Soccer trophy...


Asalamua'laikum friends, all of you meet again this afternoon, wherever you are, I hope you are always healthy and blessed by God Almighty... I hope today is better than yesterday...

Tonight I will share a picture of my trophy. which I have kept for quite a long time, so tonight I will share it with this beloved community. In the past, I have also failed in my career. I have failed when I played almost 20 matches. and the secret in this life is to learn that no one is defeated all the time and if you can achieve a crushing defeat, you can win again, and you can become a champion one later.

I used to hate training sessions every day but I said don't stop. And live like a champion. When you win, don't say anything. in my life.
I learned more from a loss than from a win and how to keep going.

And I don't think about the emotions that are in me because I can't lose and this is how I can get the win. All I want is that I have to cross the finish line first. Winning is not getting ahead of others. Winning is being ahead of yourself.

This is enough for me to share with my friends this afternoon. If any of my words are lacking, I apologize as best I can and thank you for visiting....

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