Cucumber suri is very beneficial for health


Hi hive community friends, meet me again today, is everything fine today, today may be better than yesterday, I hope everyone is in good health always

Cucumber suri is not a cucumber that can be planted at any time, but cucumber suri is usually grown during the fasting month and is sold for sale even half-ripe cucumber suri is a fresh cucumber for cucumber suri, usually done during the fasting month and has been sold at the iftar market, many people too those who want to buy because the minister stole it is not a plant specifically grown for other months, especially for the month of Ramadan, it has an oval shape and some are yellow and some are green, some are striped, the contents are also very thick and the flesh is very soft

And then it's just Surya, I planted it, it's 40 days old after planting and I'll water it every day and I'll take care of it, especially since it's already bearing fruit, the fruit is also very beautiful, some of which I cut are green and yellow and some are striped and for cucumber suri, it contains a lot of water and nutrients, it is very beneficial for our health. I also really like cucumber suri, especially when we break our fast. Timun suri belongs to the pumpkin family which is shaped like a melon with various health benefits and delicious preparations.

So many people like the Suri cucumber because it tastes delicious and the contents are soft and thick, usually when people buy it they choose an orange cucumber because the color is more dominant. Cucumber suri only lasts one week in my room. If the cucumber suri has been picked, I store it in the refrigerator because it can last one week. If you want to buy 5 that afternoon, don't choose the one that is cracked because it has a lack of calcium nutrients. Cucumber suri is widely known by the public as a fruit that is processed into a refreshing drink.

Cucumber suri also contains a lot of vitamin K in high amounts. Vitamin K is important for increasing bone mass and vitamin K can also be a medicine for nerve damage to the brain. Cucumber suri also has vitamin A in it and is very important and useful for relieving inflammation and bringing cucumber suri can also maintain the health of tissues in our organs that experience chronic inflammation. Fruits are fresh and very useful besides that. The content of vitamin A in cucumber suri is also very useful to keep sight.

That's all and thank you for seeing my post, maybe this is enough for me to share today, maybe if there is something wrong, I apologize as well as I can....

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