5 Minute Freewrite: myth busting


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Myth busting. Myth busting. I was watching this IG video earlier of this comedian and speaker and all around world changer whose name I can't remember right now. They're nonbinary, they say really poignant things about why people are afraid of trans people, they talk about how so many of us have been forced by the world around us, by society, by our families, by the beliefs we were raised with, to keep ourselves boxed in, to fit a certain mold, so when we see someone breaking out of the pre-prescribed mold, we feel threatened, so we respond with hate, with anger, because we're so very afraid. So they talk about that kind of stuff, and this particular video I just watched, was them talking about comedy, and how comedians show us that everything that seems set in stone is a joke, because the only truth is that nothing is set in stone (which makes me think of Octavia Butler, of course, and The Parable of the Sower and how God is Change. Because the only constant is change. So anything that purports to be a "universal truth" is a joke. So that's what they were saying. They're name is, they're name is...I don't remember their name. So what do you think about nationalism, eh? I'm thinking about Irish nationalism. We're reading Yeats in my Irish Lit class, and we're learning about Ireland's history and how the Easter Rising caught Yeats by surprise. He was kind of a...well, there's the time.

Here, this is what I watched:

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