I love recycling


I have long embraced the culture of recycling because I find it wonderful to be able to take care of the planet from the waste that people usually discard.
The time to take care of planet Earth is now, because it needs all of us to be free of contamination.
In most of the countries of the world, awareness of the damage that pollution causes to the environment has been created, for which they have taken measures, such as classifying waste such as glass, plastic, paper and chemicals in different containers.
Many marine species live in the rivers and have suffered greatly due to the unconsciousness of people who throw waste such as plastic bags, in which many dolphins or turtles have been trapped. It is important to educate our children from a young age because otherwise they will continue with the destruction of our home.

One of the activities that entertains me the most is recycling, so I take advantage of this opportunity that this dynamic gives us today to show the things that I recycle.
I usually store mayonnaise or liquor glass containers to decorate the home, give as gifts or store sweets.

Another material that I love to recycle are old CDs because with them I make different crafts to decorate my home. For example: paintings and picture frames. This material gives the object a lot of light because it reflects bright light that comes from the silver color of the CD. The light that the craft radiates is really very beautiful and I highly recommend that you use it because it is worth it.

We can also make various crafts with foam materials, cardboard, magazines or newspapers because they are very manageable and practical. I have used it in almost all my crafts, for example: for Christmas brooches or decorations for the fridge.

We must always take advantage of the things we have and not throw them away, we can give almost everything a new use, we just have to let our imagination run wild.
