A small coffee shop with great attributes | Starbucks Laureles in Medellín


Hello friends of Hive and the Architecture+Design community, here I am again after being away, but the good son is back home. My wish is that you are well in the midst of this chaos that the world is constantly becoming. Well friends, I want to share with you a coffee shop that I visit a lot here in Medellin, it is Starbucks Laureles. It is a small coffee shop in the Comuna 11, in the Laureles neighborhood, a good area of this city.

Starbucks is a very exquisite international chain of coffee shops, in particular I think their products are very good but a little expensive, but their drinks are worth it. It is a good experience to taste a cold or hot drink of Starbucks Laureles coffee but what I am concerned with for now is to show you the place so you can appreciate its spaces.

By the way, I can't help but remember my friend @isdarmady when I'm in coffee shops, is that this friend has earned a good place as a coffee connoisseur and also enjoys showing us coffee shops in his city Medan in Indonesia. Well friends, I hope you enjoy the tour of Starbucks Laureles, in Medellin Colombia.

Hola amigos de Hive y de la comunidad Arquitectura+Diseño, por aquí estoy otra vez después de estar alejado, pero el buen hijo vuelve a casa. Mi deseo es que estén bien en medio de este caos en que se convierte el mundo constantemente. Bien amigos, quiero compartirles una cafetería que visito mucho aquí en Medellín, ella es Starbucks Laureles. Es una cafetería pequeña en la Comuna 11, en el barrio Laureles, una buena zona de esta ciudad.

Starbucks es una cadena de cafeterías internacional muy exquisita, en lo particular creo que sus productos son muy buenos aunque un poco costosos, pero sus bebidas lo valen. Es una buena experiencia degustar una bebida fría o caliente de café de Starbucks Laureles pero lo que me ocupa por ahora es mostrarles el lugar para que puedan apreciar sus espacios.

Por cierto, no puedo evitar recordar al amigo @isdarmady cuando estoy en cafeterías, es que este amigo se ha ganado un buen lugar como conocedor de café y también disfruta mostrarnos cafeterías de su ciudad Medan en Indonesia. Bien amigos, espero que puedan disfrutar el recorrido por Starbucks Laureles, en Medellín Colombia.


This cafeteria is a business that lets you see what's inside because it has walls and large transparent glass windows. I particularly like that this cafeteria is small but with a lot of view and lighting.

Esta cafetería es un negocio que deja a la vista lo que hay por dentro porque tiene paredes y amplias ventanas de vidrio transparente. En lo particular me gusta que esta cafetería sea pequeña pero con mucha vista e iluminación.


As you can see, it is a two-story building and has no parking for cars, but you can see motorcycles parked in front, because there is space for them.

Como ven, es un local de dos pisos y no cuenta con parqueadero para carros, pero se pueden ver motos parqueadas al frente, porque hay espacio para ellas.


The exterior appearance of Starbucks Laureles is simple for the renown of this brand, but it is enough to enter to better judge this place.

El aspecto exterior de Starbucks Laureles es sencillo para el renombre de esta marca, pero basta entrar para juzgar mejor este lugar.


First floor

The main entrance is on one side and as you enter there is the iconic Starbucks logo on the right hand side, passing to the main bar where you choose what you want to buy and on the left hand side there is a covered area, terrace style for customers, mostly ventilated and naturally lit, of course the glass walls let in a lot of sunlight during the day. It has wooden chairs and round granite tables, all very combined with black pipes.

Primer piso

La entrada principal está a un lado y al entrar está a mano derecha el icónico logo de Starbucks, pasando a la barra principal donde se escoge lo que se quiere comprar y a mano izquierda está un área techada, estilo terraza para clientes, mayormente ventilada e iluminada naturalmente, por supuesto que por las paredes de vidrio entra mucha luz del sol en el día. Tiene sillas de madera y mesas redondas en granito, todo muy combinado con tubos negros.





This first environment for customers is available upon arrival but if you want something quieter you have to go up to the second floor, because the bar for shopping is nearby and sometimes customers are crowded waiting for their turn while they choose their delicacies.

Este primer ambiente para clientes está disponible al llegar pero si quieres algo más tranquilo hay que subir al segundo piso, porque la barra para comprar está cerca y a veces los clientes se amontonan esperando su turno mientras elijen sus exquisiteces.





The decoration is adequate and everything is very neat and clean. After shopping you can choose to go upstairs. You can still see the elegant decoration, with wood and metal, all in shades of brown and ochre.

