To Think or to Reveal...


When the Light Goes Out

She had always been a seeker of #truth and her soul led her on a merry chase.
Eventually, she found herself on the path to enlightenment and spent years exploring this path. She read every book she could lay her hands on, while going down every unknown trail she could find on a journey until her head was spinning, but it didn’t stop her from further exploring until finally...
She was face-to-face with The Great Mystery Itself.
"So," she said, "what is the meaning of life?"
And the answer came back: "What a silly question. You know perfectly well that the meaning of life is to love and be loved."
This was a little too easy, which startled her into further inquiry. "But how do I know this is true?" she asked.
"Because you are here," came the reply.
Were these words a revelation, or merely her own thoughts?
She did not know...

