Wings Of Steel... A Game only Ex War Pilots can Play...


It's been a while since I started on my android gaming streak.
Although I don't play and/or stay on one game much.
They just pass through my phone, being downloaded and then eventually deleted after at most a few months.
The longest game that I have had and I currently have is lichess, because well for me chess never gets boring.

For my most recent game though, I decided to go towards the War Planes and see what WWII had for me.
This is my review of Wings of Steel.

Wings Of Steel


As always on or before downloading a game, I go ahead to the comment section to see what some people have to say about it.
It's now that I'm assured and have confirmed that some games comment sections have proxy comments that are meant to be used to fool people to download them.


The game in itself isn't bad actually, it's not good but it isn't bad.
They did excell in some thing's and that was the realism of the game physics.


The game shows us just how hard it is to do some fancy air tricks that most people (I) see on movies and it gives us just how the pilot would see it.


They weren't spectacular in the views or animation and I don't mind cause essentially, there's really nothing that important in the view from a warplane.


The controls were good too. Easy to use and understand, perfectly nice for a simple easy airplane shooting game.
Still my problem with the game would have to be from the missions.


There's a thin balance for airplane missions like this that balance difficulty with excitement and entertainment and this game has no sense for that line.


At first, new comers get to learn the ropes and know how to fly, shoot, aim, etc.
Then they're put into the missions and trained like real pilots engaged in an inter country air war and like many new recruits, they end up dead.


At first, I liked the challenge, now it seems annoying and like a pointless battle.
The one mission that has brought me to tears is the mission for me to single handedly wipe out an enemy fleet in 5 minutes.


Do note that I'm still a baby chick, I read that such missions in real life are done by not less than 4 planes.
So why, am I the only one armed with just two machine guns and one missile launcher (which needs to hit the target at least twice and has a cool down of 10 seconds) made to face 3 anti-plane ships and 5 more regular sea vessels?


I've lost count of the amount of times I've died on this mission and nowadays when I load it, I already have the mindset that I'll die.
The most ridiculous aspect is that normally, the missile has an aim where I could stay from above the ships fire range and just let the bomb out, but it isn't here.


At first I thought that this particular mission is a glitch but the game has been around since 2018 and since I just downloaded it now, there's no way if it was a glitch it hadn't been noticed.

Regardless, I'm led to believe that the people who could comfortably pass that mission are ex fighters or pilots and they know how to aim the missile and dodge the bullets.


For me, I have little faith that this game would last till saturday of next week at this rate.



All Images Are Screenshots from the game

My Instagram page.


I have seen this game before and played a similar one a few years back on my phone (I can't quite remember the name, you had to fly and bomb places and destroy military targets and such... it was okay, but the flying part wasn't the most intuitive)


There are loads of games like this actually....

I just happened to download the one that was impossible to pass😭


I was about to write a similar story and then I noticed your comment, lol. I also don't remember the name of the game I was going to mention, I even checked on play store just now but didn't see it.


@seki1, I'm refunding 0.086 HIVE and 0.016 HBD, because there are no comments to reward.
