Did we get an answer about aliens?

After a lot of time in the past few months, we have been seeing more and more news about aliens and UFOs reaching mainstream media and flooding the web like crazy. For the first time, NASA has initiated a formal investigation into UFOs, which they are calling UAPs. The conclusion and the announcement of the findings were given yesterday in a long-awaited press conference that had the spotlight for every alien enthusiast and conspiracy theorist out there.

Before I write about what they actually revealed, I had some belief that they were going to announce something related to extraterrestrial life, perhaps some findings about life on another planet, either in a primal form or something similar. That's because the whole event seemed somewhat important.

Now off to the what the announced

  • Nasa is "looking for signs of life, past and present" beyond Earth
    Scientists say they want the discussion of UAPs (Nasa's term for UFOs) to shift from "sensationalism to science"
  • Most UFO sightings are explicable, but a "small handful" cannot be immediately identified as "known human-made or natural phenomena"
  • There is no evidence that UAPs come from outer space - they just don't know what they are
  • Nasa will continue to investigate reports of UAPs, including by increasing the volume and quality of data, using AI and involving the wider public
  • Nasa has appointed a new director of UAP research, but is not naming them
  • It's findings will be "transparent" - including if it ever discovered signs of extra-terrestrial life

Now is the Alien believers satisfied with the answers provided? Of course not since they didn't give an answer and they didn't know what those flying objects where so there is a lot of room to start and speculate and give room for more theories to come up.


Their announcement seems vague and non precise. Aliens have been talked about for almost a century now from different angles or viewpoints. I think there's enough data out there to come to a logical conclusion about aliens. Perhaps, AI could come to the rescue :)
