Tales of the Urban Explorer: Candlestick Cottage


Our next leg was to be the highlight of the trip. 'Candlestick Cottage', was a time-capsule of repute, famed for its isolation, many relics, dodgy upper floors and bleak, harsh sights.

Of course, I didn't know this before my visit, besides the floors which I was warned about.


This is merely my post visit representation of the venue. It was also a fucking long drive, and despite a recent tip that it was 'open' you can never be sure until you arrive and finish your scout.

It may have been isolated but there was a handy road running right past it. That meant no dodging farmers, ducking behind large bushes, climbing over noisy rattling gates or wincing when the local hounds hear you.


Dogs are a proverbial pain in the arse. They break your cover, alert the Karen's and in a worst case scenario charge you down, sinking their frothing fangs into your calf. Thankfully the latter scenario has never materialised yet.


The dirt road leading into the field alongside 'Candlestick Cottage' looked used. Farmer Giles may come racing down there any second in his V8 Tractor complete with a set of pitchforks and tell us to 'fuck off' or he will call the police, or worse bloody Fido may jump down and realise one of my worst fears.

'I value my calves and would rather keep them functional, complete with no vampire (or canine) holes and dripping blood'

The back looked sealed, with a mass black boards over all the windows, and of course we headed there first thinking that could well be our entrance point. It wasn't.


@anidiotexplores found it before me, and with a quick yell to me, made his way through a smallish window before I could blink.

I managed to get in avoiding a head first entry but it was pretty awkward. My limbs simply don't bend the way they used to.



Inside was dark, very dark and I was glad for the now vintage light I carry everywhere and now a veteran of over 400 explores.

'Candlestick Cottage' was not going to disappoint, it was teeming with ancient items.


'Proper Suede Cleaner'. Can you dispute its claim? The bottle next it looked markedly more recent.


Sights such as this I don't see too often and they are something to behold. That may sound weird but they are so far flung from what you see in modern life that they make you stare in awe. The level of natural decay was staggering, and most of this junk had not been moved in decades.


I didn't not touch or pick up the kettle that looks like a decaying budgie had sat down on it, took a dump and then died 15 years ago. It's now affixed to the handle.


I would need to look a little harder if I was to find the 'Tilley Storm Lantern'. I can imagine some dark and stormy nights on the exterior of 'Candlestick Cottage' happen occasionally.


The Clotted Cream Fudge lid was not opened, the stench from within would likely have knocked me out cold. Ancient perishables are best avoided. The milk carton from 2018, I am certain has been discarded by another explorer.


Black plastic racks looked like they might have housed razor blades once. With a shaving brush evident, this bloke didn't use or know about electric shavers.


Some nice fresh free range eggs I could have gone for. If only I can could find a price. No doubt the advertised fee would be substantially cheaper than today's outrageous food prices.


Episode 2 from December, 1958, this was getting better. I needed to find out about 'that hussy. The postcard is dated 'December 1938'.


You can probably zoom in and read the story if you are interested enough. The magazine was in surprisingly good condition, just a little damp.


This cottage had been ransacked, there was little doubt but not emptied.


The council tax bill was from 1994. I am always intrigued about past owners and why they abandoned home.


Sit down there at your peril.


Who stole the cushions? We could have taken a well-earned breather, enjoyed what was left of the blue wallpaper while getting a deserved warm by that cosy fireplace.


Bibby's Annual from 1936, I dare not open. The pages would have disintegrated into my fingers. I don't believe I have seen any children's books so old.


It's just turned 1pm, or is it 1am?


Grandma Candlestick's room. The bed doesn't half look uncomfortable and the floor as warned hosted some nice large holes.


In the old days, basic components didn't have fancy names. Sugar was sugar, and was white as was flour.


Not very fashionable and I wasn't about to start digging in the bottom section for grannies old stained knickers.


Being in here, that lamp may well have given me some wishes if I had rubbed it a little.


Is this Grandpa Candlesticks bed or just the spare? Both of them must have suffered from terrible backache given all the shit they had to lie on. Clean up a little will you, sheesh!


Mary Critchlow's insurance policy of Wingfield Manor, Derbyshire. A quick check tells me this manor is now an unsafe ruin. A lot can happen between 1973 and now.



There was no shortage of beds within 'Candlestick Cottage', each one more uncomfortable looking than the last.


I tried to capture this old torch twice, both of my efforts look slightly blurred.


The dresser on the first floor landing area hosted several coins. I was hoping they may be pre-decimal but no such luck. If the shitheads had been here, they would be the first items to go.


