Familiar Traits

Hello wonderful Hive Learners Community!

It's been a long time since I participated in the weekly contest. It feels good to be back.

We all know that when a child is born such a child will bear certain biological characteristics gotten from the womb from both parents and as the child grows up, the child adopts other characteristics that'd determine the future of such a child.

I will be sharing the different traits and characteristics that I got from both of my parents.

Jessica Rockowitz From Unsplash


Starting with my Father, I'll begin with the physical traits that were passed on to me. I have been told several times that I share a very strong resemblance with my Father even though I don't see it. This statement has come from strangers and friends alike too many times for me to count so I just had to accept it as fact.

Another physical trait that I got from my Father is his complexion. My Father is light skinned and I am also light skinned which is why people always comment on our resemblance.

The character trait that I inherited from my Father is the ability to have a free mind especially in times of difficulty. I have always known my Father to be calm even though things are going the wrong way. My Mother would complain that he's too calm for her liking because she sees it as him being unconcerned about things concerning the family but my Father would always say this in response:

"Pray and let God work things out.."

He means that once you have done your best and things did not still go on positively for you, we should let go and let God work in our favor because if you can't do anything about it, then nothing will be done about it until God wills it.

This analogy has helped me a lot especially since I have gone out to the world - somewhat - and I realized that getting worked up over things that are way out of my control instead of letting things to just flow as they're supposed to will never get me anywhere ( I might probably land in the hospital due to excessive worrying and overthinking), and it'd just delay the results.

So far, I have learned to let go of things that are beyond my control and give everything to God because after all, I'm only human and there's so much I can do.

When I have kids, I would teach them the art of letting go. It's not going to be easy to learn and master but they'd definitely get it.

Plus, I really don't like being stressed. ;)


Growing up, I spent all of my time in the company of my mother and as a result I adopted a lot of her mannerisms which earned me the nickname:

Her mother's daughter..

I actually have a lot of traits that I got from my mother and I'm going to start from the physical traits.

Firstly, my mother has a beautiful black mole on her face which only helped to make her more beautiful. The mole has always been the same size it was since she was born and even till now it still sits pretty on her face. On the other hand, I got a mole but not on my face which is unfortunate, I have a mole on the side of my knee, about the size of my mother's but just not on my face.

Another physical trait I inherited from my mother is her cheekbones. I'm so happy that I got my mother's cheekbones. :)

The character trait that I inherited from my mother is the habit of appreciating the value of money no matter the denomination.
I used to think that if it's not 500naira or 1knaira, then it's not so valuable and as a result it affected the way I handled money which was not in any way noble. My mother values even the smallest Kobo as much as she values the largest Naira and this is a trait I inherited in my childhood. I learned to save money instead of spending it on useless things which would not benefit me in the long run and it helped to change my mindset about money too.

My mother taught me to save money for the rainy day and it gave her joy that I learned from her and actually put it into action.

Towfiqu Barbhuiya From Unsplash

Another trait I inherited from my mother is that of self control. My mother has a scale of preference where she gives the most attention to the things that are more pressing and would prove a problem in the long run if left unattended. It means that she knew that some actions would benefit her in the future while some would not and as a result she knows how to control her urges in order to not give in to all kinds of temptations.

This character has helped me so much over the years as I realized that some things are actually not worth throwing money at because in the long run, they have no benefit to me. Because of my mother, I am able to know exactly what I want and exactly when I want it without giving in to temptations.

I have been told that I'm being to hard on myself and I should learn to loosen up a little but loosening up is going to cost me (I'm not ready for that) and so far, this scale of preference has helped me navigate this life. It is what works for me.

My parents are wonderful people and I'm grateful for all that I have learned from them since I was born.

Thank you for visiting my blog..


Mothers are in replaceable... So Love 🥰


You're absolutely right. 😇
Thank you for reading.


What a parent. You have such a goodly father that really connected you to God and place of prayer. Please keep depending on God for every provision.

Your mother is an essential ingredient and part of your life. That saving character don't joke with it. I celebrate the kind of traits you inherited from your parents.


Your parents are wonderful people. These traits are lovely. Cheers!!!
