The angel Manny - Sculpture (Rimini - Italy) [EN]-[IT]

The angel Manny - Sculpture (Rimini - Italy)
A few weeks ago I found myself in front of this sculpture made entirely from waste material. I was amazed at what an artist can do with disposable material. To make this type of work, the artist must have in mind what he wants to create and then look for the most suitable scrap pieces to create the work.
In this sculpture the artist wanted to convey a sense of beauty, strength and determination. Manny is a symbol of dedication and love towards nature and the environment that surrounds it. She represents the courage to fight for the conservation and protection of nature.
The artist talks about the theme of respect for nature. He wanted to represent the angel by highlighting the profound connection between the sacredness of life and the reverent care for all that has been created.
The artist gave this angel the name Manny. In a note next to the sculpture there is a writing that states the following. We are in an era where our planet is facing many ecological challenges, climate change, pollution, deforestation, overexploitation of natural resources, in the midst of all this chaos, Manny holds the world in his hands and takes care of it .
What do you think of this work of art? What do you think of the meaning of this sculpture?
L’angelo Manny - Scultura (Rimini - Italia)
Qualche settimana fa mi sono trovato davanti a questa scultura fatta interamente con materiale da scarto. Sono rimasto stupito di cosa può fare un artista con materiale da buttare. Per fare questo genere di opere l’artista deve avere bene in mente cosa vuole realizzare e poi andare alla ricerca dei pezzi di scarto più adatti per realizzare l’opera.
In questa scultura l’artista ha voluto trasmettere un senso di bellezza, di forza e di determinazione. Manny è un simbolo di dedizione e amore verso la natura e l’ambiente che la circonda. Lei rappresenta il coraggio di lottare per la conservazione e la protezione della natura.
L’artista parla del tema del rispetto verso la natura. Egli ha voluto rappresentare l’angelo evidenziando il legame profondo tra la sacralità della vita e la cura reverente per tutto ciò che è stato creato.
L’artista ha dato a questo angelo il nome Manny. In una nota vicino alla scultura c’è uno scritto che afferma quanto segue. Ci troviamo in un'epoca In cui il nostro pianeta sta affrontando molte sfide ecologiche, cambiamenti climatici, inquinamento, deforestazione, sfruttamento eccessivo delle risorse naturali, in mezzo a tutto questo caos, Manny custodisce fra le sue mani il mondo e se ne prende cura.
Che ne pensate di questa opera d’arte? Che ne pensate del significato di questa scultura?
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I am so sure this will be the first time I am seeing the sculpture. It is something to admire and behold
This sculpture was made entirely from disposable material. Its message of respect for the environment comes through loud and clear
Oh now I see and understand much more
Thank you for sharing
I’m sure no one was ever going to believe that this sculpture was made from waste products
The creator is so smart to have done such a thing
This is lovely!
It must be very difficult to find the right pieces when you can't create them, but you have to find them among the things to throw away
The sculpture is impressive and well crafted, the sculptor's got great artistic talent. Hard to tear your eyes away from it and even much harder to believe it was made entirely from just disposable materials. Thanks for sharing it with us and have a great weekend.
I think exactly like you. Very beautiful sculpture, but also difficult to make in the way the artist wanted to make it, that is, with scrap pieces. Have a nice week end
In questa fotografia posso apprezzare quello che dici riguardo al significato che l'artista vuole dare all'opera, bellezza e natura, molto bella
L’artista ha fatto qualcosa di bello usando del materiale da buttare. Ci invita a rispettare il nostro mondo. Grazie per il commento
I really like the sculpture. The artist chose a lot of materials that go well together, and helped give it more character. I was initially wondering if its hands were positioned in a thinking manner, but after the explanation, it seems to be in a cradling position. As a mother holds their child.
Your interpretation of the hand position is fantastic. You know I hadn't noticed. Thanks for stopping by
So amazing and impressive photos my friend, thanks for sharing with us! 🤗
Thank you for your comment, this work of art made from disposable pieces is truly extraordinary.
You’re welcome my friend! 🤗
The sculpture is well crafted and I believe so much of effort will have been invested in making this a beauty
I didn't know it, but the site was open even when they were building the work of art. It would have been nice to see the artist at work