Matters of the Heart



He saw himself chatting with this girl smiling and could feel himself shake his head in derision.
The brain was sending signals to stop but sadly his heart controlled the body now.
His brain sat befuddled as he wrote the cheesiest lines and got even cheesier responses. Didn't he remember the incident from last year?
"I don't understand it." Brain thought.
"How can he just fall into the same emotional trap that left him beaten, bruised and broken last time?"

"It's a matter of bravery." Liver answered.
"I think it's just stupidity."
"Bravery is stupidity." Liver replied, chuckling. "Some say it's controlled stupidity."
"How is this controlled?" Brain asked exasperated.
"I'm the brain. I'm meant to warn and be able to stop my human from getting into any more harm, yet the heart has shut me out. He always does this."
"He is the heart. It's what he does." Lung said, trying to calm down Brain.
"At the end of it there's nothing we can do but watch because Heart's in control, no need to make so much noise. Let's just wait and see how it ends." Kidney said sleepily.

After almost an hour, the human fell asleep and Heart came back to an angry Brain.
"What was that?!" Brain started immediately Heart returned.
"What was what?" Heart replied, skipping cheerfully.
"How dare you seize control from me like that?"
"I had to." Heart replied laughing. "You were replying so monotonously I could feel myself dry up."
"I was replying safely. Keeping us safe from any more pain."
"Does our human feel like someone that's in pain?" Heart asked happily.
"I don't know about you but I feel great."
"Help me out here guys?" Brain asked the other organs but none came to his aid, he was alone in the body.
"Sorry Brain," Liver said. "This isn't something we have any experience in."
"That's right." Heart said. "After all, everyone knows that The Brain isn't needed in Matters of the Heart."

2 weeks later he got a distress alert. He wasn't on duty, with haste he rushed out and almost stumbled on the heart.
He was on the floor in pieces. The human was crying, all other organs were looking on solemnly.
"What happened?" Brain asked in alarm.
Slowly Eyes showed him the message she showed both the human and Heart.

So sorry, it can't work out. Don't call or text me again. ~ Leah

Instantly the brain understood what had happened and began walking back up.
"Please... Help..." Heart begged but there was nothing Brain could do.
He needn't allow Heart know what was in his mind to scream "I told you so."
In reality that wouldn't solve the problem, there really isn't anything he can do. He tried to stop them before this happened but after all, they did say that the brain isn't needed in matters of the heart.


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8.967 NEOXAG


You are the master of cleverness. What will you be like at 30? I won't be here to see it, probably, but that is going to be something. Never lose faith in yourself. You are so very clever :)

0.003 NEOXAG

😂😂😂 as always your praise is a treat.

Good morning and thanks✨

I do wonder what I'll be like at 30... Would I be skydiving by 6am like in my plans or be too lazy to leave the bed before 10?😂😂😂

Time will tell...

0.000 NEOXAG

Very clever!
Just keep alcohol out of the story or something else will be fighting with brain and heart for control!
Have a great week and keep writing mate!

0.014 NEOXAG


0.000 NEOXAG

I told you so would have done more harm than good and solve nothing at that time.
Better the brain left in a matter of the heart than comment.

0.003 NEOXAG

I have never seen a more stubborn organ than the heart. Even in reality, the heart rarely ever listens to reason. Just likes doing what it wants.

0.003 NEOXAG


0.000 NEOXAG

@seki1, I paid out 0.208 HIVE and 0.081 HBD to reward 4 comments in this discussion thread.

0.000 NEOXAG