Probably from the 1940's at a guess, though I should have checked the editions.


They were in decent condition and quite readable.


1927, 1916!.., oh wow…, how old can we go? The latter one was written during the First World War. I struggle to read the prose from these times, the handwriting is generally of this style and the English is quite different from modern times.


Is Sam Rains even still alive? The exercise book style did spark a few memories of mine from primary school.


Hot news from Halloween 1953. Princess Margaret is being ousted out of some important position, maybe for shagging the wrong types of blokes.


Don't go too close to that wardrobe, it's purposely looking to fall on some unwary bastard who walks past it. I take it back, some wankers have been here.


For the most part, 'Candlestick Cottage' has survived the outside elements, but there was a little poking through in places, ah wait.., it's a fake plant!


I remember Vimto being purple, not yellow. It was hardly my favourite as a kid and I didn't 'always drink' it.


If you look at old footage, the kid's bikes tend to look like this. Is it the black and white shots, or were they constructed with rust and crap from their inception?


It looks like a replica, but being in here, I knew better.

Where where the Candlesticks? Probably stolen, just the like Axe's from 'The Axe House'


'MDCCCLIX' is 1859. It's quite old, but I expected that.


We left in a daze knowing we would likely never see anything so old content wise..., ever again.


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1345.600 NEOXAG


Places like this remind me of the cottage we used to live in. When we moved in the other half's grandparents had died a few years back and it was a bit of a time capsule. Not in that bad a state, but they did keep all sorts of old tat like 78 records and old newspapers going back to WW2 at least. That's ancient history to today's kids. You found a good one.

0.001 NEOXAG

When we moved in the other half's grandparents had died a few years back and it was a bit of a time capsule.

Is that where you live now.., in a renovated ex-Time Capsule?

Not in that bad a state, but they did keep all sorts of old tat like 78 records

I played 78's as a kid. My dad had some and I had a cheap record player that handled them as well as 45, 33, and 16 (never saw anything that used that speed), they got lost over time.

0.002 NEOXAG

Well we lived there for about 10 years before we built the current house. We modernised it a bit. I had to rewire the place. There was one socket upstairs and that had a cable that plugged into one downstairs. No central heating before me moved in.

I had my mum's old record played that could do 16rpm, but I've not seen those records either.

0.000 NEOXAG

No central heating before me moved in.

Yikes, the house I grew up in, it had storage heaters with concrete blocks. I can't ever remember being cold though.

I had my mum's old record played that could do 16rpm, but I've not seen those records either.

Something worth googling. I'll do it at work, so I get paid for it 😀

0.001 NEOXAG

There be some wonderful treasure and I bet the scent of decay was awesome

0.001 NEOXAG

You should have gone, you still could but now the open status is 'uncertain'. It's right up your street, this one.

0.000 NEOXAG

Yup I think you got that right.

0.000 NEOXAG

This place looks super interesting, so much stuff left inside from different decades. I feel like it’s quite rare to have places like this where so much of the last owners things are still there. Too often it’s all taken away and only some spraypaint and emptly beer cans are left inside.

I would have been soooo tempted to steal that dresser with the fold-out writing desk, and the wardrobe that’s still upright, and try and salvage them. I’m such a sucker for antique furniture.

0.000 NEOXAG

I would have been soooo tempted to steal that dresser with the fold-out writing desk, and the wardrobe that’s still upright, and try and salvage them.

You'd never have got them out, the windows was far to small. I struggled to get through it.

0.000 NEOXAG

O friend, what a brutal demonstration of photography.... One of these days you should share a bit of your image editing techniques!... And of course, those places you explore are an inexhaustible source of elements to exploit your ability to photograph!... It's awesome!... Thank you very much for sharing this, it's a pleasure to look at... Have a great weekend!

!discovery shots

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0.000 NEOXAG

One of these days you should share a bit of your image editing techniques!.

I have done several times. A lot of it is have adequate lighting for such dimly lit places. My early explores had terrible shots, and the lighting made all the difference. Keep well!

0.000 NEOXAG

Oh wow, how could you even walk around in there! I can't even imagine. That's almost a hording situation!

0.000 NEOXAG

I have been in worse hoarder houses where you literally can't get into some rooms due to the clutter. This wasn't so bad.

0.010 NEOXAG

That Bibby's annual was an antique! Although it would fall apart if you breathed on it.

The dead budgie on the kettle handle, lol!!

0.000 NEOXAG

The dead budgie on the kettle handle, lol!!

It looked a little budgie shaped, a calculated guess!

0.000 NEOXAG

Shoutout to Aiden and B. Wasel. Hope they're still together.

