The Weekly BITCOIN Guessing Game


Hello and welcome to this SPinvest post
SPinvest is a tokenized investment fund/club for all users of social blockchains. Everyone is welcome! The concept of SPinvest is to get rich slowly by using time-tested methods of earning, saving and compounding long term. This lets SPinvest offer monthly dividends. We encourage long term investing on and off the blockchain. We hope someday everyone will HODL some SPI tokens that can be bought through the HIVE-engine are dex.steemleo exchanges.

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Hello Spinvest Comunity,

The Bitcoin train has officially left the station, and there’s no stopping it now! We’ve hit yet another all-time high well above $100K, and BTC is in full price discovery mode. The charts are looking explosive, and the possibilities feel endless as we push into uncharted territory. How high can it go? That’s the question everyone is asking – and it’s time for you to weigh in.

This phase of the market is where excitement and speculation collide. Will Bitcoin continue its parabolic climb and hit dizzying new heights, or will the market take a breather after this euphoric push? Some are whispering about $110K, $120K, or even higher. Others are cautious, waiting for a potential pullback to set in. One thing’s for sure: the energy is palpable, and it’s a thrilling time to watch the charts.

So, here’s your challenge – guess where Bitcoin’s price will land by the end of the week. With BTC smashing records and sentiment sky-high, this is anyone’s game. Will your prediction hit the mark? Drop your guess, join the fun, and let’s see who comes out on top in this week’s BTC guessing game! Good luck! 🚀

Don't forget to reshare this post to maximize your winning.

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What do you think a Bitcoin will cost by the end of Friday?

Comment with your guess directly to this post. The bet that is closest to the truth, will win the weekly price. If your bet is exactly to the point, you will win the Jackpot.
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The Prices


The weekly Price

1 Spinvest token for the winner

2 Spinvest token for the winner who reshared (rehived) this post before Friday

As long as we have a bet, we have a winner!
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The Jackpot

200 LEO

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The Rules.


  • provide your tip of the Bitcoin Price in US$ as a comment until Thursday 0:00 CET
  • only one tip per account allowed per individual user; multi-account-users shall only comment with one account, multiple comments lead to disqualification
  • the tip that is closest to the reference price will win the weekly price
  • if there are two tips equally near to the winning value, the one that is given earlier is the winning one
  • a tip that is exactly on spot with the full dollar rounded reference price will win the Jackpot
  • the reference price will be taken from Coingeko; (see the following reference) and rounded to a full dollar number
  • prices are transferred from the @spi-contests account directly to the winning account on the following weekend
  • winners are announced in the respective section of the next game post

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We had 39 valid bets in our last weekly Bitcoin guessing round and the tipps ranged from 10,530$ to 106,666. @jenam had the right guess, with $96 below the reference price. The bets in detail:

10,530 @blessskateshop
92,606 @j2e2xae
93,839 @jhonnygo
94,555 @monsterbuster
96,533 @yova
97,578 @miriammarga
97,709 @rebe.torres12
97,775 @imfarhad
97,852 @hatdogsensei
98,400 @jorgebgt
98,431 @ferod23
98,611 @chrisparis
98,735 @cute-cactus
98,786 @mrf83
98,927 @tokutaro22
99,317 @hjrrodriguez
99,500 @jaybnb
99,674 @rosauradels
99,888 @servelle
99,924 @foxkat
100,499 @princekeys
100,674 @bntcamelo
100,838 @necho41
101,069 @olaf.gui
101,099 @thatcryptodave
101,101 @middle-earthling
101,245 @amakauz

101,256 @jenam winner

101,352 reference winning price

101,457 @anderssinho
101,534 @b02
101,575 @furstlight
102,323 @henruc
102,398 @lumpiadobo
102,522 @repayme4568
103,401 @yeckingo1
104,000 @erikklok
104,222 @thegoliath
105,555 @fredkese
106,666 @thebighigg

Congratulations to @jenam, who won this little game for the 2nd time. Fortunately, @jenam reshared the post to double the price and got 2 SPinvest token only.


