The importance for the study of philosophy and AI
In this age of AI, it is even more important that people think for themselves.
This article entitled POV: Philosophy is the secret to thriving in the age of AI explains why in this day and age, philosophical thinking helps one become creative. Primarily because philosophy encourages value free thinking and challenge of exiting notions, these predisposes one to find new solutions.
On the other hand, a decade old post entitled Philosophy will be the key that unlocks artificial intelligence actually discusses why philosophy would hold the key to enhance AI. Now, this is coming from the other angle indeed: AI being helped by philosophy.
It is hard to tell which is more important between AI and philosophy, but there is definitely a kind of symbiotic relation between them going forward.
That is why the study of philosophy and the implications of AI would be so important. Perhaps the most important development in education in the next few decades.
For reference, at the Northeastern University, London, there is a course entitled MA Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence Programme which aims to address this gap early.
A look at the course outline would likely tell us what we need as noobs in these two areas. Are you ready for the new world?