La decoración es adecuada y todo está muy ordenado y limpio. Luego que compras puedes elegir subir a la planta alta. Sigue ante la vista la decoración tan elegante, con madera y metal, todo entre tonos cafés y ocres.


I climb the stairs and enjoy all the finely woody decor throughout the room.

Subo las escaleras y disfruto todo la decoración finamente amaderada en todo el ambiente.


Second floor

The upstairs customer area starts with a row of wooden tables on the gray porcelain tile floor. The seating is off to the side getting a little sun along with the tables, but that's okay because the air conditioning in the cafeteria is strong.

Segundo piso

El área para clientes en la planta alta inicia con una hilera de mesas de madera sobre el piso de porcelanato gris. Los asientos están a un costado recibiendo un poco de sol junto con las mesas, pero está bien porque el aire acondicionado en la cafetería está fuerte.





All the decoration is appropriate, look at those sacks that are supposed to be coffee sacks. They are an excellent decorative element.

Toda la decoración es adecuada, miren esos costales que se supone son de café. Son un excelente elemento decorativo.




Comfortable furniture, among leather armchairs and benches, next to wooden and iron tables, there are plenty of places to choose where to be and feel good.

Muebles cómodos, entre poltronas y bancos de cuero, junto a mesitas de madera y hierro, hay para elegir donde estar y sentirse bien.


The sofas and round tables in wood, leather, black pipes, well-distributed spotlights and natural lighting thanks to the large windows, are part of the elements that make up the decor and make the great atmosphere of Starbucks Laureles. Although if the cold eats away at you, you can escape from the air conditioning and go out to the balcony through a glass door that leads to another area very comfortably prepared with wooden chairs and tables.

Los sofás y mesitas redondas en madera, cuero, tubos negros, focos bien distribuidos e iluminación natural gracias a los amplios ventanales, son parte de los elementos que conforman la decoración y hacen el gran ambiente de Starbucks Laureles. Aunque si el frío te carcome puedes huir del aire acondicionado y salir al balcón por una puerta de vidrio que conducen a otra área preparada muy cómodamente con sillas y mesas de madera.



Despite being a small place it is a good place to share and work as in my case I like to choose this place for the Wifi, although I was surprised that they reduced it to three hours and before it was unlimited, ie I could buy a drink and with that I had the right to spend the whole day enjoying the Wifi. Now, however, if the three hours pass and I want more Wifi then I must buy some other product to be able to renew the internet service.


A pesar de ser un local pequeño es un buen lugar para compartir y trabajar como en mi caso que me gusta elegir este local por el Wifi, aunque me llevé la sorpresa de que lo redujeron a tres horas y antes era ilimitado, es decir yo me podía comprar una bebida y con eso tenia derecho a pasar todo el día disfrutando del Wifi. En cambio, ahora si pasan las tres horas y quiero más Wifi entonces debo comprar algún otro producto para poder renovar el servicio de internet.



Despite the change in the Wifi, it is still very nice to be in this place. I like to use the table for more than 10 people, although of course I prefer to be alone. But it is a good table for work groups. Right there in that room there is a large painting alluding to coffee and its traditions, interesting if you like art.

A pesar de ese cambio en el Wifi, igual sigue siendo muy sabroso estar en este lugar. Me gusta usar la mesa que es para más de 10 personas, aunque claro prefiero estar yo solo. Pero es una buena mesa para grupos de trabajos. Allí mismo en esa sala hay un gran cuadro alusivo al café y sus tradiciones, interesante si te gusta el arte.



Intelligent design

The atmosphere at Starbucks Laureles is very pleasant, each of the two floors has a wonderful ambiance in my opinion, that's why I enjoy being there, especially for the tranquility which is the best thing. In fact, it is because of this cozy atmosphere that this chain of coffee stores has been so successful. The warm, very autumnal colors, the furniture, the dim lighting, the whole atmosphere is designed to make everyone who arrives want to stay there.

Diseño inteligente

El ambiente de Starbucks Laureles es muy agradable, cada uno de los dos pisos tienen un ambiente maravilloso a mi parecer, por eso disfruto estar allí, sobre todo por la tranquilidad que es lo mejor. De hecho, por este ambiente acogedor es por lo que ha tenido éxito esta cadena de tiendas de café. Los colores cálidos, muy otoñales, los muebles, la luz tenue, que no encandile, en fin todo el ambiente está diseñado para que todo el que llegue quiera quedarse allí.