0.000 NEOXAG

Let's hope those arseholes never find any more gems like this, it was flawless apart from their defacement.

0.000 NEOXAG

Another resounding explore time travel, plenty odd items dating back. Some recognizable, shit in there looks like pigeons roosted here too!

!BEER and cheers well photographed, graphically detailed wording, glad the calves still in one piece!

0.000 NEOXAG

Wow - that was some place. I really liked the two-tone washing machine ! Some crackin nice finds in there.

0.000 NEOXAG

Awesome! Love your exploring! It’s sad they took the candles. All furniture is open and probably everything of worth looted. Would love to see it before it got that much looted.

0.000 NEOXAG

There's plenty to loot, that's why I have to protect where it is. There's been at least one set of idiots in there already.

0.003 NEOXAG


That’s so sad :/

Can’t wait for your next adventure 🤩

0.000 NEOXAG

Well..., the next one was bad but not as bad as the one after. Not in quality but what happened. That's for another day.

0.000 NEOXAG

Wow! It's like they up an left everything and dust has collected for decades. Glad you got in and out in one piece! That was some really cool stuff just abandoned in there!

0.000 NEOXAG

If I had more time.. (the same old story). I do try and get some detail, especially regarding older items. Notes from 1916, over 100 years ago.., quite unreal.

0.000 NEOXAG

Amazing that it hasn't all boon looted by now! That's a very cool old cottage!

0.000 NEOXAG

It's a little off the radar. These images are a year old. I haven't seen it done recently.

0.000 NEOXAG

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0.000 NEOXAG

Hello, it's nice to meet you through this very interesting publication. I'm glad you shared so many photos and so many details of this place because I loved it, it's not the kind of places I usually enjoy on a walk, but I also know that to Candlestick Cottage I don't think I'll ever go, because of the distance and because of that thing you tell about the dogs 🤣 that although it hasn't happened, I'm sure with the hate they have for me I could be the first one hahaha. I'll take heed of your final signature, I'll follow you and reblog because I loved your content and your blog!...

0.000 NEOXAG

This is truly a document of its time, I wonder how long it will last?
You are important for the judgment you make, you "immortalize" what will soon disappear, perhaps through demolition or just the ravages of time. Very good photos, some looked like they were painted!

0.000 NEOXAG

This is like entering a new world on his own, seeing how people lived as far back as 1953, Did i just see a receipt of 1973, Thats amazing. Its like the start of a historical movie, Sam Larry might still be alive though, Who knows, if he used a book at that age, he should be in his 70s or 80s by now.

0.000 NEOXAG

It is interesting to know stories and relics from other parts of the world

0.000 NEOXAG

I was amazed by the magazine's condition despite it's old age though it's kinda freaky inside.

0.000 NEOXAG

Forget your crypto wallets and digital devices. Back in the day, we all kept our valuables in a Family Circle biscuit tin!

0.000 NEOXAG

Can't remember where I kept my loot, it's long ago!

0.000 NEOXAG

This looks very good find ... and all things are still there 👌👌☕... happy to see that no one has stolen something yet 😅👌, but the house in all this walls looks like a nightmare 😆👌

0.000 NEOXAG

Wow, spooky but very interesting and very beautiful photographs of the cottage (i.e. those outside). Thanks for sharing and all the best! HIVE on! Plenty of success here and beyond!

0.000 NEOXAG

an amazing adventure. You had so much courage, to entry at these homes. I love the details. Nice history, nice photos. Thanks for sharing with us! hugs from Brasil

0.000 NEOXAG

I find your post extremely funny and quality, always puts a smile on my face, the kettle part though cracked me up. Sure these stuffs on there looks so much older than my grandma..

0.000 NEOXAG

I always try and inject a little humour. If it makes me smile, then that's usually good enough 😀

0.000 NEOXAG

And you're doing a great job with it, making others smile back. This is a wonderful act of service, keep it up☺️☺️

0.000 NEOXAG

The long drive and the uncertainty of whether it would be open or not added an element of unpredictability to your journey.🤣

0.000 NEOXAG

Surprising amount of personal effects left over.

0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you for sharing @slobberchops it is very dirty-looking and old. But it is a valuable things what is inside the cattage🙋🙋🙋 I appreciate the old things.

0.000 NEOXAG

The magazine is old but c'mon
It still looks good after a long time

0.000 NEOXAG

The magazine is old but c'mon
It still looks good after a long time

0.000 NEOXAG

Fabulous. Thanks!!!!!!!

0.000 NEOXAG

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