War Against Alcohol

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The consumption of alcohol dates back to ancient times, in recent times it was discovered by researchers that alcohol production and consumption didn't begin yesterday or 50 years ago, it has existed for a very long time.

In today's world, alcohol is sold everywhere all over the world in different shapes and sizes and it has uses other than drinking like cooking and preservation. As the world evolved, alcohol has been associated with social life and social activities in the sense that no one throws a party without first adding alcoholic beverage to the number one thing on the What-to-serve-guests- list. The choice of alcoholic beverage depends on the occasion and its host. High class society events would go with champagne, red wine and other fancy alcoholic drinks while for other parties especially the usual basic party, beer and vodka is usually the choice.

This is all to show how well alcohol is integrated in our lives so much that it seems like we cannot do without it as it is used in several ways. The constant presence of alcohol in our lives has also led to the death of many all around the globe. There are a lot of harmful substances that cause harm to the human body and alcohol is at the top of the list.

The fight against alcohol consumption is real but it doesn't seem to deter producers from producing more and consumers from consuming more. People talk about how alcohol makes them feel good and most especially as it is seen as an adult thing to do and people look down on fellow adults who do not take alcohol which only helps to foster negativity about choosing a healthy lifestyle.

Alcohol is a toxic drink with the tendency to induce dependency on the consumer which would then lead to harmful consumption which would further lead to health complications and dysfunctional social behavior and if care is not taken at the right time, the consumer could be lost forever.

In the fight against the sale and consumption of alcohol, the only thing that has been effective till date is the age restrictions and even that is not so effective anymore as teenagers steal alcohol to drink, get high and feel more among.

Are we going to win this fight?

On the scale of substances harmful to the human body, hard drugs and alcohol are shoulder to shoulder. Hard drugs affect major body organs and so does alcohol. Hard drugs leads to a lot of dysfunctional social activities which makes the consumer prone to accidents and alcohol does the same thing.

None can be considered a lesser evil as both of them cause great damage to the body system.

As alcohol is now a common commodity, if I had the power to effectively ban it from society I wouldn't hesitate to do so. I do believe that a lot of good will come from the absence of alcohol in the society, for instance the risk of terminal illnesses would drop a huge notch as individuals would focus on ingesting more healthier choices rather than those that'd cause harm to them in the future.

It would help to improve people's dysfunctional behavior especially those who have an addiction to alcohol. It would be an opportunity for them to go into rehabilitation in order to be free from the addiction without the fear of relapse because alcohol would no longer exist.

I hope that the general public sees alcohol as a dangerous thing and not a fun thing that shows the level of maturity an individual possesses.


The thing is that, the knowledge is there for everyone, people just choose to do what they want to do. I agree with you that eradicating it will do the society a lot of good, but then, we all know it's quite impossible to get rid of it completely.
