Christmas Celebration: A Day to Remember

It's the Christmas season again—a day we have been looking forward to. This season is the happiest day of the year because it's the season of Christmas parties and gift-giving with your families, friends, and dear students. There is a lot to recall this season.

It was the last month of the year, and students were expected to be very busy saving up for the Christmas parties to come—wearing special dresses, buying gifts, enjoying food, and sharing unending laughter.

Last December 20, 2024, was the scheduled date for the Christmas Party in our school. It also means the last day of attendance for December. So, it was a day full of excitement about what to receive and excitement for the days to come during their Christmas vacation.

Before the Christmas party, I prepare something for my students. Even if this will only cost a small amount, but for sure these will bring smiles to their faces. With the help of my former student for sharing her blessings with my students, I gather some food for the prizes and simple souvenirs for them.

It was one of the happiest days when I received a chat from my former student asking me if she could help with my party, without a second thought, I said yes to her. And it's an honor as a teacher that our students will give back to us even how small or big it is without asking them and they would just do it wholeheartedly.

After buying some school supplies for my students as souvenirs, I also brought some food and candies for the prizes for the games. It was just a few of the things which I can afford for them but it melts my heart the fact that from these, they will surely be happy and gay.

On the day of the party, my students prepare our classroom. They set up the chairs on the side and placed some tables at the center for the food and gifts for the exchanging gifts. I was so happy seeing them putting smiles on their faces.

The first part of the program is the different games prepared. They had color games where they would jump according to the color I mentioned. It was a fun game. Simple, yet the faces of my students were having fun jumping and remembering the areas of the colors to not get out of the game.

Another game played is the head and tail. The students were grouped into two. Each group will choose who will be the tail and who will be the head. As the head of the group, he/she will be in charge of popping the balloon on the other group, while the tail will be in charge of keeping the balloon safe and not being popped by the opposite group. It was surely teamwork-based because the group should hold tight to one another ensuring no one will separate or cut. They were enjoying the game so much and it made them more energized.

Another fun game played is the paper dance. Every group is composed of three members. When the music stops, the members will try to ride on the paper without touching the ground. All the body parts should be inside the papers. It's an intense game because the group should plan on what to do and how to do it so that all their body parts will be on the top of the newspaper. The winners of each game will be given candies and other packs.

After getting tired of the different games played, we share the bountiful foods on the table. It was shared by everybody. All of us were bringing some food for everyone. Some were bringing fruit salad, maja blanca, spaghetti, pancit guisado, chicken soup, menudo, and sliced bread. Everyone was happy and full with the food we shared.

After eating, I gave them the souvenirs I packed and the exchange of gifts. It was not that extravagant, all the gifts packed were a minimum of Php100.00 so that the students would not find it a burden to ask their parents big amount of money.

The day was full of wonderful memories to share. It was a day to remember. Remember that the true essence of giving doesn't mean preparing for lavish things but even the simple things around could be a joy to everyone because you were true. Christmas is all about loving one another despite the differences that we have. Love your family and friends who are always there for you and ready to help you whenever you need them. Do not let your pride overpower your wonderful heart. Share your goodness to everyone and be a blessing to other people.

That's all for today's blog my dear hive friends. I hope you are enjoying your holidays. Be healthy and safe always.

Have a nice day everyone 😊

Disclaimer: All photos are mine unless stated otherwise.
