much would the vinegar sauce cost but for sure it won't cost a lot. So for my estimation, this dish will more or less Php 150 (2.56 USD). And it's already good for 2 to 3 servings.

You can eat this as it is or pair it with rice! :)

Until the next recipe! ♡♡♡

Chef Straykat has an experience of more than two years in her family's kitchen. Her goal is to deliciously cook whatever dish crosses her mind; to cook fast and without using measuring tools because that's how chefs do it.
In short, Straykat is a self-proclaimed chef. xoxo 🤌✨️
