Slaughtering a cow on meugang day...


Assalamua'laikum hive friends, how are you all today and wherever you are, I hope you are all well and in good health, hopefully all matters will be eased...

Today I will share a picture about the slaughter of a cow on Megang Day. In our area it is usually one more day before fasting or one more day before the feast. We still slaughter the cow. It is called Hari Mengang in Islam. And there is also a lot of beef in it. sold on mengang day and a lot of it also sold when it was sold. because not everyone slaughtered cows on that day.

Megang is a matter of tradition and custom, such is the joy of both social groups in society and within the family and on meugang day you can eat fresh meat. Therefore, meugang day has very unique and strong traditions and cultural heritage. And on that day socially and considered the same. and as an Islamic kingdom in the holy month of Ramadan and on meugang holidays it is called happily the tradition of eating well together at meugang. and it is a very happy tradition.

And on meugang day, children who are overseas usually all return to their hometowns to gather with relatives or family and when their children can't go home, their mothers can also send meat-based dishes that they make for overseas children. Meat dishes are a bond of affection. Meugang Day is also a moment for rich people who are generous to share with the poor. In addition, there are also those who sell meat on a debt system and the meat is paid at the time of the rice harvest (kemeukoh).

This is all I can share today. If any of my words are wrong, I apologize as best I can
Greetings and thanks for visiting...

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