5 Minute Freewrite: no traction
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No traction. No traction. Reminds me of a recurring dream I have, that I'm driving up an impossibly steep hill. If I were to drive up a hill like the hill of my dreams in my waking life, it would stop rolling up, it wouldn't be able to gain any traction. I can't imagine it would be nearly as terrifying in real life as it is in my dreams. I have a lot of homework to do this weekend, and even before Thursday. Let's use this time to write it down so I can gain traction on my thoughts and to-do list. Of course this isn't even taking into account the work I need to do for my job and my other to-dos that are school or personal-related. Just homework:
email all the people in my project group so we can talk about who's doing what and how we want to format our presentation
find the sources that I need for my Joyce essay
write a rough draft of my Joyce essay
oh shit I keep forgetting I have that lineage project due in my 535 class on Thursday! When the fuck am I going to write that? It'll have to be tomorrow, there's no other day for it. Fuck.
finish reading Counterstory
write another QSA for 535
revise my teaching philosophy for 535
read the stuff for Irish Lit for Thursday
I should probably read my classmates' poems that we haven't workshopped yet so I'm more prepared to workshop them on Thursday
Haha, my academic lineage project is NOT due Thursday, thank goodness. I forgot he changed the due date, because he only changed it in one spot. PHEW