What The Future Holds


When I was 10 years old, the year 2024 in my mind was such a massive number and the year seemed so far away that I did not think it would come by as quickly as it did. Back then, the future seemed scary because my mind couldn't grasp the enormity of what it carried or so it seemed.

Ten years later, currently in the year which seemed like a great feat, the future doesn't look so scary anymore because I have something that I didn't have back then, maturity of mind and understanding.
Understanding in the sense that though no one knows what tomorrow will bring, but we have a very close idea of what tomorrow should look like and with that in mind, the uncertainty of the future is not as scary as it used to be.

I saw an old movie recently and the timeline of the movie was set in the year 2022 and it brought a wave of nostalgia upon me which made me laugh. I had already experienced 2022 and it definitely wasn't what it was portrayed to be in that movie, thankfully.

Drew Beamer From Unsplash

As a species, we have come a long way, constantly evolving and achieving new milestones every decade as an entire planet.The biggest milestone so far that the world has achieved has been that of industrialization and technological advancement which came with its enlightenment, proper education, ease of living and many other benefits.

The ease with which we carry out activities today was not the same back in the day and it will not be the same in the future, by the year 2050.

Currently, a lot of things that were not deemed possible in the past or things that were very difficult to kickstart. I got to read about how computers were created and the effort and time that it took to put it all together. It wasn't easy to get it all together but as time passed, humans evolved, and fresh ideas kept flowing, we have what we have today even down to the almighty artificial intelligence that is slowly but steadily taking over the world.

It is only a matter of years before every single thing can be AI operated.

The year 2050 seems so far away but it is actually not, due to the rate at which time flies these days, it is only a matter of time before we cross over from 2049 to a new year 2050 but by that time, the entire human race would have achieved yet another milestone to add to their record.

There would definitely be positive improvement in a lot of things, take education for example. Right now, virtual education is rampant but it is not the norm because people still haven't yet accustomed themselves to the fact that one can obtain a bachelor's degree virtually. It's the same process as going to school physically but it's just virtual.

It is common now but only limited to some courses and I think that by the year 2050, it should have been a very common thing that people no longer have to worry about the troubles that go with going to a physical school like accomodation and the likes.

Also, remote jobs became popular during the lockdown in the COVID year, 2020. Remote jobs had always existed, but a lot of people didn't know about it until everyone was forced to stay home and those that lost their physical jobs had to resort to working online in order to earn money and so awareness of remote jobs grew since then.

It is surprising that even in 2024, some people are still not aware of the abundance of remote jobs and easy working. Remote jobs are there to make work life less stressful and relatively easier so that the old fashioned way of working all day long with no time for family or other things that one would like to do is phased out.

This is something that I think would be achieved fully by the year 2050. By that time, working online would be a very normal thing and it is going to aid and improve the lives of people greatly.

I do believe that as technology advances to new and greater heights with each passing year, it doesn't do so without having its negative side effects.

One thing that will definitely pose a threat to the entire human race would be climate change and global warming. It is the greatest threat to the entire planet and we're always being told to care for the planet but with the way the world is going in terms of pollution(plastic), deforestation and many other harmful acts against nature, we can only hope for the best.

Climate change is real and if it is bad now, how will it be in the next 20-30 years?


Technology truely have improve from when we're young compared to now and it'll keep improving and that's why everyone must keep learning and Improving their skills to be relevant with time technology might take place or humans in some field and only those will latest valuable skills will be retend.


We all have to try our best to keep up with the fast pace of the world.
Thank you for your feedback.


Just the way you were thinking back then, I thought same way. People said lots of things about this year and I also imagined lots of things but here we are. 2050 is a long time from here and I do know by then online jobs would have taken over like you have said.
