A Elfy Dose Of Christmas Results


This time I bought more pizza and started to dance with that elf mere minutes after the mission opened, but sadly I've once again failed to gather enough instruments to make an animated card.

There's a saying about God laughing at the plans of men, this time Santa joined in an went Ho Ho Ho while my plans to farm this mission uninterrupted until it's end at January 7 went down the drain.

By the way a surprise kidney stone removal and a short but miserable stay at the hospital while anything I could had used to play while not doped stayed at home.

I don't carry my notebook or tablet with me in what I believe are going to be short trips, I also don't own a smartphone at the the moment which would make more sense for me to lug around everywhere.

People dear to me have said I shouldn't complain so much, and I do agree with what they said but the knowledge that things could had gone worse for me didn't make me feel any less miserable.

Hopefully the rest of the year will be much better that it's start, to everyone like me which just want to live in peace.

Who knows? Maybe I will even get to see some happy on the news soon.

Good night, and thank you for reading.

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