Hello Everyone
Hope you all are well and having a good today. I am here with Marisol Contuma a life monster to share its battle ability. It has a Reach ability with bloodlust. This post is here to participate in Splinterlands' Social Media Challenge
MARISOL CONTUMA has a dual ability that helps it to attack from the second position and gain +1 stats when it kills a monster. It has 4x melee which is rare in the splinterland monsters. It also has 8x health to stay longer against enemy monsters and 4x armor to save its health.
Rules Set for The Gameplay
I got 42 mana for this battle and it was enough to have some good monsters with MARISOL CONTUMA. The rule set that I got for this battle was the broken arrows, this but scratches, and reverse speed.
Lineup Of The Monsters
GENERAL SLOAN was the summoner I chose for this battle which was a mistake;D because I had the broken arrow ruleset but it is a good summoner that increases the range attack power of all the friendly monsters and it will only charge 4x mana from the mana power.
Stats Of The Summoner
Monster's LineUp
DRYBONE BARBARIAN was my first-position monster because of its enrage ability which increases its stats when these monsters get damaged. It will charge 9x mana from the mana power but in return, it has 4x melee attack power with 2x speed to attack faster than the normal monsters. It has 10x health to stay longer against enemy monsters.
Stats Of The Monster
MARISOL CONTUMA was my second-position monster because of its dual abilities that allow it to attack from the second position and gain +1 stats when it kills a monster. It will charge 9x mana from the mana power but in return, it has 4x melee attack power with 5x speed to attack faster than the normal monsters. It has 8x health to stay longer against the enemy monster with 4x armor to save its health from the enemy monsters.
Stats Of The Monster
TIME MAGE was my third-position monster because of its slow ability that allows it reduce the speed of all the enemy monsters. It will charge 4x mana from the mana power. It has 1x magic attack power with 2x speed to attack faster than the normal monsters. It has 3x health to bear some attacks from enemy monsters.
Stats Of The Monster
TIME MEDDLER was my fourth position monster because of its dodge ability which helps it to evade melee and ranged attacks from enemy monsters. It will charge 8x mana from the mana power but in return, it has 2x magic attack power with 2x speed to attack faster than the normal monsters. It has 6x health to stay longer against enemy monsters with 4x armor to save its health.
Stats Of The Monster
DJINN RENOVA was my fifth position monster because of its strong ability that helps it to increase the health of all the friendly monsters. It will charge 7x mana from the mana power but in return, it has 2x magic attack power with 2x speed to attack faster than the normal monsters. It has 6x health to stay longer against enemy monsters.
Stats Of The Monster
GARGOYA SCRAPPER was my sixth position monster because of its low mana power. It does not have any specific ability but it will charges 1x mana from the mana power and in return it has 1x melee attack power with 2x speed to attack faster than the normal monsters. It also has the 2x health to bear an attack from the enemy.
Stats Of The Monster
The Battle Beguns
Reference of the Battle
The Battle began and the enemy also has chosen life Monsters against my life Monsters. I had a gladiator monster in my team which has the bloodlust ability so my monsters look stronger than the enemy monsters.
The Marisol Contuma has helped the team by using its reach and bloodlust ability to attack the enemy monsters and it helped a lot in winning this game. The monsters were magic attacks that also has given great damage to the enemy.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121