Should Alcohol be banned?

If producers or manufacturers of cigarettes could write it in boldly on their products that "smokers are liable to die young" yet people aren't following the instructions, and I guess they can't follow it, because there's no how you'll start smoking that you won't get addicted. The same goes with alcohol too, addiction will always set it, the best thing is not to start drinking or smoking, because most people couldn't control it afterwards, only few are able to control it.
So if smokers of cigarettes are liable to die young, how much more people that take hard drugs, that means they will die faster, because hard drugs is more dangerous than cigarettes, cigarettes is legal as far as you are of age but hard drugs isn't legal at all, people only find there way to take it secretly.


Alcohol and hard drugs are two different things but have some things in common, one of the differences is that hard drug is illegal while alcohol is legal, anybody can take it as far as you're not underage. Moreso, hard drugs does more damage to the body system than alcohol, even though I'm in a fan of both, but I still think alcohol is slightly better.
When I see people that take hard drugs, I just shake my head, because there's mostly no iota of responsibility in them, especially those touts, garage boys, and the likes... they just behave anyhow and whenever they've taken the substance, they believe they can do and undo. Also, most of those touts you see do those evil acts mostly under the influence of those bad substances, it's the hard drug that usually give them that morale to go about doing evil without thinking twice.

Alcohol also has its way of making people become irresponsible, that's when users abuse it, even though the producers of those drinks also warn their consumers to drink responsibly, but only few adhere to the instructions. Most consumers that I know abuse the drink. Have seen some homes that got scattered because the husband was a drunkard, he was not responsible, always beating the wife whenever he comes back from beer parlour and night clubs, the wife couldn't take it again, so she had to leave.

Alcohol also makes people misbehave when taken in excess, have seen cases where a drunkard was found inside gutter thinking it's swimming pool, that's someone's father for crying out loud, and can you even predict if you'll be addicted or not, that you'll be able to control yourself by not drinking too much when you actually start drinking. It's just the best thing not to start at all, because controlling it is not always easy.


Sometime ago, I tasted alcohol for the first time during my friend's birthday party, the drink was mixed with some other drinks like hollandia yoghurt and so on, so I didn't know I was already taking excess because the thing is damn sweet, few moments after taking it to my satisfaction, I started misbehaving, it was as if I wanted to vomit but I couldn't, all through that day I wasn't myself at all, in short I regret taking it, and since then I promise myself never to take it again.
Even though Alcohol is legal, yet I think the damage it's causing to the society is too much, and when the disadvantages of a thing is more than it's advantages, it's better to call it quit. So if at all I have the power to make Alcohol a banned commodity like drugs, I won't hesitate to do it.


People don't drink responsibly, they don't even care to read that part they just go ahead to open the bottle of drink, they are just after the satisfaction that comes with it.


The damage alcohol causes is far beyond its advantages


it is actually crazy how addiction can drive a person to their doom.

Alcohol has its bad side but some people actually see it as good.

thankfully, you did not cause harm to anyone


Absolutely it should be stopped it could save many people from deteriorating health.


When I first saw the title, I was like "No, No,No" 😂 but hey, considering the fact that people are abusing it, I think it's better it should be banned.
