Hello everyone
Am somsome17 and i feel great to be in this community. Am new here and this is my first post in this community ☺️. I am someone who has little or no friends, it's not like I don't want to have friends. But the kind of persons I meet made me an introvert.

When I saw this week's topic's I thought it would be a good way of sharing my memories of things I experienced when growing up.

✏️While going about your daily routine, you stumbled upon a machine that could take you back to relive memories, but you can't change them. Tell about one memory you will love to experience again, and why.

**If only I stumbled upon a machine that could take me back to relive memories, I would go back to my university days where I experienced the good the bad and the ugly. I choose this memory because back then I had someone who truly understood me. During my university days I was always body shamed by the people I met, even my room mates made fun of me. I am a short person, let's say 4.6ft with a genu valgus ( k leg). Because of my legs I was nicknamed "bad feet", sometimes I didn't attend lectures because of my insecurities.

On one faithful day after the days lectures I went to the library to read, this day I thought I escaped the bullies but no, they followed me every where I went. I got funny looks from the girl sitting at the other side of the table, didn't know when I angrily shouted at her to stop looking at me that way😤. She just hissed, stood up from the table and went to another table, I was not surprised cause I was already used to it. I didn't even realize there was someone sitting close to me until he spoke to me.



Are you ok? Said the stranger. I turned my head slightly to check if it was me the handsome young man was talking to, even as he was seated i noticed that he was a tall man because while sitting from his head to his waist was about 3.2ft long I'm guessing if he should stand up, he would be 6.4ft or even 7ft tall. Wow he looks intimidating and cute😐with good body structure. I wondered why he wore dark shades of glasses to read at a library.
For a moment I froze staring at him, he was dark skinned with a body like one of does Greek god's 🥴I think he is lord Poseidon. while he talked, I could see the set of white teeth he has. Oh my God! I hope he didn't notice my facial expressions. Stammering I managed to respond, yes you he said, are you ok? he asked again. I must confess, that was the first time anyone had ever spoken to me nice, let alone ask me if I was ok. I replied that I was ok, but he said that every thing didn't seem like it was ok between I and the lady that just left the table. At that moment I felt light, he introduced his self as Daniel with a cute smile. For a moment the Earth was on hold, in my mind...did he take tutorials on how to smile🥺. Because something inside me was not feeling right, my stomach was boiling, my heart was panting like I ran a marathon.
Common guys, I've seen handsome men before it's just that this guy is not giving that aura of most handsome men I've encountered. "That proud aura of excessiveness".
You know, when you know that you are a fine man ahhh.....😆

In my seated position I managed to comport myself before I say something stupid. It was like I was in a dream when he said, so what's your name?
Oh.. oh my name is somsome. Wow that's a sweet name he said 🤯. Like this I don enter cloud 9, well we exchanged numbers and started chatting. While chatting I learned that he is from kuara state, Ilorin and his mother is from Nembe Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Daniel was the only child of his parents. I really don't know how it's like to be an only child , but I am the only girl in my family of ten men. Sometimes I imagined being an only child cause I'll get all the love and affection all to myself 😏. Well it's good I have big brothers to fight for me😁, in school I just have Daniel to console me. I also told him a lot about myself and all I've been going through in school. It was so much fun chatting with him, we always talked on phone about how our days went and the beautiful places we'll love to visit during the holidays.

I noticed that Since the day we met at the library, I didn't see him again in school. I asked him about it but he said he didn't want to talk about it. Whenever we did video calls after my classes, he always wore his dark shade glasses. I even thought I was maybe talking to a ghost.

I've heard stories of ghost and how they came back to live with humans,cause of an unfinished business in the other life they lived. I sometimes get scared at the thought that I might me talking to a "Ghost"👻.
We chatted for weeks, weeks turned into months and I was already fond of him. For five months we chatted without seeing each other, I got upset and asked him why he didn't want to see me, and i told him that maybe he was embarrassed by my appearance and didn't want people to see us together, it was not like he traveled. Cause he told me he lived on campus with me😭.

I was so upset with him that I stopped picking up his calls nor replying his text messages.One cold morning I received a message, checked my phone but didn't want to reply. I got another message, it was from our beloved Daniel "please let's see I have something to tell you, meet me at the school Canton by 2pm". Finally 😔.. I sighed and replied OK.



At the school Canton he was seated at a corner. I greeted him and sat down next to him. He asked how I was doing and told me that he missed me...☺️
He said he was traveling😵. I asked where he was going and he said he was traveling to India tomorrow for treatment. He said he has been disabled from birth and that he can't see..that was the last time we ever saw or spoke to each other.

I hope he's ok wherever he is, I miss him and I wish to see him some day***

Thank you for reading 💋