Good Luck

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Accounttotal winnings
@tokutaro223 - 1x Jackpot
@cinygirl2 - 1x Jackpot
@cervantes4201 - 1x Jackpot
@yhuddee1111 - 1x Jackpot

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shout out to all the people that ever have participated to this game:
@adedayoolumide @aga8ta@aiovo @ajanaku @akumagai @alovely @amaillo @amr008 @an-man @b0s @bagofincome @barmbo @bashadow @beyondhorizonmm @bitcoinflood @biyaawnur @bloggingaddict @bntcamelo @braaiboy @caspermoeller89 @chacald.dcymt @chrisparis @chuyster @cinygirl @coolkris @coquicoin @crazy-unicorn crrdlx @cst90 @cute-cactus @dagger212 @daniella619 @danoskie @davedickeyyall @dragoka @danoskie @davedickeyyall @ddn688 @desro @dkid14 @dora381 @dragokazo @dterminedsoul @dwayne16 @ehizgabriel @emeka4 @emma001 @ericburgoyne @erikklok @etiboy56 @eyewaa @fabian98 @failingforwards @faithluck @fatherfaith @fbpowers @femcy-willcy @ferod23 @finguru @firstborn.pob fjworld @fomofinance @fredkese @gameofcrypto36 @geneticmedia @geneeverett @ghua @gigil @grumbkow @hansvonkatte @harpreetjanda @hetty-rowan @hhayweaver @hjrrodriguez @hoosie @hauseofdavid @hykss @iamchuks @idspecial17 @imfarhad @informationvault @irenavarroart iskafan @ismaelgranados @jeferybgomez @jfang003 @jhonnygo @jnn10 @joemark @jorgebgt @josediccus @kelseyimoh @kevinnag58 @kristin @lettingo @levi-miron @lordemmy @master-lamps @mein-senf-dazu @mercurial9 @merrymay22 @minimining @miriammarga @mlrequena78 @monbijou @mrf83 @muratkbesiroglu @myothuzar @necho41 @nenio @no-advice @notak @officialhisha @olddessauer @olympicdragon @oscarpower55 @owlpalace @plint @preshtrump99 @preparedwombat @pocketrocket @podewils pthker2010 @rebe.torres12 @repayme4568 @revise.leo @riandeuk @rikolo @rosauradels @rossbach @rpren @sagardyola @samuelvoncocceji @sarahdavis @schindmaehre @shitsignals @silesiaglogau @silvertop @sinistry @sodomlv @sondershausen @steemstreems @stevescoins @stevermac1966 @takimn @temibot @tfranzini @thecryptodave @thomashnblum @tippingswisdom11 @tobywalter @tokutaro22 @trangbaby @ugomarcel @vanidike @vikbuddy @waliphoto @williamtboy @whispertamesth1 @yeckingo1 @youngelder @yorra @yova @zastrowe
SPinvest's content is contributed by @silverstackeruk, @underground, @no-advice, @metzli, @taskmaster4450

Today's post comes to you from @no-advice

65.429 NEOXAG



Thanks for the guessing game, it's fun :)

0.003 NEOXAG


0.003 NEOXAG

Please add me for the draw- @middle-earthling 🍺🍕☕

0.003 NEOXAG

Thank you, thank you very much...


0.051 NEOXAG

rien ne va plus

These are the valid tips for this round:

94,566 @rosauradels
95,672 @jfang003
95,768 @jorgebgt
97,000 @furstlight
97,154 @necho41
97,563 @jhonnygo
97,685 @bntcamelo
97,700 @caspermoeller89
98,762 @cute-cactus
98,997 @j2e2xae
99,000 @yuribezmenov
99,577 @miriammarga
99,681 @lumpiadobo
100,902 @yova
101,285 @foxkat
101,322 @tokutaro22
102,030 @dewabrata
102,325 @amakauz
102,421 @repayme4568
102,720 @davideownzall
102,756 @imfarhad
103,069 @olaf.gui
103,381 @rebe.torres12
103,587 @monsterbuster
103,621 @henruc
103,636 @middle-earthling
103,829 @hatdogsensei
104,000 @erikklok
104,222 @thegoliath
104,612 @chrisparis
104,814 @servelle
105,373 @jenam
105,401 @yeckingo1
105,501 @vrezyy
106,455 @anderssinho
106,900 @oldmans
107,488 @princekeys
108,216 @ferod23
108,650 @roger5120
108,808 @fredkese
110,721 @hjrrodriguez
115,555 @mein-senf-dazu

Good Luck!

@geneeverett has been disqualified for double betting

0.000 NEOXAG