The Starbucks logo has its own particular history, the truth is that it keeps the initial image, a mermaid with two tails, this image is really strange.

El logo de Starbucks tiene su historia particular, lo cierto es que se mantiene la imagen inicial, una sirena con dos colas, vaya que es extraña esta imagen.


I hope you enjoy Starbucks Laureles, this is not the only coffee shop in Medellin of this important international chain, there are others that I hope to visit and show them one day. I say goodbye and I hope not to disappear again for so long, because December is here and I want to be in hive to close the old year and start the new one.

Deseo que disfruten de Starbucks Laureles, esta no es la única cafetería en Medellín de esta importante cadena internacional, hay otras más que espero poder visitarlas y mostrarlas un día. Me despido y espero no desaparecer otra vez tanto tiempo, porque llegó diciembre y quiero estar en hive para cerrar el viejo año y emprender el nuevo.

This publication dedicates 10% to the account @aplusd to support the valuable work being done in this wonderful community by the hand of @storiesoferne, to whom I am very grateful for the support I have received and also the one given to the rest of the architecture lovers. I make this delegation of my own free will and without any personal interest.

Esta publicación dedica el 10 % a la cuenta @aplusd para apoyar el valioso trabajo que se realiza en esta maravillosa comunidad de la mano de @storiesoferne, a quienes agradezco mucho por el apoyo que he recibido y también el dado al resto de los amantes de la arquitectura. Esta delegación la hago por voluntad propia y sin ningún interés personal.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

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Original content / Author @sorprendente

Photos and images of my property.

If you want to use one as a reference,
please highlight my name as a source: @sorprendente


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0.000 NEOXAG

It's interesting post with a very good description @sorprendente
It's very interesting to see how the Starbucks coffee shop model from different parts of the world.
In Indonesia, Starbucks coffee shops usually use large buildings with maximum parking space. This is in accordance with market conditions and consumers who buy coffee at Starbucks are people who are considered to have a lot of money and own a car.

It's nice to see a coffee shop like this, it's like breaking the mindset of many people in my city about Starbucks as coffee and a premium coffee shop. Starbucks Laureles in Medellín also seems very suitable for working and writing all day.

0.000 NEOXAG

Dear friend @isdarmady what an honor to have you here, for me you are an expert in coffee shops and I take my hat off to you. Thank you for leaving your valuable impressions about this Starbucks in Medellin here in Colombia, I'm glad you feel comfortable knowing it. Blessings my friend!

0.087 NEOXAG

Greetings dear friend @sorprendente. Great to have you back! Who doesn't love Starbucks? Well, if you're not a coffee drinker, these cafes would probably not ring a bell. However, due to that chain's global penetration, it would be nearly impossible for city dwellers and highly commercialized zones not to recognize them. In fact, that coffee business has truly established themselves as an iconic brand. 😊

Aside from their addictive products, what elements of architecture and design have always fascinated you at their beautiful branches regardless of the location?

0.000 NEOXAG

Greetings my dear friend @storiesoferne, I'm also happy to be back in action. Well my friend, definitely after knowing Starbucks here in Medellin it won my preference, even though I'm not a coffee drinker, but it definitely has addictive products 😊

From the architecture and design of Starbucks I am fascinated by the order in its structure, the distribution of the areas and the warm ocher tones in their environments. Highlighting my preference for the use of large windows and glass doors. I always observe the importance of the use of renewable energy, I enjoy naturally illuminated spaces and in the Starbucks I have seen there are very illuminated rooms and also balconies or terraces. My friend I wish you well!

0.000 NEOXAG

Makes a lot of sense dear friend @sorprendente. It's obvious that the Starbucks brand heavily invests in their architecture and design for the ultimate benefit and comfortable experiences of their loyal customers like you. And of course, maximizing the undeniable powers of renewable energy for natural lighting is clearly a sustainable strategy for their world-renowned stores. Blessings and have an enjoyable one! 😊

0.000 NEOXAG

I have never actually tried products from these franchises. With respect to its design I find it very harmonious and well adapted to the needs of the customer, it is certainly a place that looks comfortable.

!discovery 40

0.000 NEOXAG

Yes it is a very comfortable place, well the truth is that I met Starbucks for the first time here in Medellin. Thanks for the support my friend @wilfredocav, I hope you are well.

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