My Favorite Soundtrack CINETV Contest ESP/ENG


La Musica en una Pelicula

Una pelicula debe tener una historia original, un buen guion, buena actuacion, buena filmacion y tambien un excelente soundtrack, los soundtracks despiertan emociones, te preparan para lo que viene o te sumergen en lo que ya esta, hay soundtracks epicos que van mucho mas alla, son obras de arte, se internan en cada fibra de tu ser, de justamente eso les voy a hablar hoy!

The Music in a Movie

A movie must have an original story, a good script, good acting, good filming and also an excellent soundtrack, soundtracks awaken emotions, prepare you for what is coming or immerse you in what is already there, there are epic soundtracks that go far beyond, they are works of art, they go into every fiber of your being, that's exactly what I'm going to talk about today!


Antes de contarles de la musica pelicula favorita, primero tengo que hablarles del Rey de la musica en las peliculas, Don Hans Zimmer, sabes que la pelicula vale la pena verla cuando el soundtrack esta dirigido por Hans Zimmer, El compositor mas galardonado de la historia, incluso teniendo en contra a la mafia de hollywood por trabajar con Cristopher Nolan, su trabajo ha hablado por el, hoy por hoy es el rey de los soundtracks de las peliculas. Seguramente habras visto una pelicula en la que Hans Zimer era el compositor, imagina las escenas sin su toque! Personalmente tengo gran admiracion por el, incluso de vez en cuando me pongo a escuchar sus sountracks por todas las emociones que despiertan en mi!
Before I tell you about my favorite movie music, first I have to tell you about the King of movie music, Mr. Hans Zimmer, you know the movie is worth watching when the soundtrack is directed by Hans Zimmer, the most awarded composer in history, even having against the hollywood mafia for working with Christopher Nolan, his work has spoken for him, today he is the king of movie soundtracks. Surely you have seen a movie in which Hans Zimer was the composer, imagine the scenes without his touch! Personally I have great admiration for him, even from time to time I listen to his sountracks for all the emotions they awaken in me!


Mi Soundtrack Favorito!

Mi Soundtrack Favorito es tambien parte importante de una de mis peliculas favoritas, Batman el caballero de la noche, la musica te envuelve de principio a fin, despierta todas las emociones posibles e incluso da hasta escalofrios en ciertas ocasiones, es la obra maestra de Hans Zimmer sin duda alguna. Cada escena te hace sentirla mas profundamente ya que tu sentido de la audicion esta totalmente seducido, no imagino las peliculas de Batman sin el toque de Hans Zimmer.
Cabe destacar que no solo esta ese soundtrack, hay muchos mas, las peliculas mas destacadas con soundtracks espectaculares de Hans Zimmer son:

  • Interstellar
  • Inception
  • El Rey Leon
  • Dunkerque
  • Blade Runner 2049

My Favorite Soundtrack!

My Favorite Soundtrack is also an important part of one of my favorite movies, Batman The Dark Knight, the music envelops you from beginning to end, it awakens all possible emotions and even gives you chills at times, it is Hans Zimmer's masterpiece without a doubt. Each scene makes you feel it more deeply because your sense of hearing is totally seduced, I can't imagine Batman movies without Hans Zimmer's touch.
It should be noted that not only this soundtrack, there are many more, the most outstanding movies with spectacular soundtracks by Hans Zimmer are:

  • Interstellar
  • Inception
  • The Lion King
  • Dunkirk
  • Blade Runner 2049


Esta es mi entrada al evento, gracias a la colaboracion de CINETV y RISING STAR!
Como parte de la colaboracion Rising Star saco una carta de coleccion especial, la S38 con solo 100 impresas! Comprenlas antesde que se agoten, si gano este concurso destinare los fondos a comprar mas s38!

Si quieres jugar Rising Star este es mi LINK DE REFERIDO

Todas las imagenes las edite con CANVA.

Hasta la proxima!

This is my entry to the event, thanks to the collaboration of CINETV and RISING STAR! As part of the collaboration Rising Star released a special collection card, the S38 with only 100 printed! Buy them before they sell out, if I win this contest I will use the funds to buy more s38!

If you want to play Rising Star this is my REFERRAL LINK

All images were edited with CANVA.

See you next time!

Posted using Neoxian City


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